The native Iris in this group, with the exception of I. setosa, all have grass-like, strap shaped leaves and prefer to be moist in winter and spring (not wet) and drier in summer. They typically grow in open to woodland sites. Iris setosa, like the introduced Iris pseudoacorus, prefers a moister location in the summer. We also offer a large eclectic group of Iris so you can select something for any special spot in the garden.
Iris cristata Crested Iris.................................. 10cm pot $7.50ea
N.A.Native. Ht.15cm. Z4. Light green leaves, large sky blue to lavender flowers with dark venation and white markings. Blooms in April to May. Excellent groundcover in sun to semi-shade.
Iris douglasiana Douglas's Iris.............................. 1gal NA
Native. Ht.15-50cm. Z4. Exceptionally variable in height, habit and flower color which ranges from white to pink to blue and all shades in between. Blooms in June. Sepals (Falls) have four dark lines on them. Leaves narrow, glossy green in large clumps.
Iris ensata Japanese Iris................................... 10cmpot $8.00ea
Ht.60-80cm. Z5. A wonderful mix of Japanese Iris ranging in color from purple to red-purple to pink and white.
Iris ensata 'Freckled Geisha'.............................. 1gal NA
Ht.90cm. Z4. This spectacular Iris has white blooms with ruffled lavender purple edges and splashes of the same colour throughout the bloom.
Iris ensata 'Gusto'.............................................. 1gal NA
Ht.80cm. Z4. Royal purple blooms with white central feathering.
Iris ensata 'Imperial Magic'................................ 1gal NA
Ht.80cm. Z4. Purple blooms with white splashes and veining in June-July. Prefers sun to part shade in acidic, moist soil.
Iris ensata 'Lion King'....................................... 1gal NA
Ht.90cm. Z4. This spectacular Iris is white with a bright rosy purple edge that almost hides a splash of yellow sunshine at the heart.
Iris ensata 'Sorceror's Triumph'.......................... 1gal $NA
Ht.70cm. Z4. Large purple flowers have white falls with purple venation. Prefers sun to part shade in acidic, moist soil.
Iris ensata 'Temple Bells'................................... 1gal $NA
Ht.80cm. Z2. Large, deep blue blooms Prefers sun to part shade in acidic, moist soil.
Iris ensata 'White Ladies'............................... 1gal NA
Ht.80cm. Z2. Large, white flowers with yellow bases. Double.
Iris foetidissima Roast Beef Plant ........................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.60cm. Z6. Green sword shaped leaves. Flowers a faded lilac color. This plant is usually grown for the bright red seeds that are shown when the capsule splits. Red seeds persist well into the fall.
Iris Bearded Heritage ........................ 1gal $15.00ea
The following is a list of Heritage iris we have available this fall. Google for pictures. Amas, Among Friends, Belvi Queen, Beverly Sills, Bhu Tan Glory, Blitz, Blue Eyed Blonde, Buto, Cable Car, Camelot Rose, Carolina Gold, Cherry Garden, Crimson King,Dogrose, Elsa Saas, Flirting Again, Gibson Girl, Grape Orbit, Grapesicle, Indian Chief,Khedive, Lent A. Williamson, Loudan Lassie, Ma Mie, Mahogany Snow, Making Eyes, Marsh Marigold, Melanie, Perfection, Rameses, Repartee, Rose Unique, Sambucina, Sky and Sun, Smell the Roses, Stitch Witch, Stop The Music, Taj Mahal, Tomingo,Vingolf, Wabash, Water Colour.
Iris innominata..........................................................NA
Native. Ht.25cm. Z6-7. A very tough Iris that is perfectly happy in dry woodland. This plant has very narrow evergreen grass-like leaves. Flower colour is variable from creamy-orange to ochre through to pink to purple with darker veins and wavy falls. Older clumps can have upto 70 flowers. Plant in well drained soil from part shade to lightly shady gardens. Great for planting on the edges of woods.
Iris kaempferi ‘ Mount Fujiyama’............................. $15.00ea
Ht.80cm. Z2. Large pure white flowers.
Iris louisiana 'Black Gamecock'................................NA
Ht.60cm. Z4. Intense velvety blue-black blooms with a striking yellow central marking.
Iris louisiana 'Delta Star'........................................... NA
Ht.70cm. Z4. Lovely dark bluish purple flowers with a contrasting central flash of yellow. An excellent deer resistant swamp iris for the edge of a pond or a boggy area.
Iris louisiana 'Jack Attack'......................................... NA
Ht.90cm. Z5. This very special iris has gorgeous wine purple, highly ruffled flowers with a prominent yellow eye zone.
Iris pallida `Albo variegata'................................. 1gal $NA
Ht.60-75cm. Z6. This has fragrant, bright blue-lavender flowers and white leaf variegations. Grows easily in ordinary garden soil in a sunny position.
Iris pallida `Aurea variegata'............................... 1gal NA
Ht.60-75cm. Z6. This has fragrant, bright blue-lavender flowers and golden green leaf variegations. Grows easily in ordinary garden soil.
Iris pumila ‘Quicken’......................................... 1gal NA
Ht.25cm. Z2. White standards and falls edged with deep purple blue. Prefers sun to part shade in acidic, moist soil.
Iris siberica `Blue King'...................................... 1galNA
Ht.70cm. Z2. A form with dark blue flowers.
Iris siberica `Butter and Sugar'............................ 1gal NA
Ht.70cm. Z2. A favorite with white standards and butter yellow falls.
Iris sibirica 'Caesars Brother'............................. 1 gal NA
Ht.70cm. Z2. Velvety royal blue flowers.
Iris sibirica 'Chilled Wine'.................................. 1 gal NA
Ht.70cm. Z2. Reddish purple flowers accented with a blue spot and black markings.
Iris siberica `Ruffled Velvet'............................... 1gal NA
Ht. 80cm. Z2. Flowers red-purple marked yellow with slightly ruffled falls.
Iris sibirica 'Silver Edge'............................................NA
Ht.80cm. Z2. A lovely contrast of ruffled, violet blue central petals and dark blue falls edged with silver. Excellent iris for stabilizing pond or stream banks. Very vigorous.
Iris siberica `Snow Queen'.................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 70cm. Z2. Ivory white falls and standards.
Iris tectorum Japanese Roof Iris.................................. .$20.00ea
Ht.30-45cm Z5. Violet blue flowers are borne above the low fan shape foliage in late spring, Foliage is very flat and neat, and holds up well throughout the summer, long after flowers have faded. Roof Iris grows vigorously and easily, tolerates light shade, and forms dense clumps.
Iris tenax Oregon Iris.....................................1gal NA
Native. Ht.20-25cm. Z7. Tough narrow leaves once used by Native peoples to weave into ropes. Flower color is usually blue to purplish-blue but can range from white to cream and yellow to blue and purple.
Full sun to semi-shade.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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