Asarums - The Wild
Gingers |
A wonderful genus, excellent as a woodland ground cover. Some have lovely deep green glossy leaves and others have splendid variegations rivalling the best Cyclamen. Each and every year I become more and more fond of these intriguing plants. These plants are slow to moderate growers with fleshy roots that take a year or so to settle in. In fact, if heavily disturbed plants often sit dormant until the next growing season. However, once established they make splendid mounds of spreading foliage that is so variable from species to species it makes you appreciate the diversity of life.
Asarums - The Wild Gingers
Asarum canadense Wild Ginger.................... 10cm pot $5.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 5-10cm. Z3-4. Deciduous. Light green, hairy, heart shaped leaves make this a particularly attractive ground cover for shade to part sun. Flowers are tubular and brown red.
Asarum caudatum............................................ 1gal $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 10-20cm. Z4. Deciduous . Large, light green heart shaped leaves make this a great ground cover for shade for those with patience as it is slow.
Asarum europaeum .......................................... 1gal $12.00ea
Ht.10cm Z4-5. A fantastic slow spreading evergreen groundcover with rounded dark green glossy leaves. Plant in shade to part sun. Always a favorite.
Asarum maximum Panda faced Ginger..................... $15.00ea
Ht. 15-25cm. Z5. Large heart-shaped leaves, dark green with silvery markings or marbling.Large flowers are white trumpets, rimmed with black peaking out among the leaves.
Asarum Splendens Select..................................... 1gal $12.00ea
Ht.10-16cm. Z5. Evergreen. This surprisingly hardy plant has large heart shaped leaves splashed with vivid silver markings. Flowers large and dark purple.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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