Beautiful, large perennials with lovely large, showy flowers that are familiar to most. The following varieties are available. Paeonies like well drained humus-rich soil in sun to light shade. Weather you are looking for herbaceous Peonies, species Peonies,Itoh or Tree Peonies we are sure you will find something of interest in our listings.
Paeonia - Peonies
Paeonia `Adolphe Rousseau'............................... 1gal NA
Ht.100cm. Z2. Rich dark red double flowers.
Paeonia `Angels Cheeks'..................................... 1gal NA
Ht.90cm. Z2. Huge, fragrant, fully double pink flowers.
Paeonia `Bartzella' Itoh PeonyBartzella........................ $50.00ea
Huge semi double lemon yellow flowers with lemon fragrance. We have a few young plants that should bloom in a year or so.
Paeonia `Bowl of`Beauty'.................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 90cm. Z2. Fuschia pink flowers with an impressive central cluster of feathery, creamy-yellow, narrow petal-like stamens.
Paeonia `Bowl of`Cream'.................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 90cm. Z2. Fragrant, pure white double flowers measuring up to 20cm across have golden stamens hidden in their deep, bowl-shaped blooms.
Paeonia `Bowl of Love'....................................... 1gal $ NA
Ht. 75cm. Z2. A beautiful little cup of bright pink petals surrounds a stunning centre of frothy pale cream-to-white petaloids. A free flowering variety producing a mass of beauty throughout mid-summer. Very much like a compact Peony Bowl of Beauty.
Paeonia `Butter Bowl'......................................... 1gal NA
Ht.90cm. Z2. Rose pink guard petals, that age to pastel pink, form a bowl for the tufted center filled with narrow, golden yellow petaloids (the Butter).
Paeonia `Callies Memory' Itoh Peony Callies Memory... $59.00ea
Huge pale pink petals with darker red centre and great fragrance make this a wonderfull addition to the garden. a We have a few young plants that should bloom in a year or so.
Paeonia `Cara Louise' Itoh Peony Cara louise.................. NA
Large white semi-double blooms with lavender to purple flares. Young plant should bloom in a year or so.
Paeonia `Canary Brilliants' Itoh Peony Canary Brilliants... NA
Large semi-double to double creamy yellow with apricot hues. Light fragrance.
Paeonia `Catherine Fonteyne'............................. 1gal NA
Ht. 90cm. Z5. Double lilac-rose flowers bloom in mid-June.
Paeonia `Coral Charm'...................................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 90cm. Z3. A semidouble flower whose deep coral buds open to a glowing coral peach color.
Paeonia Coral Sunset ....................................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.90cm. Z3. Ruffled, semidouble blooms are an intense coral with an overlay of rose, and have a nice fragrance
Paeonia delavayi ...................................................... $39.99ea
Ht.1.6m. Z6. This tree peony from China has nodding maroon flowers and gracefully dissected foliage.
Paeonia `Dr. Alex Fleming'................................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.100cm. Z2. Fully double deep salmon pink flowers.
Paeonia `Duchesse de Nemours' ........................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 70cm. Z5. Double creamy white flowers in early June.
Paeonia `Do Tell'............................................... 1gal NA
Ht.100cm. Z2. Lovely soft shell pink outer guard petals that complement the rose, pink, and white colored centers.
Paeonia `Festiva Maxima'.................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 90cm. Z5. Pure white, double, fragrant flowers with a few crimson splashes.
Paeonia `Fiona'................................................. 1gal NA
Ht.100cm. Z2. The fragrant, double blooms of this beauty are much like a deep burgundy red P. Sarah Bernhardt.
Paeonia `Gardenia’............................................ 1gal $25.00ea
Ht.80-90cm. Z3. Soft pink flower buds opens to double creamy white flowers with a soft blush. Awesome intensely fragrant peony.
Paeonia `Gay Paree’........................................... 1gal NA
Ht.90cm. Z3. A double ring of large purple petals and a fully double ruffled center of creamy white petaloids.
Paeonia `General MacMahon'............................. 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z2. Double deep carmine-pink flowers.
Paeonia `Goldmine'............................................ 1gal $75.00ea
Ht. 75cm. Z2. Finally a fully double yellow peony that is not related to the tree peonies. Very limited supply.
Paeonia `Honeygold'.......................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z2. White base crowned with feathery yellow stamens topped with a few white petals. Very limited supply.
Paeonia `Immaculee' ......................................... 1gal NA
Ht.100cm. Z3. Flowers open soft pink turning white as they age. Creamy yellow center. Flowers mid-season.
Paeonia japonica...................................................... NA
Ht.45cm. Z5. This lovely woodland peony from Japan produces single white flowers with yellow stamens that almost glow in a shady location. Striking red fruits burst open to reveal showy blue seeds.
Paeonia `Jan van Leeuwen'................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z2. A classic crisp single to semi-double lightly fragrant white peony with a central boss of yellow stamnes.
Paeonia ` Julia Rose ' Itoh Peony Julia Rose................. $59.95ea
Single to semi double blooms open cherry red, then orange then yellow (Shows three colors at once). Excellent plant habit.
Paeonia `Kansas'............................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 80cm. Z5. Clear carmine red double flowers.
Paeonia `Karl Rosenfield'................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 80cm. Z5. Double crimson red flowers bloom mid-June. Very good cut flower.
Paeonia `Krinkled White'................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z3. Fragrant crinkled white flowers with prominent yellow stamens.
Paeonia `Laura Dessert'..................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 90cm. Z2. Double anemone form produces large white petals and a bomb shaped creamy yellow center from pink buds. Beautiful fragrance.
Paeonia `Lemon Chiffon'.................................... 2gal $79.00ea
Ht.90cm. Z2. Full semi double lemon yellow flowers with golden stamens peeking through the centers. I want one.
Paeonia lutea ludlowii Tibetan Peony................. 1gal $25.95ea
........................................................................ 3gal $49.95ea
Ht.1-2.5M Z5-6. A vigorous species tree peony from Asia. Light colored stem produces large, medium green pinnate leaves that turn rich shades of yellow and orange with splashes of pink in the fall. Flowers are golden yellow with exteriors often marked with red.
Paeonia mascula ssp. mascula.................................... $35.00ea
Ht.70-90cm Z5. A wonderful species with single purple flowers.
Paeonia` Margaret Truman’...................................... NA
Ht.80cm. Z4. Ruffled double deep pink flowers fade to lighter pink at the edges.
Paeonia mlokosewitschii............................small four year old plant $59.00ea
Ht.100cm. Z6. Affectionately known as Molly the Witch, this peony has blue-green leaves and single, upright, bowl shaped, soft primrose yellow, fragrant flowers. We offer a few young 4 yr old plants.
Paeonia `Monsieur Jules Elie’............................. 1gal NA
Ht.90cm. Z2. Double fragrant light rose-pink flowers.
Paeonia officinalis alba Plena.............................. 1gal $16.00ea
Ht.80cm. Z2. Fully double huge long lasting white flowers.
Paeonia officinalis Rosea Plena........................... 1gal NA
Ht.80cm. Z2. Fully double huge long lasting rose-pink flowers.
Paeonia officinalis Rubra Plena........................... 1gal $16.00ea
Ht.80cm. Z2. Fully double huge long lasting deep red flowers.
Paeonia `Pecher'................................................ 1gal $19.99ea
Ht. 100cm. Z2. Semi-double pale pink to white with a few dabs of red. Very limited supply.
Paeonia `Pink Hawaiian Coral'........................... 1gal $25.00ea
Ht.90cm. Z2. An explosion of double coral-orange flowers blending to pink at the tips.
Paeonia `Primevere'........................................... 1gal $25.00ea
Ht. 90cm. Z2. Single creamy white flowers with a full central mound of yellow feathery stamens. Very limited supply.
Paeonia `Praire Charm'............................................. NA
Ht. 75cm. Z5 An Intersectional Peony ( Itoh) which is a hybrid between a tree peony and a herbaceous peony. Semi-double; yellow and at the base of each petal is a large, red-purple flare. All this encircles a prominent center of creamy white and green.
Paeonia `Raspberry Sundae'................................ 1gal $30.00ea
Ht. 100cm. Z2. Layer upon layer of lush soft pink and cream gently fringed petals form the imposing rosetted blooms of this lovely peony. Very limited supply.
Paeonia `Red Charm'.......................................... 1gal $30.00ea
Ht.90cm. Z2. Gorgeous dark red blooms are huge, very deeply ruffled and sit atop very strong stems.
Paeonia `Sarah Bernhardt'................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 100cm. Z5. Fragrant double pink flowers bloom in late June. Good as a cut flower.
Paeonia ` Sequestered Sunshine ' Itoh Peony Sequestered Sunshine NA
Large, semi double, bright canary yellow, blooms.
Paeonia `Shirley Temple'.................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.90cm. Z2. Double, loosely ruffled white, fragrant blooms are flushed with pink accents.
Paeonia `Simply Red' Itoh Peony Simply Red............... NA
Huge single or rarely blooms of the richest darkest red. We have a few young plants that should bloom in a year or so.
Paeonia `Solager'................................................. 1gal $17.00ea
Ht. 90cm. Z3. Full, creamy -pink flowers with a Fragrance..
Paeonia suffruiticosa `Hanakisoi’........................ 2gal NA
Ht. 100-200cm. Z3-4. A semi double pefect pink bright pink. Strong grafts.
Paeonia suffruiticosa `Highnoon’........................ 2gal $59.95ea
Ht. 100-200cm. Z3-4. Large bright yellow flowers with central cluster of orange stamens. Strong grafts.
Paeonia suffruiticosa `Kamata-nishiki'. ............... 2gal NA
Ht. 100-200cm. Z3-4. Ruffled, velvety rosy purple with whitish edges.
Paeonia suffruiticosa `Kao'. ................................ 2gal NA
Ht. 100-200cm. Z3-4. Ruffled, rose-red with petals that become frosted with light pink.
Paeonia suffruiticosa `Kinkaku............................ 2gal NA
Ht. 100-200cm. Z3-4. Golden Temple of Nara. An aewsome selection with huge, fully double orange-yellow ruffled flowers Strong graft.
Paeonia suffruiticosa `Renkaku' ......................... 2gal $59.95ea
Ht. 100-200cm. Z3-4. A Japanese selection known as ‘Flight of Cranes’ with huge, single ruffled, satiny white blooms.
Paeonia suffruiticosa `Shimadaijin’...................... 2gal NA
Ht. 100-200cm. Z3-4. Semi-double blossoms of glowing purple red.
Paeonia suffruiticosa `Shimanishiki’.................... 2gal $59.95ea
Ht. 100-200cm. Z3-4. Large red flowers with white streaking. Strong grafts.
Paeonia Sword Dance............................................... NA
Ht. 90cm. Z2. Fragrant single red flowers with prominent clusters of yellow stamens.
Paeonia tenuifolia Itoba Fern leafed Peony................. $39.00ea
Ht. 50cm. Z5. Wonderful highly cut lacy foliage and single dark red flowers.
Paeonia `Top Brass’........................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 90cm. Z2. Peony Top Brass is a double bomb type hybrid peony with rounded cream guard petals and a double center of light pink to cream, and vibrant yellow. Fragrant, a good landscape plant.
Paeonia veitchii var. woodwardii................................. $30.00ea
Ht.50cm. Z5. A lovely compact Chinese peony for part shade. Elegant nodding pink to magenta flowers atop highly cut foliage.
Paeonia `Viking Full Moon' Itoh Peony.................... NA
Ht. 75cm. Z2. A robust Peony with long lasting, single light greenish yellow flowers.
Paeonia Yellow Crown............................................... $79.00ea
Ht. 75cm. Z5 An Intersectional Peony ( Itoh) which is a hybrid between a tree peony and a herbaceous peony. This variety has large deep yellow double flowers.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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