Erythroniums - The dog Toothed Violets, Trout Lily, Fawn Lily, Curly Lily |
Early spring flowering, lily-like plants are produced from fleshy corms. Species described have narrow to broad, lance shaped green leaves often mottled. Nodding flowers have six pointed petals and all are more or less reflexed. All thrive in well drained humus-rich soil in shade to semi-shade.
These little beauties are known by many different names, Dog Toothed Violets, Trout Lily, Fawn Lily, Curly Lily and Easter Lily to name just a few.
Erythronium albidum .................................. 10cm pot $8.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. Leaves mottled. Flowers white inside with yellow centers and a blue or pink tinted exterior. Easy to grow in humus rich soil in shade to part sun.
Erythronium americanum Trout lily................ 10cm pot $4.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.10-15cm. Z2. Glossy narrow leaves with heavy brownish purple mottling. Bright yellow solitary flowers bloom April to May. Naturally small corms.
Erythronium californicum `White Beauty'...... 10cm pot $11.00ea
Ht. 20-30cm. Z5. This is now considered by most to be a form of E.californicum. It was considered to be a hybrid or selection of E.oregonum and before that a hybrid or selection of E.revolutum. Similar to E.oregonum except White Beauty is more vigorous, tends to have more flowers and the central markings are yellow and brown.
Erythronium dens-canis `Frans Hals'............ 10cm pot $12.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. A large rich deep violet purple flower with a brown throat surrounded by a yellow ring.
Erythronium dens-canis `Niveum'................... 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. A Bulgarian form which has white flowers tinted with a light touch of lavender.
Erythronium dens-canis `Pink Perfection'....... 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht. 5-10cm. Z3. Flowers clear bright pink in colour.
Erythronium denis-canis `Rose Queen'........... 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. This selection has mottled leaves and rose pink flowers.
Erythronium denis-canis `Snowflake'............... 11cm pot $9.00a
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. White flowers, olive at base, chartreuse with a faint ring of red specks inside base.
Erythronium denis-canis `White Splendor'...... 10cm pot $9.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. White flowers with dark brown basal blotch.
Erythronium grandiflorumYellow Glacier Lily Dwarf . $11.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-50cm. Z4. Large unmarked bright green leaves. Golden yellow flowers in groups of 1-3. Blooms April to May. Needs well drained soil in semi-shade. This is easy to grow.
Erythronium grandiflorumYellow Glacier Lily large Form $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-50cm. Z4. Large unmarked bright green leaves. Golden yellow flowers in groups of 1-3. Blooms April to May. Needs well drained soil in semi-shade. This large form is new for us and more typical of the species.
Erythronium japonicum Pink Japanese Lily....... 10cmpot $8.00ea
Ht. 12-18cm. Z5. We finally have a good supply of this Japanese beauty. Narrow deep green unmottled or lightly mottled leaves. Dainty, highly reflexed lilac pink to grape purple flowers with dark stamens.
Erythronium montanum White Avalanche lily...........Fall only. $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 20-30cm. Z5. One to ten, crisp, white, orange centred flowers per flower stem. Green, unmarked strap shaped leaves.
Erythronium oregonum White Fawn Lily. ........... 10cm $8.00ea
Native. Ht. 25-30cm. Z5. White nodding flowers with inner orange-yellow markings in groups of 1-6. Mottled leaves.
Erythronium revolutumPink Fawn Lily....................... $8.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-20cm. Z5. Leaves mottled with light brown markings. Pink flowers (rarely white) are usually solitary but occasionally clustered up to five per stalk.
Erythronium tuolumnense Yellow Fawn Lily............... $7.00ea
Native. Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. Light green unmottled leaves. Up to five bright yellow flowers per stalk. Blooms April to May.
Erythronium tuolumnense `Citronella'........................ $7.00ea
Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. An E.tuolumnense hybrid. Large, lemon yellow flowers have a light brown clover leaf shaped basal band in the throat.
Erythronium tuolumnense `Kondo'............................. $8.00ea
Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. An E.tuolumnese hybrid. Large yellow flowers (slightly darker than `Pagoda') with a dark, bronze basal ring. Leaves lightly mottled.
Erythronium tuolumnense `Pagoda'............................ $7.00ea
Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. An E.tuolumnese hybrid. Large, sulfer yellow flowers. Large, green lightly mottled leaves.
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