
Matteuccia struthiopteris

Matteuccia struthiopteris

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Ferns have to be, without a doubt, one of the most versatile, albeit, underestimated and underused groups of plants in the gardening world. Ferns combine beautifully with other plants to provide a simple, yet lush green backdrop for many of our favourites,  but can also easily stand alone as the main attraction in any garden.  There are so many different frond shapes, sizes, textures and shades of green (as well as other colours, for example the silvers and burgundies of Japanese Painted Ferns or the startling pink new growth of Autumn fern)  available from our incredible selection of hardy ferns. We grow ferns for shade, sun, rockeries, containers and even magnificent Tree Ferns. There are ferns that creep, trail, stand erectly upright,  remain evergreen, or perform their magic in the winter when most plants are asleep.  We adore ferns and hope you’ll consider adding some of these beauties to your garden. Don’t fall under the misconception that all ferns look like the ones you see commonly in the forest;  the diversity of this genus will astound you! We strive to grow the largest selection of hardy garden ferns available and hope to be your ‘one stop’ source for these incredible plants.

Refererences are after plant listings.

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Adiantum aleuticum        Western Maidenhair1                 1gal $20.00ea
Native.  Ht.40cm. Z3.  Recently, this western form of Maidenhair fern has been separated from the eastern form, A. pedatum, as a separate species.  This form has slightly more erect fronds and the pinnae overlap a touch, but both plants are very similar.  To make matters worse,  A.pedatum is still found out west in disjunct populations.

Adiantum aleuticum imbricatum .......................................... 1gal $20.00ea
Ht.15-30cm. Z2.  This is a rarely offered and very lovely dwarf form of the typical Maidenhair Fern.  It quickly forms a nice, full clump. 

Adiantum pedatum  Maidenhair Fern .................. 1 gal  $15.00ea
. Native.  Ht.40cm.  Z3.  Deciduous.  Delicate fan shaped fronds with green lacy leaves set atop black shiny stems.  Plant in moist humus-rich soil in shade to part shade.  Most Northwest plants are now considered A.aleuticum but not all. At any rate, both are very similar.

Adiantum venustum Himalayan Maidenhair Fern 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.40cm.  Z5.  A fantastic maidenhair that is evergreen in most areas.  New growth is pinkish.  Makes an excellent groundcover in a shady spot.  This is  one of the most sought after ferns.

Arachniodes aristata var. variegata Variegated East Indian Holly Fern   $15.00ea
Ht.30-60cm.  Z6.  Evergreen.  This extremely showy fern has dark, waxy green, broadly triangular fronds with a light yellow green band that runs along the pinna axis.

Arachniodes miqueliana Miquel’s  Fern.............. 1gal NA
Ht.45cm.  Z5.  Long creeping rhizome slowly makes a nice cluster in the garden over time.  Another great fern from Asia.

Asplenium ebenoides. Dragontail Fern........... 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht.15cm Z4.  An interesting natural hybrid fern with long narow fronds with skinny tips. Slugs like to eat this one.

Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair Spleenwort 1gal $20.00ea
Native.  Ht. 30cm.  Z2.  Evergreen.  Vigorous, small fern with deep green, maidenhair fern-type foliage.  Best in dryish rockery or walls in shade to part shade. Our most popular small Fern. 

Asplenium trichomanes Cristatum Crested Maidenhair Spleenwort1gal $15.00ea  Ht. 30cm.  Z2.  Evergreen.  We have the crested form of the species!  The end of most fronds branches into a crest.  Plants will be small for spring . This one is rarely offered.
Athyrium asplenioides. Southern Lady Fern........... 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht.45-90cm. Z4.  Broad triangular upright fronds form nice clumps over time.  Shade to part sun.

Athyrium Branford Rambler Running Lady Fern.......... 1galNA
Ht.45-60cm.  Z4. A hybrid between Athyrium filix femina and Athyrium nipponicum.  A great deciduous groundcover fern with lovely green foliage and red tones on the stem.

Athyrium filix‑femina  ( A. cyclosorum)Lady Fern 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 60-150cm. Z2.  Deciduous. Lacy looking fronds are bright green.  Clumps are dense, easy to grow, great in shade to part sun; or even in sun in a wet site.  

Athyrium filix-femina `Frizelliae' Tatting Fern $20.00ea
Ht. 30-45cm.  Z2.   This distinctive form of the lady fern has small, rounded pinnae which give the fronds a very narrow, almost necklace-like appearance.

Athyrium filix-femina `Lady in Red'.......................   1gal NA
Ht. 60-150cm. Z2. This selection tends to have bright red stems especially early in the year.

Athyrium filix femina minutissimum `Dwarf Form’ 1gal NA
Ht.20-30cm. Z2. A great dwarf selection that only gets 12” tall in most gardens.

Athyrium filix-femina `Rotstiel......................   10cm pot $5.00ea
Ht. 60-150cm. Z2.  Red Ribbed Lady Fern.  This selection tends to have red stems and stipes with the typical green pinnae.

Athyrium filix-femina `Victoriae type'........................   $15.00ea
Ht.  70-100cm.  Z2.  This spectacular fern has paired (forked at their base) narrow pinnae with crested tips, which (like `Fieldiae') are arranged into crosses; thereby, forming a lattice work of diamond shaped spaces.  Truly the Queen of Green. 

Athyrium filix-femina `Vernoniae ' Lady Fern.. NA
Ht. 60-75cm.  Z2.  Deciduous.  This distinctive selection has crisped fronds with each pinnulet having a lacy edge.  Found in the 1850'.

Athyrium niponicum `Pictum' Japanese Painted Fern
......................................................................... 1gal$15.00ea
Ht. 30-45cm.  Z4.  Deciduous.  Fronds are a soft, metallic grey color with reddish or bluish hues.   Shade to part shade.  

Athyrium niponicum `Red Beauty' Red beauty Japanese Painted Fern  $15.00ea
Ht. 30-45cm.  Z4.  Deciduous.   Broad, upright habit with the grey foliage of Pictum, it also has  attractive, reddish-brown tints which are especially attractive in the young foliage.

Athyrium niponicum `Godzilla' Japanese Painted Fern    10cm pot $5.00ea
Ht. 90cm.  Z4.  Deciduous.   Broad, large clump forming habit with the grey foliage of Pictum, it also has  attractive, reddish-brown tints which are especially attractive in the young foliage.

Athyrium otophorum  Eared Lady Fern................. 1gal NA
Ht.  30-45cm.  Z4.  Deciduous.  This beautiful fern has pale green young fronds with maroon colored stems.  With age, the fronds become dusky green in color with dark red stems. Very easy.

Athyrium pycnocarpon ( Diplazium pycnocarpon) Glade Fern NA
N.A.Native. Ht 60-90cmZ3.   Arching green fronds with undivided lance shaped pinnae.  Slowly forms a colony.

Blechnum discolor  Crown Fern........................... 5gal NA
Z8.   These are nice mature ferns with a 5-7cm diameter, 10-20cm tall trunk with light green fronds forming a nice shuttlecock.  These form a colony of crowns over time.


Blechnum penna-marina............................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.10-20cm.  Z5.  Evergreen. This form of the species is smaller than most.  Fertile fronds are erect and sterile fronds lay more or less flat.  New growth is reddish-rose in colour.  Good for edging a semi-shaded path or as a small scale ground cover.
Blechnum spicant Deer Fern .............................. 1 gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht.  20-30cm.   Z5.  Evergreen. Dark green sterile fronds form regular flat rosettes.  Narrow fertile fronds are held vertically

Cryptogramma acrostichoides Parsley Fern..... 6m pot 15.00 , 11cm pot $20.00
Native.  Ht. 12cm.  Z2.  Leathery parsley-like sterile fronds are wintergreen and die back in spring. Fertile fronds are taller and slender and are deciduous in autumn. 


Cyrtomium falcatum   Japanese Holly Fern........... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 30-40cm.  Z7.  Evergreen.  Fronds look like Oregon Grape leaves; dark green, shiny and leathery.  Individual pinnae look like holly leaves. Not as coarsely toothed as C.falcatum Rochfordii.  Shade to part sun.

Dennstaedtia punctilobula Hayscented Fern.......... 1gal  $15.00ea
N.A.Native.  Ht. 45-90cm.  Z3.  Deciduous.  This delicate looking fern has light green, upright, arching fronds.  It is found in light shade or open sun and spreads by slender underground rhizomes.  Turns a soft yellow color in fall. A great groundcover fern.

Deparia petersenii........................................ 1gal NA
Ht 30cmZ6.   Medium sized fern from the Philippines with pea green foliage can even be grown in full sun if given enough moisture.

Deparia pycnosora (Athyrium pycnosorum) ................ NA
Ht.90cm.  Z4. The ‘Tapering Glade Fern’ is a superb deciduous fern for the woodland garden with green pubescent fronds.

Dicksonia antarctica Tasmanian Tree Fern............. 2gal $49.00ea
..................................larger available at the nursery only up to $349.00ea
Fronds.50-250cm.  Trunk Ht. 3-10Meters.  Z7-8.  Evergreen.  This beautiful tree fern has a spreading crown of glossy green arching fronds atop a massive fibrous stem.  At a young age it looks like a normal fern. Frond length increases rapidly but trunk height increases slowly.  Grow in shade, sun or indoors.

Dicksonia fibrosa Wheki Ponga tree fern 
larger available at the nursery only up to too large too ship
Z9 (8). A nice tree fern with a thick stem and a large, arching crown of dark green leathery fronds.

Dicksonia squarrosa Wheki Tree Fern
Larger sizes at the nursery from ...................... Too large to ship
We have a nice selection of larger D.squarrosa at the Nursery.
Z9. Slender trunk with dark, shiny, prickly, arching deep green fronds up to 2meters in length.

Dryopteris affinis Golden-scaled Male Fern........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60-150cm. Z4.  Evergreen.  This is a large fern which looks similar to D.filix-mas, except fronds are more leathery and the stipe is covered in golden scales.  An adaptable fern that is happy in shade as well as in a part sun.  Many selections made during the Victorian fern craze.

Dryopteris affinis `Crispa ' Crisped  Golden-scaled Male Fern
............... NA
Ht. 25-35cm.  Z4.  A beautiful small fern with crisped fronds.

Dryopteris affinis `Cristata Angustata' Narrow Crested Golden-scaled Male Fern    NA
Ht. 45-60cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.  This is similar to `The King' but fronds are narrower and shorter and the crests are fuller.

Dryopteris affinis `Cristata The King' ................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 70-100cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.   New frond stalks are densely covered in golden brown scales.  Old fronds are dark glossy green and leathery.  Fronds are crested when mature. Robust fern for shade to part sun.

Dryopteris affinis cambrensis Insubrica........ 1gal NA
This is a subspecies of dryopteris affinis.

Dryopteris affinis `Pinderii' Narrow Golden scaled Male Fern
......................................................................... 2gal $20.00ea
Ht. 70-90cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.  An elegant version of the species with very narrow fronds, much tapered at both base and apex.  Somewhat similar to D. filix-mas ‘Barnesii’.

Dryopteris affinis `Polydactyla Dadds’               1gal  15.00ea
Ht.60-120cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.  This is similar to `The King' but the fronds are wider and the crests are long finger-like tassels rather than wide fans.

Dryopteris atrata Shaggy Sheild Fern.................... 1gal NA
Ht. 20-50cm. Z7.  Evergreen.  Light green fronds with distinctive black hairs (scales) which clothe the frond stalk.  Shade to part sun. Very easy to grow.

Dryopteris  x  australis .................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 100-150cm. Z5.  One of the great fens for the garden.   Tall slender .dark green fronds.

Dryopteris austriaca  Until recently this was the correct name for Spiny Wood Fern. It has now been changed to D.expansa and the European equivalent has been restored to D.dilatata.  In any case they are both similar, easy to grow ferns.

Dryopteris carthusiana Narrow Buckler Fern.................. 1gal  $15.00ea
N.A.Native.  Ht. 50-90cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  Fronds are light green and widely used by florists for cut foliage.  Very easy fern to grow in shade to part sun.

Dryopteris celsa Log Fern ................................... 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native.  Ht. 75-120cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  An easy to grow, large, dark green, shiny leaved fern that normally grows on rotting logs or in rich soil in a woodland setting.  

Dryopteris x complexa Robust  Male Fern ............ 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 60-150cm.  Z2.  Semi-evergreen.  A hybrid with elegant fronds of lacy dark green leaves.  Robust and easy to grow fern in shade to part sun.


Dryopteris clintoniana.................................. NA
Ht. 60-90cm. Z4.  Narrowly lance shaped fronds on this elegant easy to grow fern. We’ve sold this as D.claytoniana in the past.

Dryopteris crassirhizoma  (Dryopteris bushiana)Thick-stemmed Wood Fern          1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 60-105cm.  Z5.  Semi-evergreen.  The massive crown of this fern and the stems are covered with long brown scales.  The fronds form a perfect vase shape on the forest floor making this fern an ideal specimen plant.

Dryopteris cristata........................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht.30-90cm.  Z3.  Evergreen.  A nice fern with stiffly erect fertile fronds with the pinnae being at right angles to the plane of the fronds.  The sterile leaves are more arching.

Dryopteris dilatata `Jimmy Dyce' Jimmy's Upright Broad.............
Buckler Fern................................................. 1gal  NA
Ht. 50-60cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.  Very nice dark green, stiffly erect fern.  This fern was originally collected by Jimmy Dyce from the Isle of Arron.  Easy to grow in shade to part sun. 

Dryopteris dilatata `Lepidota Cristata' Lacy Crested Broad Buckler Fern
......................................................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 25-40cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.  Finely cut dark green leaflets with crested tips make the fronds resemble parsley.  Shade to part sun, very easy to grow.

Dryopteris dilatata `Recurvata' Recurved Broad Buckler Fern
........................................................................ 1gal  $15.00ea
Ht. 45-60cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.  Lacy looking, triangular fronds with edges and tips that curl down so the overall effect is almost weeping.  Shade to part sun.

Dryopteris erythrosora Autumn Fern................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 20-45cm.  Z6.  Evergreen.  New fronds are coppery-bronze, contrasting against the older dark green fronds.  Easy to grow in shade to part sun.

Dryopteris erythrosora `Prolifica' Proliferous Autumn Fern
......................................................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 20-45cm.  Z6.  Evergreen.  Similar to D.erythrosora but has narrower segments which make it lacier in appearance. Rarely, plantlets are produced on the upper surface along the midriff of the frond.

Dryopteris expansa Spiny Wood Fern or Broad Buckler Fern
............... 1gal  NA
Native.  Ht. 60-100cm.  Z4.  Evergreen. Until recently this fern was known as D.austriaca or part of the D.dilatata complex. This fern has many different latin and common names so don't get confused.  It is a vigorous fern, which forms a rosette of broad, triangular medium green fronds. Shade to part sun; easy to grow.

Dryopteris filix‑mas Male Fern ....................... 1gal  NA
Native.  Ht. 60-90cm.  Z2.  Semi-evergreen.  Elegant fronds of lacy dark green leaves.  Robust and easy to grow fern in shade to part sun.

Dryopteris filix-mas `Crispa Cristata'............... 1gal  $15.00ea
Ht. 60-90cm.  Z2.  Semi-evergreen.  The fronds are crispy with lightly crested pinnae and frond tips.

Dryopteris filix-mas `Linearis polydactyla'
Many Fingered Male Fern.................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.  50-80cm.  Z4.  Semi-evergreen.  Lacy, fine textured fronds with forks or crests at the tips of each leaflet.  Shade to part sun.

Dryopteris goldiana Goldy's wood fern............. 1gal  NA
Ht.100-130cm.  Z3.  Deciduous. Large triangular firmly textured fronds from a short creeping rhizome. Makes an attractive stand with arching fronds. New fiddleheads in spring are covered with showy shaggy brownish scales.

Dryopetris laeta ................................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 30-60cm.  Z5.  Semi-evergreen.  This medium sized fern has light green, triangular fronds.  Very easy to grow in shade to part sun.

Dryopetris ludoviciana . Southern Wood Fern........................ 1gal NA
Ht. 60-90  Z5.  Semi-evergreen.  A large clumping fern with shiny upright fronds.

Dryopteris marginalis Leather Wood Fern............. 1gal  NA
N.A.Native.  Ht. 45-60cm.  Z4.  Deciduous.  Fronds are dark blue-green.  Great for contrast against other ferns. Very easy to grow in shade to part sun. Good in rock gardens.

Dryopteris pseudo-filix-mas Mexican Male Fern NA
Ht. 75-120cm. Z5. A vigorous fully hardy fern from Mexico. Large upright good looking fern.

Dryopteris sieboldii Siebold's Wood Fern.................. NA
Ht.30-60cm.  Z6.  Evergreen.  A striking fern with up to five
pairs of  dark green, leathery, undivided pinnae with a terminal pinnae 20-30cm long.  New fronds are light green.

Dryopteris stewartii Stewart’s Wood Fern......... 1gal  NA
Ht.  90-120cm.  Z6.  Semi-evergreen.     A large fern with light green broadly triangular fronds.

Dryopteris  wallichiana Wallich’s Wood Fern......... 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht.60-120cm  Z4.  Evergreen.  Forms strong upright clumps of large triangular dark green fronds with a contrasting dark stem. New fronds are light green to golden with numerous dark reddish scales.  With time, plants will form a short trunk.  A nice fern for shade to semi-shade.

Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak Fern................ 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native.  Ht. 20-40cm.  Z2.  Deciduous.  Dainty, lacy, triangular fronds are held horizontally under stalks. Spreads by rhizome to form small patches. Best in shade. Great as a groundcover in the woodland garden.


Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich Fern.................. 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 40-150cm.  Z4.  Deciduous. Olive green, sterile fronds held in funnel-shaped clusters are spread by underground rhizomes.  Fertile fronds appear in the center of the cluster and turn a rust brown color.  Vigorous, easy fern to grow in shade to part sun.

Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern.......................... 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 30-60cm.  Z4.  Deciduous.  The large fertile fronds are leafy and deeply lobed; very un-fern-like.  The sterile fronds are stiff, erect and have spore-bearing pinnae aligned like a string of beads at their tips.  Spreads by rhizome.  Shade to part sun.

Osmunda cinnamomia Cinnamon Fern................. 1gal  NA
N.A.Native.  Ht. 90-150cm. Z4.  Deciduous.  Sterile, dark green deeply lobed, fronds are held in vase shaped clusters. Fertile fronds are erect and held centrally, lack leaves and have terminal panicles that turn from green to cinnamon in color. Imagine a perfect fern with nice arching fronds and a bunch of cinnamon colored feather dusters in the center.  It's hard to beat this species once established. 

Osmunda claytoniana Interrupted Fern................. 1gal  $15.00ea
N.A.Native.  Ht.60-120cm.  Z2.  Fronds resemble the Cinnamon Fern except that the vegetative frond is interrupted in the middle with fertile pinnae.  The fertile pinnae are covered in sporangia and are jet black in color making this a unique and showy fern. Easy to grow in shade to sun.

Osmunda regalis Royal Fern ........................................... 2gal $20.00ea
N.A.Native.  Ht. 90-150cm.  Z3.  Deciduous.  A majestic fern that forms a large crown, and sends out a ring of arching fronds made up of rounded leaflets.  Fertile fronds stand erect in the center of the clump and have a terminal panicle that turns golden brown. Grow in shade to full sun if in a bog.

Phyllitis scolopendrium................... 1gal  $15.00ea
Z5. Ht 30cm. Evergreen. Strap shaped fronds shaped like a tongue.

Polypodium glycerhiza Licorice Fern............... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native.  Ht. 10-40cm.  Z6.  Summer Deciduous.  This creeping fern grows on trees and rock outcrops.  It goes dormant in the dry summer and is green all winter.  Rhizomes have a sweet licorice taste.  Great on stumps or rock walls in shade to part sun.

Polypodium scouleri Leathery Polypody....................... $19.95ea
Native. Ht.10-35cm. Z7. This is simply the showiest of the polypodies. It has deep, dark green extremely glossy, leathery fronds. This fantastic creeping fern is slow to spread, but worth the wait.  We offer small divisions. It often takes a full year for this fern to settle in and start to spread.

Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Fern........... 1 gal NA
N.A.Native.  Ht. 30-60cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  Fronds are a leathery, dul ldark green.  Used as cut foliage by florists.  Nice large fern, similar to P. munitum, for shade to part sun.

Polystichum aculeatum  Hard Shield Fern............................... 1gal NA
Ht. 75-90cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.  Glossy dark green stiff fronds with reddish brown scales. Nice large fern, similar to P. setiferum, but stiffer. Plant in shade to part sun.

Polystichum andersonii...................................... 1gal  $25.00ea
Native. Ht40-80cm. Z3.  A rarely offered large native fern with nice lacy upright fronds.

Polystichum braunii Braun's Holly Fern........... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 30-60cm.  Z5.  Semi-Evergreen.  Dark green fronds with golden brown scales on the stalks.  New foliage has a silvery flush to it.  Nice dense growing, mid-sized fern.

Polystichum makinoi   Makinoi’s Holly Fern....... 1 gal NA
Ht.45-60cm.  Z5. One of the best evergreen ferns!!  Dark glossy evergreen fronds make a spectacular backdrop for your shade garden.  Originates from the mountains of China

Polystichum munitum Sword Fern ....................... 1gal $15.00ea
............... 10cm pot $5.00ea
Native.  Ht. 30-120cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  A fantastic and much under used fern.  Glossy dark green, leathery fronds form dense clumps.  Great for naturalizing.  Good in dry to moist shade. 

Polystichum neolobatum.................................................1 gal $15.00ea
Ht.45-60cm. Z5. A great evergreen fern with very stiff glossy green fronds. This ferns stands up to snow better than most.

Polystichum polyblepharum Tassel Fern............... 1gal  $15.00ea
Ht. 60-75cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  Very glossy dark green fronds contrast nicely with the light green, tassel-like, newly emerging fronds.  Very shiny, attractive fern for shade to part sun.

Polystichum retro paleaceum Narrow tassel fern... 1gal  NA
Ht. 90cm. Z5. Evergreen A nice new fern from Japan with soft green evergreen fronds.  New fronds emerge early.

Polystichum rigens............................................ 1gal  $15.00ea
Z5. Evergreen A great evergreen fern from Japan with rigid glossy leathery fronds held in an erect crown. New fronds are tinted a delightful yellow in the spring and quickly age to green.

Polystichum setiferum Soft Shield Fern... ............... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 50-150cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.   This fern forms a ground hugging rosette of spreading fronds which are attractively dissected and soft to touch.  Stalks covered with brown, chaffy scales. Large fern for shade to part sun.


Polystichum setiferum Bevis Soft Shield Fern... ............... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 50-150cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.   An elegant form ,grown from spore so it should be called "Bevis Group",with upright, arching, lance shaped fronds with narrow pinnules that are incurved and overlapping near the tip of the fronds. Easy and grows well even in dry shade ( once established).

Polystichum setiferum `Dahlem'  Dahlem Fern....... 1gal NA
Ht. 75cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  Nearly erect, narrow, triangular stiff fronds make this newer selection of divisilobum worth a spot in the garden.

Polystichum setiferum `Divisilobum' Divided Soft Shield Fern
 .............. 1gal  NA
Ht.  25-50cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  Fronds four times divided with finely cut segments.  A beautiful medium sized fern, year round, for shade to part sun.

Polystichum setiferum `Herrenhausen'.......... 1gal  $15.00ea
Ht.50-70cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  This new variety from Germany is a `Divisilobum' type with proliferous buds (baby ferns grow from buds on old fronds). New growth has a wonderful, almost silver-gray quality.

Polystichum setiferum `Plumosum' ................ 1gal  NA
Ht.60-90cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  Glossy, grass-green plume-like fronds are four times divided and have overlapping pinnae.

Polystichum setiferum `Plumoso-densum’(Plumoso-multilobum) Downy Filigree Fern           1gal NA
Ht.60-90cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  Similar to `Plumosum' but the pinnules are divided into segments that are not narrowed.  The overall effect is a much fuller frond. 


Polystichum setiferum `Proliferum'................. 1gal  NA
Ht. 40-60cm.  Z5.  Evergreen.  This is similar to the species but is lacier in appearance and smaller with proliferous buds along the mid-rib on mature fronds.

Polystichum setiferum rotundatum cristatum Crested Soft Shield Fern.              1gal NA
Ht.30-60m. Z5.   A great form with a  simple crest at the apex of the frond  and numerous proliferous bulbils are scattered down the mid-rib.   

Polystichum tsus-simense Korean Rock Fern..... 1gal  $15.00ea
Ht. 20-30cm.  Z8.  Evergreen.  Neat compact clumps of dark green fronds with dark stems and ribs.  New fronds are purplish green when young.  Nice small fern for shade to part sun.

Polystichum xiphophyllum Sword Leaved holly Fern 1gal NA
Ht. 30-40cm.  Z6.  Evergreen.  A wonderful small compact fern from China.

Thelypteris decursive pinnata  Japanese beech Fern 1gal NA
Ht. 40cm. Z5 The narrow upright, bright, light green fronds are held stiffly vertical making this fern noticeable from a distance.. The bright color and form add some punch to a shady spot.

Thelypteris palustris Narrow Beech Fern ......... 1gal $ NA
N.A.Native.  Ht. 45-75cm.  Z2.  Deciduous.  Pale bluish-green, thinly textured, triangular fronds arise from long creeping rhizomes.

Thelypteris phegopteris Narrow Beech Fern ........... 1gal $18.00ea
Native.  Ht. 10-45cm.  Z2.  Deciduous.  Pale green, thinly textured, triangular fronds arise from long creeping rhizomes.  This native fern likes a shady humus-rich site to grow in.

Woodwardia fimbriata Giant Chain Fern...............2gal$35.00ea
Native.  Ht. 100-200cm.  Z8-9.  Semi-Evergreen.  This large fern forms a handsome clump of erect, arching, dark green fronds.  Truly a specimen fern. Plant in shade to part sun.

Woodwardia unigemmata Oriental Chain Fern    NA
Ht 1-2 M.Z8.   A large semi-evergreen fern.  The new fronds emerge a wonderful red-orange and slowly change to a dark leathery green.  Old fronds have small plantlets on the underside of the leaf tip.  Plants can be as large as 4’ tall with 6’ long arching fronds.

Woodwardia orientalis Oriental Chain Fern ............ 1gal NA
Ht.30-60cm Z7-8.  A large evergreen fern (except on harsh winters) with thick leathery fronds.  New fronds emerge a coppery orange color. Older fronds are topped with small plantlets that can be plucked and planted.




Fern References:
Ferns for the American Garden
By John T Mickel ISBN 0-02-584491-1

The Plantfinder’s Guide to Garden Ferns
By. Martin Rickard ISBN 0-88192-476-8

Encyclopaedia of Ferns
By David l. Jones ISBN 0-88192-054-1




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