Astilbes are herbaceous perennials with feathery, plume-like flowers set above mounds of fern-like foliage. Foliage is half to two-thirds the height of the flowers. All are very easy to grow in shade to part sun in humus-rich soil. Bloom time: Early (early June), Mid (late June to early July), Late (July to early Aug.)
Astilbe x arendsii `Bridal Veil'............................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 70cm. Z3. Blooms with crisp white loose plumes, mid season.
Astilbe x arendsii `Cattleya'.................................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 100cm. Z3. Blooms deep rose, late season.
Astilbe x arendsii `Color Flash'............................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 60cm. Z3. Ferny leaves that begin chartreuse in spring develop burgundy and purple tones as they mature. Feathery blush-pink plumes appear in midsummer.
Astilbe x arendsii `Color flash Lime'...................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 60cm. Z3. Ferny leaves that begin bright yellow in spring later fade to chartreuse as they mature. Feathery blush-pink plumes appear in midsummer.
Astilbe x arendsii `Jump &Jive'............................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 60cm. Z4. Nice compact dark green foliage with floriferous deep pink red blooms. Great for growing in a pot.
Astilbe x chinensis `Pumila'.................................. 1gal $15.00ea
Flower Ht. 30cm. Z5. Blooms lilac blue, late season.
Astilbe x chinensis var. taquetii `Superba' .............. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 120cm. Z5. Blooms lavender purple, late season.
Astilbe x chinensis `Vision in White....................... 1gal $15.00ea
Flower Ht. 45cm. Z3. Sweetly fragrant white flowered new introduction.
Astilbe x Chocolate Shogun................................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 45-60cm. Z5. A unique japanese native with glossy rich chocolate maroon foliage and blush pink - white blooms. Awesome.
Astilbe x crispa..................................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Flower Ht. 25cm. Z5. Blooms lilac blue, very late season. Very similar to `Pumila' but blooms a little later and is a touch darker.
Astilbe x crispa ‘Perkeo’....................................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 20cm. Z3. A tiny dwarf astilbe with hot pink flower plumes above crinkly dark green foliage with a hint of bronze.
Astilbe glaberrina............................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 6-8cm. Fl.Ht. 10-15cm. Z6. This exceptional dwarf species has deep green leaves tinted red beneath and recurved edges. Flowers mauve, tipped white. Great for the rock garden.
Astilbe x japonica `Radius'................................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 50-60cm. Z4. This outstanding new hybrid produces red buds which open to lovely fragrant rose red flowers. Foliage emerges from dormancy deep red and ages to dark green. Blooms mid season.
Astilbe rivularis myrantha................................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 50-150cm. Z6. Blooms are pink and have larger and broader panicles than other astilbes. Flowers in late August. .
Astilbe simplicifolia `Hennie Graafland'.................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 30cm. Z6. Blooms pale shell pink, late season. Can tolerate more sun than other astilbes.
Astilbe simplicifolia `Key West’............................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 15cm. Z3. Very prolific blooms of pink-red above gorgeous dwarf dark burgundy/green foliage.
Astilbe simplicifolia `Sprite'.................................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 30cm. Z6. Blooms soft pink, late season. Can tolerate more sun than other astilbes.
Astilbe simplicifolia `White Sensation’.................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 45cm. Z3. Bright white blooms,bronze/green foliage.
Astilbe Short N' Sweet Fireberry........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Dwarf selection with raspberry pink plumes.
Astilbe Short N' Sweet Sugarberry......................... 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Dwarf Selection with soft pink plumes.
Astilbe thunbergii `Ostrich Plume'......................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 75-85cm. Z6. Blooms soft salmon pink, mid season.
Astilbe ‘Younique Carmine’.................................. 1gal $ NA
Flower Ht. 40cm. Excellent dwarf variety with an abundance of fragrant carmine-fuchsia flowers atop compact foliage. The ‘Younique’ series blooms heavily and usually a few weeks earlier than other early varieties.
Astilbe ‘Younique Lilac’........................................ 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 40cm. Excellent dwarf variety with an abundance of fragrant lilac pink flowers atop compact foliage. The ‘Younique’ series blooms heavily and usually a few weeks earlier than other early varieties.
Astilbe ‘Younique Silvery Pink’............................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 40cm. Excellent dwarf variety with an abundance of fragrant Silvery pink plumes atop compact foliage. The ‘Younique’ series blooms heavily and usually a few weeks earlier than other early varieties.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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