Lilium - The Species Lilies |
We offer a wide selection of species lilies as well as a few other varieties. Our primary goal is to offer the harder to obtain species from around the world.
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Lilium- The Wild Lilies
Lilium canadense coccineum.....................................Small bulbs. $15.00ea
Z4-5. Ht.100-150cm. Up to 20 bell shaped pendulous flowers adorn this eastern North American Native. Flowers are red with darker spotting and a yellow throat. A plant for the edge of a woodland where it will quickly form a tight clump. We are selling small bulbs, two year away from blooming.
Lilium columbianum Columbian Lily .......... 10cm. pot $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 1-1.5m. Z7. Our native Tiger Lily, with nodding golden yellow lily-like flowers often with maroon spots. Sun to semi-shade in humus-rich soil.Small plants only at the nursery
Lilium distichum...................................................... $15.00ea
Ht.50-100cm. Z4. Bright orange open flowers lightly spotted with maroon. This species from China blooms mid summer.
Lilium hansonii........................................................ $15.00ea
Ht.to 1.2m. Z5. This is a lovely fragrant Turk's Cap type lily from Korea with deep orange-yellow flowers spotted with purple-brown towards the base.
Lilium lancifolium flore-pleno. .................................. NA
Ht.1.5m. Z2. We offer small bulbs of this striking lily with double orange flowers with brown spots.. In cultivation since the 17th century.
Lilium martagon Turk's Cap Lily............................... $15.00ea.
Ht. 40-100cm. Z4. Up to 50 flowers purplish-pink, densely spotted purple.
Lilium martagon album Turk's Cap Lily..................... $15.00ea.
Available late spring afeter varification . Ht. 40-100cm. Z4. Up to 50 white flowers per stem.
Lilium martagon `Claude Shride '............................. $15.00ea
Ht. 100-180cm. Z4. Dark maroon-red blooms dusted with orange spots and set against pronounced golden-orange stamens
Lilium martagon `Early Bird '................................... $15.00ea
Ht. 40-100cm. Z4. This selection has magenta flowers with a tad of ochre yellow showing through and a few red spots. It seems to bloom earlier than the species and stays in bloom much longer.
Lilium martagon `Sunny Morning '........................... $15.00ea
Ht. 60-90cm. Z4. Up to 50 flowers per stem that are golden-orange with dark mahogany spots.
Lilium maximowiczii................................................ NA
Ht.1-1.5m. Z5. A Turks cap type lily with orange flowers spotted with brownish purple.
Lilium pardalinum Leopard Lily................................ $15.00ea
N.A. Native. Ht.2-3m. Z5. Orange red to crimson Turk's cap type flowers spotted maroon.
Lilium philadelphicum.............................................NA
N.A. Native. Ht.1.25m. Z2-3. Upfacing orange-red flowers with a yellow spotted throat.
Lilium sargentiae.....................................................NA
Ht.1.2-2 M. Z3. Big white fragrant trumpets colored on the exterior of the sepals with a lovely dusky rose. A large impressive lily from China.
Lilium superbum ....................................................... $12.00ea
N.A.Native Ht.1.2-1.8M. Z3. Turks Cap type lily with vibrant orange heavily spotted flowers with crimson tips.
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