Attractive clumps of dainty divided leaves are similar to those of the closely related Bleeding Hearts. Clusters of spurred flowers are held slightly above the foliage. Effective in rock crevices and woodland gardens in shade to semi-shade.
Corydalis elata ............................................... 11cm $12.00ea
Ht. 40cm. Z5.. This is similar to C. flexuosa better better in everyway. Fragrant Cobalt blue flowers. Can take more heat than the other blues.. Blooms all summer long in humus-rich soil in shade to semi-shade. Can go summer dormant.
Corydalis flexuosa `China Blue'.......................... 11cm $6.50ea
Ht. 40cm. Z5.. This form of C. flexuosa is slightly taller than `Blue Panda' and the flowers are darker. Fragrant. Blooms all summer long in humus-rich soil in shade to semi-shade. Often summer dormant.
Corydalis flexuosa Award of Merit Form 11cm $6.50ea
Ht. 30cm. Z4. A form that has been awarded The award of merit by the RHS. in England. Clear blue flowers. Often summer dormant.
Corydalis flexuosa ‘Pere David’......................... 11cm $6.50ea
Ht. 30cm. Z4. Another English selection with rich blue flowers. A real spreader with reddish purple leaf markings. For us this has been the best performing C. flexuosa as well as the one least likely to go dormant in the summer.
Corydalis flexuosa Purple leaved Form............... 11cm $6.50ea
Ht. 30cm. Z4. Another English selection with rich blue flowers and reddish purple leaf markings. One of the best forms. Often summer dormant.
Corydalis scouleri....................................................... $15.00ea
Native. Z6 Ht.to 1M. Lovely native perennial with grey green foliage and racemes of pink to white blooms in early summer.
Corydalis solida `Beth Evans’........................ 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z6. A form with abundant soft pink flowers with a white throat. From bulb.
Corydalis solida `George Baker’..................... 10cm pot $9.50ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z6. Striking red flowers. From bulb.
Corydalis solida incisa................................... 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z6. A mix of the colours from the C. solida series. From bulb.
Corydalis solida `Penza Strain’....................... 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.15cm. Z4. A strain from Russia with an amazing array of colours from white, pink blue, purple to red. Forms nice colonies over time. From bulb.
Corydalis quantmeyerana `Chocolate Star’.................2gal. $20.00ea
Ht. 25-40cm. Z5. A very interesting new plant with chocolatey colored foliage and white flowers.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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