Cypripediums and Hardy Orchids |
For 2024 we ship only in the fall and only within Canada , plants are available now at the nursery.
This includes a diverse group of ground orchids from around the world. Some of these groups are relatively easy to grow like the Bletilla and Pleiones and some are more challenging like the Cypripediums. The cultural requirements for most of these orchids are similar. They require well drained but moist soil when in active growth and excellent (almost dry) drainage in the winter when dormant. Light shade or partial sun works well. Bletilla are more tolerant of soil conditions and require more sun than other species. Below is our 2020 listing.
Fall and Winter shipping only
we are not shipping Orchids to the USA
Amerorchis rotundifolia.. Round-leaved Orchis $35.00ea
Native. Ht. 10-25cm. Z3. Lovely single rounded leaves. Produces flower spikes with white flowers with red-purple spots on the lip. Forms a colony over time. Plant in semishade with good moisture, usually grows on sphagnum or forest duff.
This is a wonderful group of easy to grow hardy ground Orchids.
These are best planted 5cm deep in light shade to full sun in a
well drained humus-rich soil. In colder areas (Zone 5-6) they
need to be planted 10-15cm deep and in yet colder areas they
can easily be grown in pots indoors or in an alpine house.
Bletilla striata .................................... 11cm pot $15.00ea
Ht. 20-40cm. Z5-6. This hardy ground orchid has long, arching ribbed leaves and soft rose to magenta erect inflorescence of up to 10 flowers.
Bletilla striata Kuchibeni Crimson Mouth Bletilla.. $18.00ea
Ht. 20-40cm. Z5-6. A new selection with soft pale pink flowers with white ruffled lip crests that are infused with deep pink-purple at the mouth.
Bletilla striata ` Soryu’.................................. $20.00ea
An awesome mauve-blue flowered Bletilla with darker mauve blue lip. Soryu means Blue Dragon.
Bletilla striata var japonica alba........................ 10cm pot NA
Ht. 20-40cm. Z5-6. Similar to species but with white flowers; some with pale lilac margin on the lip.
Bletilla striata variegated (albostriata)..............$15.00ea
Ht. 20-40cm. Z5-6. Same as species except leaves are striped with white.
Bletilla `Brigantes’(striata X ochracea)............. $15.00ea
Z 5-6. A variable cross with mid rose-purple petals and sepals. Purple lip with yellow markings.
Bletilla `Penway Dragon’ (formosana x szetschuaunica)......$15.00ea
Z5-6. Flowers are variable in this cross but typically have purple-pink petals and sepals, white lip with purple pink margin and spot. This has turned out to be one of the more stunning and vigorous selections. Plant in full sun to part shade.
Bletilla `Penway Paris’ (striata X szetschuanica)........$15.00ea
Z 5-6. Rose purple petals, sepals and lip with white keels on lip. Variable.
Bletilla Ochracea ..................................................................$39.95ea Zone 5-6. The most sought after hardy bletiila with yellow flowers Light highlight with red, purple and yellow speckled lip. Prefers a sunny spot to semi shade in well drained soil.
Bletilla `Yokohama’ (striata x formosana)....... $15.00ea
Z 5-6. Pale lilac petals and sepals, throat yellow with lilac markings. Makes a nice clump in only a few years.

Bletilla Yokahama Kate ........................... NA
Ht. 50-100cm. Z5. A vigorous selection with light pink flowers with yellow markings on the lips and a darker pink trim.
Calanthe striata sieboldii.. $59.95ea
Ht. 30-45cm. Z7. Bright golden yellow flowers often streaked brownish red. Blooms in early spring
Cypripediums - Lady Slippers
The most beautiful of all the Hardy Ground Orchids are the Lady Slippers, however, they are not the easiest plants to grow. Frequently, people need several attempts before mastering their cultivation. In cultivation, many have success growing them in pure perlite or in pots with a mix of equal parts of peat, sand and perlite. In nature, they often grow in bogs, but they tend not to like soggy conditions. Until recently it was not known how to germinate the seed of these beauties, but a few people (labs) have worked out how to in sterile medium (including us now). We will be offering laboratory raised seedlings that are out of culture for one or two seasons. These should bloom in two to four years. We will also have a small selection of mature single eyed divisions of garden grown plants (mature plants). We have also recently begun to sell large plants with two growth points ( double eyed Divisions).
Cypripedium Gisela (parviflorumX macranthos).. 79.95ea
Ht. 25cm. Z5. This is a robust garden hybrid and it is
easy to grow. Flower tepals are a rich burgundy-red
with lighter streaks that have a touch of yellow. The
large, inflated pouch is creamy yellow streaked and
infused with burgundy-red. They start off yellow in bud,
then age to burgundy-red. Bloom sized seedlings.
One of the easiest LadySlippers to grow.
Cypripedium Gisela.. $139.00ea
Larger double eyed plant
Cypripedium passerinum Sparrow's Egg Lady's Slipper..................... $79.95ea
We are offering 5-6 year old seedlings that will bloom in one or two years. White flowers. Larger plants with two eyes..........................................$129.95EA
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens (C.calceolus var. pubescen).................
N.A.Native. 30-45cm. Z5. This is the larger flowered yellow North American native ladyslipper. Flowers are medium sized to large with yellow sepals and petals often streaked with deep rusty brown, and a yellow lip pouch with magenta spots and streaked within. Requires shade to bright shade in humus-rich, well drained, sandy soil. Available as mature single eyed garden division, which should bloom this year or next.
Cypripedium montanum.............. $79.95ea
Native. Ht.25-65cm. Z4. Showy flowers have twisted maroon-brown sepals and petals with a large white lip pouch. Plant in well drained soil in full sun to full shade. Protect from winter moisture.
We offer single eyed near bloom sized plants.
Cypripedium montanum.larger two- eyed plants............. $129.95ea
Cypripedium `Philipp' ( macranthos X kentuckiense) $79.00ea 
Ht.45cm. Z4. Combine the huge flower of C.kentuckiense with the coloring of C.macranthos and you have Philipp. Large soft pinky-purple flowers with large white lip delicately suffused with pink. We offer near bloom sized seedlings that should bloom with another years growth.
Cypripedium reginae.................... .$79.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 90cm. Z4. The showiest of all North American Cyps. The flowers have white sepals and petals, a large pink lip pouch and a white staminoid with a yellow blotch and red spotting. These are five year old seedlings that should bloom in a year.
Cypripedium reginae.. $139.00ea
Larger double eyed plant
Cypripedium x ventricosum Red............... $79.00ea
.This is a hybrid between the white C. macranthos and the yellow and brown C. calceolus. The result is a magnificent plant with a large Reddish flowers
These wonderful hardy ground orchids are currently widely planted throughout Europe. Initially the flower stalks are short but as they get older the flower stalks get longer and fuller and the flowers get larger. Mature plants are stunning. All sprout from a tuber and multiply freely if the conditions are right. Most prefer humus-rich soil with good drainage. All our plants are grown from seed that is open pollinated so expect some variability.
Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common spotted orchidAlpine Orchid.......very small plants................ $29.00ea
Ht. 50-70cm. Z4. This is the UK native wild Common Spotted which grows in neutral to alkaline soils which are often damp. Can be grow in grassland, the garden or a pot. Spikes of mauve pink flowers withdarker spotting. It is a good beginners orchid as it will usually bulk up fairly quicklr.
Dactylorhiza majilis Alpine Orchid.......very small plants................ $29.00ea
Ht. 50-70cm. Z4. Green leaves sometimes spotted, violet pink to purple flowers. Blooms late spring to early summer.
Goodyera oblongifolia Rattlesnake‑plantain Orchid
........................................................... 11cm pot $20.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 20-30cm. Z6. Evergreen. Dark green oblong leaves, patterned with variable white markings, in a basal rosette. Inconspicuous flowers are greenish in a terminal spike. Prefers humus-rich soil in shade to semi-shade.
Pleiones are a genus of near-hardy orchids originating in the Himalayas and the mountainous regions of china. Most species and hybrids produce their incredible flowers in spring. They grow in a variety of habitats from moss covered rocks to leaf litter under shrubs, but always in sites with excellent drainage.
For most, the rules of cultivation are simple: Do not over water
in early Spring as the new roots emerge and once the plant has developed a root system, feed regularly with a well balanced liquid fertilizer. Finally, a rest period is required during the winter with a low temperature of 0-4C for a time.
On the west coast many people are growing Pleione outdoors in well drained beds in sheltered conditions, as we do in our own garden. However, it is rather risky. The genus has minimal cultivation requirements which make them ideal for growing in the home, in a coldframe or in a cool greenhouse. If a mature pseudobulb is fed well it will produce two or more new pseudobulbs each year. The old one shrivels and should be discarded in fall. Most species will also produce a small bulbil atop the old pseudobulb which can be grown in two or three seasons to bloom size. Most species are easy to grow indoors or out (with protection) in very free draining humus rich soil (we generally use 40:40:20 peat and perlite and sand mix). Customers from east of the Rockies, we suggest having these shipped before your other plants. For those of you who make a trip to the Nursery, we have other species and hybrids that we are still multiplying to the point where we can sell them, so a few will be available. We will also have a large selection of the following available at the nursery in pots anytime.
Pleione albiflora `Pinchbeck Diamond'........... $24.50ea
Large flower of mauve pink with yellow keels and red spotting on the lip. Blooms very early. Some consider this a hybrid now but as
Pleione formosana 'Blush of Dawn'.................... NAea
Pseudobulbs green, flowers are large creamy white flushed with pale pink and lip is marked yellow and brown.
Pleione Hybrids
Pleione Barcena............................................... $24.00ea
(P. formosana x P. praecox) This hybrid has deep pink flowers with deep yellow and red throat markings. Blooms in late fall or early winter. Very reliable bloomer.
Pleione Tolima (P.speciosa X P.formosana)............... $16.00ea
A variable cross with mauve pink to very rose-purple flowers and the lip is most often marked with red and yellow. Usually two flowers per stem and often fragrant. One of the best.
Pleione Vesuvius( P.bulbocodioides X P. X confusa)................... NA
Large flowers of dark pink to mauve, lips are well frilled and speckled and spotted with dark pink or red. Most clones have yellow throat and many are fragrant. This is one of the showiest and the easiest one to grow. A reliable doer.
Pleione `Volcanello'......................................... $14.00ea
(P. Soufrière x P.bulbocodioides) Purple-pink flowers with a red spotted lip and bright yellow keels.
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Thimble Farms
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