Our Hellebore Extravaganza
On going
This event is Free, please come enjoy our plants in bloom. We will have thousands of Hellebores available for purchase.
Hellebores will only be sold at the nursery this year, we will not be shipping them due to supply issues and time constraints. We have a lot more at the nursery. Some images here are for reference only.
Helleborganza will be an ongoing event through February, March and into April in 2023. It will not be limited date because of the pandemic in order to avoid crowds in the nursery. We will have many new hellebores that will not be listed on the website and we will not have all hellebores that are listed on the website available at all times. In fact, we are so short staffed we will not be able to do detailed inventories of our hellebores this year. In other words, it's catch as catch can at any given moment and we won't guarantee availability of any plant at any given time. Featured at this event will be an outstanding collection of Hellebores as well as other fabulous late winter blooming plants including Adonis, Corydalis, Cyclamen, Dentaria and double and single Hepatica. Hard work and dedication to hand pollination has produced amazingly beautiful strains of Hellebores in which every plant is fabulous and unique. Similarly, breakthroughs in Hellebore tissue culture have created stunning strains in which every plant is identical. Many of these strains and cultivars are offered and listed below, however, others will be posted on the new plants list on our website just prior to the event. We are offering selections from major hellebore breeders such as Marietta and Ernie O’Byrne, Joseph Heuger, Judith and Dick Tylor, Heronswood Nursery, Yokohama Nursery, Gisela Schmiemann and Charles Price from countries around the world, including Britain, Belgium, Germany, USA, Canada and Japan. We are particularly excited about the Winter Jewels series from Marietta and Ernie which always provides a stunning display. To preview photos of the unbelievable double and single flowered Winter Jewels Strains, go to: www.northwestgardennursery.com or our website. We will also have species hellebores and a good selection of larger double and single plants available at the nursery. If you cannot come to the nursery and want to pick up the plants within a short period of time or have them shipped, fill out an order form with your credit card information and include a pick up date or shipping date and we will choose for you. There will be special offers to those who attend including smaller and much larger plants and plants offered in small numbers. We look forward to seeing you at Helleborganza! More on Facebook.
Hellebores will only be sold at the nursery this year, ww wil not be shipping them
Hellebores will only be sold at the nursery this year, we will not be shipping them due to supply issues and time constraints.
Helleborus x Anna’s Red............. 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z5. Wow Wow. Fantastic marbled foliage. Dark pink-red buds open to pink-red flowers with a contrasting ring of chartreuse nectaries. The flowers age to a darker red. Bred by Rodney Davey and Lynda Windsor's nursery in Tytherleigh. Fantastic.
Helleborus argutifolius...................................................................................... NA
Ht.40-60cm. Z6. Grey green leaves with toothed edges makes this a great addition to the shade garden. Flowers pale green. One of the first Hellebores available here. After bloom cut old stems to the ground.
Helleborus x ballardiae `HGC Camelot’...................... NA
Ht. Z5. From Joseph Heuger's Nursery in Germany comes this hybrid of H. lividus and H. niger. Pink buds open to creamy pink flowers which are long lasting and outward facing above handsome, rich green foliage on red stems.From tissue culture so each plant is identical.

Helleborus x ballardiae `HGC Cinnamon Snow’ NA
Ht. Z5. From Joseph Heuger's Nursery in Germany comes this hybrid of H. lividus and H. niger. Large flowers open with a tinge of pale yellow that turns into a cinnamon color as it matures creating a unique look. Dark green leaves with reddish stems. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x ballardiae `HGC Maestro’................ NA
Ht. Z5. From Joseph Heuger's Nursery in Germany comes this hybrid of H. lividus and H. niger. Creamy white flowers with pink highlights and a dusty rose reverse. Compact habit with deep green leaves, lighter veins and red stems. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x ballardiae `HGC Mahogany Snow’.. .NA
Ht. Z5. From Joseph Heuger's Nursery in Germany comes this hybrid of H. lividus and H. niger. Lovely pink buds open to white flowers with pink reverse. Flowers age increasing darker pink and eventually end up a rich Mahogany pink. Compact habit with deep green leaves, lighter veins and red stems. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x ballardiae `HGC Merlin’......................... NA
Ht. Z5. From Joseph Heuger's Nursery in Germany comes this hybrid of H. lividus and H. niger. It boasts outward facing medium pink flowers which intensify in colour as they age to an incredibly rich, dark, dusky pink. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x ericsmithii `Angel Glow’........................ NA
Ht. 45cm Z5. Grey-green leaves on purple-red stems. In winter or early spring, the dusty soft pink flower stalks rise to 30cm, topped with clusters of pink-backed ivory buds. The flowers open pink and age to a dusky pink with green highlights.
Helleborus x ericsmithii `Ivory Prince’................................................ NA
Ht. 45cm Z Exquisite hellebore with upward facing ivory flowers, tinged with streaks of pink and green. Awesome blue-green foliage and wine- red stems. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x ericsmithii `Pink Beauty’.................. NA
Ht. 45cm Z5. The thick grey-green leaves on purple-pink stems whose color runs well into the leaf base. In spring, the dusty pink flower stalks rise to 30cm, topped with clusters of pink-backed ivory buds. The flowers open ivory and pink, aging beautifully to dusty pink.
Helleborus x ericsmithii `Pirouette’............................ NA
Ht. 45cm Z5. A lovely form, originally from Blackthorn Nursery, with dark red buds which open white and turn a deep red as they age, giving colour over a very long season. Green foliage with nice pewter overlay. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x ericsmithii `Winter Moonbeam’.. 2gal $29.95ea
Ht. 30cm. Z6. This striking new hellebore from England has gorgeous glaucous green foliage with dramatic silvery grey veining. Leaflets are attached by red petioles adding to the overall foliage display. White flowers age first to pink and later to reddish pink. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. This is the best out waht ericsmithi has to offer.
Helleborus foetidus ............................................................................NA
Ht.40-60cm. Z5. The pendant muted yellow-green flowers often with purple margins are held in clusters. Dramatic, deeply-cut foliage that holds up through the winter
Helleborus x Glenda’s Gloss........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z5. Wow, another good one from Rodney Davey and Lynda Windsor's nursery in Tytherleigh. Marbled foliage with violet-white bicolor flowers gives the impression of a white flower trimmed in violet paint.
Helleborus x hybridus ` 'Ashwood Fascination' Small plants.NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Ashwood Nurseries comes this fantastic hellebore that produces peachy-apricot flowers with rosy-maroon spotting. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. Small plants.
Helleborus x hybridus 'Ashwood Peach Cocktail' Small plants. NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Ashwood Nurseries comes this fantastic hellebore that produces peachy-pink flowers with dark rosy-maroon brush strokes at the base of each sepal and a ring of dark rosy-maroon nectaries. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. Small plants.
Helleborus x hybridus `Cherry Frost'....... Small plants..... NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. A fantastic hybrid Hellebore from Japan with white flowers that have deep pinky-red spots and splashes at the base of each sepal. Each of the nectaries are trimmed in the same color. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. Small plants.
Helleborus x hybridus ` Enchantment'............ Small plants.. NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. A fantastic hybrid hellebore from Japan with white flowers that have a splash of deep maroon-burgundy at the base of each sepal as well as a ring of luscious dark maroon-burgundy nectaries. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. Small plants.
Helleborus x hybridus `Heronswood GreenSmall plants NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Heronswood Nurseries comes this hybrid with classy single green flowers. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. We cannot ship this plant into the U.S.A.Small plants
Helleborus x hybridus ‘ Kingston Cardinal’ ............................... NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. A selection originally made at Heronswood Nursery. This is a fantastic double raspberry red. Stems and buds emerge from the ground a rich red enhancing the late winter show. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. We cannot ship this plant into the U.S.A.
Helleborus X hybridus Metallic blue lady.............. NA
Ht. 30-40cm. Z.4-5. Powdery blue-purple flowers.The Helleborus X hybridus 'Lady Series was developed by Gisela Schmiemann these hybrids have superior colors, upright stems with large rounded flowers. These are the first seed strain to come over 80% true from seed! So expect some variation from plant to plant .Plant in sun to part shade in well drained soil.
Helleborus X hybridus Pink Lady ........................ NA
Ht. 30-40cm. Z.4-5. Soft pink The Helleborus X hybridus 'Lady Series was developed by Gisela Schmiemann these hybrids have superior colors, upright stems with large rounded flowers. These are the first seed strain to come over 80% true from seed! So expect some variation from plant to plant .Plant in sun to part shade in well drained soil.flowers.
Helleborus x hybridus 'Mardi Gras Bicolor Mix'.... NA
Ht.40-150cm. Z5. A strain with bicolored blooms in a blend of violet and white, to reddish cream and warm pink. Single flowers typically with darker edges (picotee). From breeder Charles Price. Awesome picotee flowers.
Helleborus x hybridus `Mardi gras Blackshades’ 1gal NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4-5. From the breeder Charles Price comes this series from seed with very large flowers ranging in color from black to dark reddish. More to come from the Mardi Gras series.
Helleborus x hybridus ` Mrs Betty Ranicar’...... NA
Ht.30cm. Z.5 It’s back, the double from down under. A lovely full double white that comes almost completely true from seed. There is some spotting evry once in a while. This was first found in Betty Ranicars garden in Tasmania by John Dudley. Expect 1-2% to be singles. Picture shows a creamy white flower that has just opened. As the flowers age, they become a more pure white.
Helleborus x hybridus `Painted Bunting’ ................................NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. A stunning single. Each white petal is painted with a stroke of burgundy red in a central starburst pattern and further enhanced with burgundy red veination. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. We cannot ship this plant into the U.S.A.
Helleborus x hybridus`PKS Our Best Double Reds Strain’........ NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Pine Knot farms comes this strain with incredible double red flowers. Double reds are hard to come by.
Helleborus x hybridus Purity ...............15cm pot NA
Ht.25-40cm Z5. Lovely semi-double anemone flowered Hellebore. Crisp white flowers. This one is from tissue culture .
Helleborus x hybridus `Stained Glass’ ................. NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. Full double blooms with rose-purple veins and picotees. The veins and picotee edges darken as the flower ages. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. We cannot ship this plant into the U.S.A.
Helleborus x hybridus 'Tutu'.................................. NA
Ht.40-60cm. Z.4-5. Double anemone like pink flowers covered in darker rose-pink spots. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Apricot........ NA.
Ht.40cm. Z4. From Japan Winter Dreams Series comes Apricot colored single. As the flower ages the edges of the sepals turn a rosy pink as well as does the venation. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Ashwood Elegance Pearl’ ......NA
Fall only NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From the Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this beautiful double selected from Ashwood hellebore seedlings. This soft pink double has white petals infused with pearly rose pink. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Black’........... NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this incredible deep dark purple-black. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Elegance White’ NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this gorgeous double white that is spotted to perfection with bold purple spots. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Pale Pink’.... NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this exquisite pink. Large broad rounded sepals of soft pink with lighter highlights and venation. From tissue culture so each plant is identical
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Phoenix’ .......
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From the Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this single jade green trimmed in rich purple-black. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. We can not ship this plant into the U.S.A.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Pure White’..................... NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From the Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this beautiful classic single white. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Phoebe’ .............NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From the Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this beautiful double pink hellebore. This classy double pink has darker spotting on each petal. From tissue culture so each plant is identical. We cannot ship this plant into the U.S.A.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Picotee’......... NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this Unique single flowered selection. Light pink flowers suffused in darker rose pink with dark rose pink veining. At the base of each sepal is a darker reddish rose pink blotch producing a star effect in the center of the flower. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x hybridus `WD Smoky Anemone Pink’.................. NA
Ht. 40cm. Z4. From Japan Winter Dreams Series comes this Double pink. A single row of rich pink sepals and an inner ring of pink trumpet shaped nectaries surrounding the stamens. (Anemone flower effect). From tissue culture so each plant is identical
Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel’ (WJ) Series’ Listed below are the Winter Jewel series of Helleborus from Marietta and Ernie O’Byrne of Northwest Garden Nursery. A spectacular array of series of single and double hellebores all grown from hand pollinated seed. Unlike the tissue culture plants, one is never enough from a particular group as each plant is unique. In other words, expect some variation. If you’re reading this in the catalogue, go to our web site (or theirs) to see the mouthwatering, jawdropping selection of images. If you are ever to appreciate good breeding, hard work and the spectacular potential of a single group of plants it will be now as you look at those images.
Helleborus X hybridus Winter Jewel Amethyst GlowSmall plantsNA
Ht.45-60cm.Z4. I really like this one. Dark burgundy-purple flowers, each edged in lighter pink.Small plants

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Apple Blossum’ NA
Ht.45-60cm.Z4. Each plant is an individual masterpiece, single flowers in tones of light to darker pink.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel ™Cherry Blossom NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. This is a single flowered strain with a high percentage of semidouble anemone shaped flowers. Typically flowers aresoft pink with a darker rose-red veination, picotee edging and nectaries or starburst.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Apricot Blush NA
Ht.45-60cm.Z4. Each plant is an individual masterpiece, single flowers in tones of apricot-yellow and peach, edged, brushed veined or picoteed in rich rose highlights. Small plants

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Black Diamond NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. This strain boasts single flowers of the darkest nature from slate-purple-black flowers to near-black. Foliage most often emerges purplish.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Jade Star NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. This strain has exquisite single green flowers streaked, veined, flushed and or picoteed with rich dark purple.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Golden Sunrise’ NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Single flowers in this strain range from solid yellow, while most have red splashed centers, red veining and picotee edges.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Painted’NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. This strain has lovely white flowers splashed and streaked as if painted with rose-pink.
Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Ruby Wine’.. Small plantsNA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Large single ruby wine colored flowers make this a sought after strain. Only a few available Small plants
Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel White pearl’.. NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Large single or semi double white flowers. Some with rose-red spotting, some with rose-red trim and a few with a hint of pink, make this a sought after strain. Only a few available

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Amber Gem’ NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. A wonderous Double flowered strain with rich Apricot-yellow colored flowers perfectly adorned and infused with deeper rich rose-red.
Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Amethyst Gem’ NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. A new double strain with rich deep amethyst-rose flowers. Often each petal is edged in a light opal colour.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Berry Swirl’ NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Rich shades of rose pink to bumble berry purple-pink are seen in this double flowered strain all ovelayed with darker veination and often a fine darker trim. Small plants

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Cotton Candy’ NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Deliciuous whorls of soft pink petals with darker veination and fine darker trim around most petals make this double flowered beauty so special. Small plants

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Double Painted’NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. This strain has lovely Double white flowers splashed and streaked as if painted with rose-pink.
Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Red Sapphire’ NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. A new double strain with rich rose-red flowers.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Jade Tiger’NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Double green flowers with varying amounts of purple streaking and edging. Each plants is different and I think I want them all.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Golden Lotus' NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Double yellow lotus like flowers ranging from clear yellow to shades of yellow with rose picotee edges and red spotting. It was an image of one of these most sought after double yellow beauties that reawakened my love of Hellebores. Small plants

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Harlequin Gem NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. A great double strain with the lighter inside of the flower contrasting with the outside streaked and edged darker. The inside color ranges from white to cream to yellow and apricot, even green with the outside being a rich black-purple or crimson purple or maroon.
Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Rose Quartz’ NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. A new strain with double picotee flowers. Each white petal is edged in rose. Awesome. Small plants

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Sparkling Diamond NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Large pure white double flowers make this a sought after strain. Deep within the base of the flower of a few is the trace is some red spotting.

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Onyx Odyssey NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. Large double flowers from slate-purple-black to the deepest crimson-purple: all are dark and fabulous. Small plants

Helleborus x hybridus `Winter Jewel Peppermint Ice NA
Ht.45-60cm. Z4. This strain has large soft to medium pink double flowers with darker rose-pink veination and edging. Small plants
Helleborus x ` 'HGC Madame Lemonnier'.................. NA
Ht.45cm. Z4. A new hybrid between H. niger and H x hybridus is a first of its kind. Very large flat soft pink flowers are held well above the foliage and age to a reddish pink. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus x iburgensis Cheryl’s Shine.............. 1gal NA
Ht. 30-45cm. Z5. A hybrid between Helleborus x ballardiae (niger x lividus) and the lenten rose, Helleborus x hybridus. Lovely, green and silver-veined foliage is topped with stalks of out-facing pink flowers, lighter toward the center and each beautifully accented by a large central cluster of yellow stamens.
Helleborus x iburgensis Danas Dulcet................. 1gal NA
Ht. 30-45cm. Z5. Dark green, heavily-veined, evergreen foliage is topped, with outfacing violet-purple flowers...completely sterile so no pesky seedlings
Helleborus x iburgensis Dorothy’s Dawn.............. 1gal NA
Ht. 30-45cm. Z5. Dark green evergreen foliage, etched with silver veins and lovely stalks of outfacing pink lavender flowers.
Helleborus xiburgensis Molly’s White................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 30-45cm. Z5. Heavily silver-veined dark green leaves form a vigorous 15" tall x 28" wide evergreen clump, topped in late winter with a stunning show of stalks of pure white, out-facing flowers with blush pink on their backsides.
Helleborus x iburgensis Pippa’s Purple.............. 1gal NA
Ht. 30-45cm. Z5. Silver-veined evergreen foliage topped with large violet pink -purple flowers.
Helleborus x iburgensis Reanna’s Ruby......... 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z5. Fantastic marbled foliage. Dark red buds open to ruby red flowers with a contrasting ring of chartreuse nectaries. The flowers age to a darker Ruby red. Bred by Rodney Davey and Lynda Windsor's nursery in Tytherleigh.
Helleborus x Moondance................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z5. Dark green, silver-veined leaves. Tall spike with white, outfacing flowers...often with a chartreuse blush to the center of the petals.
Helleborus niger Christmas Rose..................... NA
Ht. 30cm Z3. This species has white flowers which fade to pink as they age. Blooms from December onward to mid-February. Plant in sun to part sun in well drained soil.
Helleborus x nigercors `Snow love’. ................ NA
Ht. 45cm. Z5. A lovely Hellebore hybrid from Belgium with large single snow white flowers and evergreen durable foliage. The flowers seem to last and last on this one and eventually turn a showy soft green color. Last year our plants had flowers for months.
Helleborus x nigercors `White Beauty’............ NA
Ht. 45cm. Z5. Fantastic foliage, heavy deep green leaves with silvery white veination. Creamy white flower buds open to lovely cream-white flowers that eventually age to green. One of the best nigercors. From TC
Helleborus x Penny’s Pink.............................. 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z5. Wow. Wow. Foliage emerges a bronzy colour with pink veining. The pink fades to creamy white then to green. Dark pink buds open to pink flowers with a contrasting ring of chartreuse nectaries. The flowers age to a darker pink. Limited numbers early in the season and more in May. Bred by Rodney Davey and Lynda Windsor's nursery in Tytherleigh.

Helleborus x `Snow White’............................. NA
Ht.45cm. Z4. A most unusual plant from the esteemed Yokoyama Nursery in Japan. This hybrid between H. niger and H x hybridus is a first of its kind. Very large flat white flowers held well above the foliage age to a reddish pink. From tissue culture so each plant is identical.
Helleborus torquatus hybrids............................................. NA
Ht. 20-40cm Z5. A rarely offered species that is slow to mature with highly cut foliage. Flowers are typically purple but may also be blue-green with purple veination and purple reverse or even all green.