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Many more shrubs are avaialble at the Nursery

Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon.......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 2-4m.  Z2.  Drooping clusters of fragrant white flowers bloom in March to April.  Sweet, edible saskatoon berries that taste and look like blueberries are produced in May and June.  Rounded, 5cm across, finely toothed, grey-green leaves turn tones of yellow and red in fall.  Sun to semi-shade.

Arctostaphylos uva‑ursi Kinnikinnick............... 10cm pot $5.00ea
................................................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 4-40cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.  This is a prostrate, mat forming shrub with small, glossy dark green leaves that turn reddish in fall.  Clusters of small, fragrant pink to pinkish-white urn-shaped flowers bloom in April-May.  In fall, clusters of bright red berries replace flowers and persist into winter.  This groundcover prefers sun to semi-shade in well drained soil.and will trail over rocks and down banks. 
Aronia melanocarpa Autumn Magic................... 1gal NA
Ht.100-180cm. Z3.  Deep green leaves, smothered with masses of fragrant white flowers followed by edible shiny black berries.  Good fiery red fall color.

Azara microphylla.............................................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 4-8m.  Z7. A large shrub or small evergreen tree with masses of inconspicuous yellow flowers that produce a wonderful vanilla scent in late winter and early spring.

Azara serrata..................................................... 2galNA
Ht. 2.5-4m. Z8.  A very striking large shrub with lovely glossy green foliage and sweetly vanilla scented clusters of yellow flowers.

Buddleia Buzz Ivory'........................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 120cm. Z5-6.  A new dwarf Butterfly Bush from Thompson and Morgan.  Pyramidal trusses of fragrant  ivory white flowers.

Buddleia Buzz Purple'......................................... 1galNA
Ht. 120cm. Z5-6.  A new dwarf Butterfly Bush from Thompson and Morgan.  Pyramidal trusses of fragrant  purple-pink flowers.

Buddleia davidii Butterfly Bush............................ 1gal NA
Ht.2.5m.  Z5. A vigorous, fast grower with large trusses of fragrant flowers ranging from rose-purple to violet-purple-blue.

Buddleia davidii `Black Knight'............................ 1gal NA
Ht.2.5m.  Z5. A vigorous, fast grower with large trusses of fragrant flowers of the deepest midnight purple.

Buddleia davidii `Harlequin"............................... 1gal NA
Ht. 1.8m. Z5. Leaves variegated with creamy white.  Flowers are red-purple in colour.

Buddleia globosa................................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 1-4Mcm. Z8.  Unique golden yellow balls of flowers clustered  along the tips of arching branches.

Buddleia` Lochinch'........................................... 1gal NA
Ht.2m. Z5-6.  Pyramidal trusses of fragrant mauve-blue flowers.  Leaves silvery white underneath.

Buddleia` Nanho Purple'..................................... 1gal NA
Ht.2m. Z5-6.  Pyramidal trusses of fragrant lavender purple.

Buddleia davidii `Pink Delight’............................ 1galNA
Ht.1- 1.5m.  Z5. A vigorous, fast grower with large trusses of fragrant pink flowers.

Buddleia`Royal Red'........................................... 1gal NA
Ht.2m. Z5-6.  Pyramidal trusses of fragrant rich purple-red  purple.

Buddleia davidii ` Silver Frost’............................. 1gal NA
Ht.1.5-1.75M.  Z5. A vigorous, fast grower with large trusses of fragrant silvery white flowers.

Callistemon rigidus Stiff Bottle brush.................2gal  $29.95ea
Ht. 1-3M. Z8.  This is a drought tolerant selection with bright red bottlebrush like flower trusses and small narrow green leaves. We have only a few of these and they will be small in size unless shipped after a flush of growth in spring. Deer resistant.

Calycanthus floridus Carolina Allspice................... 1gal$15.00ea
N.A.Native. Z5. Ht.1-2m. Strawberry scented red-maroon flowers in May.  Leaves aromatic.

Clethra  acuminata Cinnamon Clethra................... 1galNA
N.A. Native.  Ht. 2-4m. Z5.     A superb native from the Appalachian Mountains with peeling bark and creamy white flowers in 10-15cm long terminal racemes. Blooms from July to August. Shade to part sun in humus rich, well drained soil.

Clethra barbinervis Japanese Clethra..................... 1gal NA
Ht.2-3m.  Z5.   A wonderful shrub with orange peeling bark and fragrant white flowers in terminal panicles borne from July to September.  To top it off, it has a wondrous orange-red fall color.

Clethra Hummingbird   ........................................... NA
Ht.60-120cm.  Z3. This lovely compact shrub has lush glossy green foliage and fragrant white flower trusses in July and August.

Corokia cotoneaster Wire netting Bush................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 1-2m. Z7-8. A wonderfully bizarre shrub with twisted and tortured branches sparsely leafed with small maroon green or bronze leaves that are silvery beneath. Small bright star shaped yellow flowers in the spring followed by red fruit in the fall. 

Cornus sericea = (C. stolonifera) Red Twigged Dogwood or Red Osier Dogwood   1gal  $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 1-5m.  Z2.  Multistemmed shrub, often spreading when lower prostrate branches root after touching the ground.  Dark green leaves, blue-green beneath, turn brilliant red in fall. Twigs bright red especially in winter.  Fruit is white to bluish.  Sun to shade,

Corylus cornuta var. californica Beaked Hazelnut .. 2gal $49.95ea
Native.  Ht.  2-3m.  Z5.  Multiple stemmed shrub has roughly heart-shaped green leaves with a double saw-toothed edge that turns yellow in fall.  Long, pendulous, decorative male catkins appear in winter.  Small, edible, tasty hazelnuts appear in fall.  Sun to semi-shade in humus-rich soil.  Plants will be small for spring shipping.

Daphne domini ...................................... small four year old plants  $20.00ea
Ht. 25cm. This dwarf slow growing daphne from the Pirin Mts. of Bulgaria. It is evergreen and has masses of pink flowers that are followed by showy orange fruit. Small three years old plants ready for the rock garden. Naturally very small plants.

Daphne mezereum alba  Winter Daphne................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 90cm Z 5. . Fragrant white flowers in late winter or early spring make this a must for the woodland garden. Flowers are followed by showy yellow fruit.

Daphne odora Sweet Amethyst........................... 2gal $49.00ea
Ht.150cm. Z8. This wonderful winter Daphne, bushy than the species with smaller leaves.

Daphne tangutica............................................. 2gal NA
Larger sizes at the nusery.
Ht.1.75m. Z6.  Evergreen. We are offering small three year old seedlings that are nice stout 4-8"tall plants. Makes a nice evergreen rounded shrub with fragrant rose-purple flowers.

Dichroa febrifuga UBC Guizhou clone............... 2gal $35.00ea
Ht.75cm. Z7. An evergreen hydrangea-like shrub from Japan with blue flowers and very showy metallic blue fruits.

Fuchsia x bacillaris`Isis'............................................ $15.00ea
Ht. 1m. Z7. A fast growing deciduous shrub with tiny dark green leaves and a multitude of the teeny tiniest bright magenta red flowers.  Blooms all summer long. Available late Spring onwards.

Fuchsia magellanica 'Aurea'   Hardy Fuchsia .............  NA
Ht.to 5m Z6. Golden foliage. Single flowers are purple and red
Fuchsia magellanica 'Island Sunset'  Hardy Fuchsia..... NA
A fast growing deciduous shrub with lovely green, cream and pink variegated foliage. Single flowers are purple and red and bloom all summer.

Fuchsia magellanica `gracilis'...................................NA
Ht. 80cm. Z7.  This is a good dwarf form of magellanica with the typical red and purple flowers.

Fuchsia magellanica `Pink'................................ 1 galNA
Ht. 1-1.5m. Z7.  This is a good fast growing hardy fuchsia with a long bloom season of soft pink flowers. Good in sun or shade.

Fuchsia magellanica 'Ricartonii'  Hardy Fuchsia ......... NA
Ht. 1-2m. A fast growing deciduous shrub with dark green foliage. Single flowers are purple and red and bloom all summer.

Fuchsia regia  Climbing Fuchsia.................................. NA
Ht.to 15m. Z8-9. Lovely large shrub or vine with pink-red and purple flowers followed by deep purple fruit.

Gaultheria procumbens Wintergreen............... 10cm pot $5.00ea
N.A.Native.  Ht. 10-15cm.  Z4.  Evergreen.    This creeping, mat forming, dwarf shrub has shiny dark green leaves that turn red in fall .  New leaves are bronzy green in colour.   Clusters of small, urn-shaped flowers are replaced with plump, bright red, round berries in fall and persist through winter.  This is an excellent ground cover.for shade to semi-shade in humus rich soil.

Gaultheria shallon Salal ................................ 10cm pot $5.00ea
......... 1gal  $15.00ea.....................................................2gal $25.00ea
Native. Ht. 0.2-4m.  Z6.  Evergreen.  Dense, spreading shrub; creeping and low in full sun; erect and tall in semi-shade and larger in shade.  Large, shiny, dark green, leathery egg-shaped leaves.  White or pinkish, pendulous, urn-shaped flowers in unidirectional, terminal raceme bloom in May to June. Rounded, black-red fruit appears in late summer, and makes an excellent jelly.

Heptacodium miconioides Seven Sons Flower..... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.3m Z4-5. An extraordinary new shrub from China with large clusters of small snow white fragrant flowers (in groups of seven) in August to September followed by bright red flower sepals which elongate on the fruit and persist well into the winter. The green foliage turns a wonderful yellowish then a purplish red in fall.  The brown peeling bark is also particularly attractive.  This species can also be grown as a small tree in full sun to part shade.

Holodiscus discolor Ocean‑spray......................... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-5m.  Z5.  Strong erect stems droop with the weight of large, up to 30cm long, creamy white flower panicles in July and August.  Triangular, deep green leaves with whitish hairy undersides.  Grows shorter in sun than shade.

Hypericum patulum Hidcote Hidcote Hypericum... 1gal NA
Ht. 1-1.5m.  Z7.  Evergreen.  Don't confuse this beautiful shrub with St. Johns Wort.  This forms a nice, rounded shrub that blooms from June to October with 8cm across, bright yellow flowers with a large central cluster of stamens.  Sun to semi-shade.


Ledum glandulosum Trappers Tea ...................... 1gal $20.00ea
Native. Ht. 0.5-0.8m.  Z2.  Evergreen, aromatic, deep green leaves with greenish white undersides.  Small fragrant white flowers in showy round clusters.

Ledum groenlandicum Labrador Tea ....................1gal $20.00ea
Native. Ht. 0.5-1.5m.  Z2.  Evergreen.  Somewhat straggly, multi-branched shrub with a slightly spicy fragrance.  Narrow, lance-shaped, leathery green-leaves with margins rolled under have dense red-brown, tomentose undersides. Small white flowers in short, rounded terminal clusters.  Leaves can be boiled to make a tea, but be careful; large doses may not be healthy.  Sun to semi-shade in moist to wet, peaty soil.  ( A.K.A.  Rhododendron groenlandicum ).

Lonicera fragrantissima...................................... 1gal $20.00ea
Ht.1-2m.  Z5.  Fragrant white flowers in early January and February. A must for the fragrant garden.   Plants in spring will be on the small side.

Lonicera nitida `Baggesen's Gold'...................... 1gal NA
Ht.1-1.5m. Z6. Evergreen.  A wonderful foliage plant with small bright golden yellow leaves in a tight mass, somewhat like a fast growing boxwood. Plant in part shade to full sun. It can also be sheared to maintain it at any height.

Lonicera nitida `Lemon Beauty'.......................... 2gal NA
Ht.1-1.5m. Z6. A wonderful selection of box honeysuckle with small green leaves trimmed in lemony yellow.

Lonicera involucrata Black Twinberry ................ 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-2m.  Z6.  Yellowish flowers in pairs, surrounded by prominent reddish bracts, bloom from May to July.  Shiny, round, paired black fruits also surrounded by same reddish bracts.  Long lance-shaped leaves are slightly hairy.  Peeling tan colored bark.  Sun to semi-shade in humus-rich soil.    Important hummingbird food

Mahonia aquifolium Tall Oregon‑grape ............... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 1-1.5m.  Z5.  Evergreen.  Leaves, 5-11 parted, with oval, shiny, toothed green leaflets.  New growth usually reddish; old growth reddish-bronze in winter.  Erect, yellow flower spikes bloom in April-May.  Blackish purplish with grey cast edible berries make good jelly.  Likes sun to semi-shade in well drained soil.

Mahonia nervosa Low Oregon-grape.................... 1gal $18.00ea
Native.  Ht. 25-40cm.  Z6.  Evergreen.  Low shrub with dull green leaves divided into 7-21 serrated leaflets.  Upright clusters of yellow flowers bloom in April to June.  Blue berries have a grey cast and make good jelly.  Shade to semi-shade in well drained soil.  Makes a nice ground cover in dry shade.


Mitraria coccinea.............................................. 2gal  $29.95ea
Ht.1-2m. Z8-9.  A much sought after evergreen Chilean native with a low spreading habit and amazing large tubular scarlet orange flowers. Grows almost vine-like.

Myrica californica California  Wax Myrtle............ 5gal  NA
Native.  Ht. 2.5-10m.  Evergreen.  Upright shrub usually grows to 3m in a garden.  Glossy, narrow dark green leaves with toothed edges.  Small, inconspicuous flowers are followed by purplish, waxy nutlets.  This plant is very full and dense and makes a beautiful hedge or screen in sun to shade in well drained soil.

Myrica pennsylvanica Candleberry, Bayberry...... 1galNA
N.A.Native. Ht. 2-3M. Z2.  The persistent silvery-greyish berries are used in making Bayberry candles. Plants form upright rounded shrubs with glossy green foliage.

Myrtus communis Myrtle................................... 1gal  $15.00ea
Ht. 3-5m.  Z8.  Evergreen.  Upright shrub with smooth, glossy, small oval leaves which are very aromatic when crushed.  White, fragrant flowers bloom in July-August.


Oemleria cerasiformis = (Osmaronia cerasiformis).....................
Indian‑plum or Oso berry.................................... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-3m.  Z7.  Multiple stemmed shrub has green lance shaped leaves with grey-green, pubescent  undersides.  First native shrub to bloom in spring with fragrant white flowers in nodding clusters, appearing in early March before the leaves.

Oplopanax horridum Devil's Club........................ 1gal $15.00ea
Larger sizes at the Nursery
Native.  Ht. 1-4m.  Z6.  Large, 40cm across, maple-like leaves with 7-9 heavily toothed lobes.  Both leaves and stems are armed with numerous, long sharp yellow spines.  Numerous small white flowers in terminal, pyramidal clusters turn into pyramidal clusters of flattened shiny bright red berries.  This prehistoric looking shrub prefers shade to semi-shade  in moist to wet, yet well drained soil.

Philadelphus lewisii `gordianus' Mock‑orange ..... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-3m.  Z3. This is the coastal form of the species.  Upright shrub with broad, spreading habit and light brownish peeling bark.  Fragrant white flowers in terminal clusters of 3-11.  Sun to shade in well drained soil.


Physocarpus capitatusPacific Ninebark ............... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-3m.  Z5.  Glossy, dark green, 3-5 lobed, maple leaf-like leaves with pale, grey-green undersides.  Numerous, small flowers form rounded terminal clusters followed by reddish seed heads.  Sun to semi-shade in moist to wet humus-rich soil.

Potentilla fruticosa ` Summit Yellow’.................. 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-1.5m.  Z2.  Small grey-green leaves divided into 3-7 leaflets.  Small mounding to erect, very bushy, drought tolerant shrub.  Our selection is a mounding variety with large yellow flowers. Sun to semi-shade in well drained soil. 

Rhododendron macrophyllum Red Rhododendron, Pacific Rhododendron             1gal  NA

Native.  Ht. 1-8m.  Z7.  Evergreen.  Erect to spreading shrub with thick, leathery, smooth, dark green, 7-15cm, long leaves.  Pink to rosy-purple flowers with yellow markings in large terminal clusters bloom in late spring.  Very pretty native shrub for shade to semi-shade in humus rich soil

Rhododendron occidentale Western Azalea............ soldout
Native.  Ht. 1-2m.  Z6.    The sweetly fragrant flowers of this native are a wonderful mix of pink and white.  Shade to light sun.  A fantastic native shrub.

Rhodotypos scandens Black Jetbead.........................2gal.. $29.95ea
Ht. 1-2m. Z4. This deciduous shrub from China and Japan has large showy white flowers in late spring and early summer followed by shiny jet black fruits.  Plant in well drained soil in full sun to part shade.

Ribes divaricatum................................................ 1gal NA
Native. Ht. 3m. Z4.  A thorny native gooseberry which is very attractive to birds and butterflies. White flowers followed by reddish black fruits.

Ribes x gordonianum  1gal NA
Ht. 1-2.5m.  Z6.  This hybrid between R.sanguineum and R.odoratum has fragrant red flowers that are apricot-yellow on the inside.


Ribes lobbiiGummy Gooseberry ........................ avaiable in May 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-2m.  Z7.  Stoutly thorned shrub with small shiny 3-5 lobed leaves.  Flowers have chocolate-red reflexed petals and creamy white petals; the effect is very much like a fuchsia.  Full sun to semi-shade in well drained soil.   This is a clone we have selected that appears to be more robust.

Ribes sanguineum Red Flowering Currant............ 1gal  $15.00ea
................................................................................... 2gal $29.950ea
ative.  Ht. 2-4m.  Z6.  Crinkly, green, 3-5 lobed maple leaf-like leaves with whitish undersides.  Our selection are from wild collected seed with floweres that are from Red to Pink to Lillac

Ribes sanguineum `King Edward VII'................. 1gal NA
.Native.  Ht. 1-2.5m.  Z6.  This cultivar is lower, has a more compact habit with pure red flowers in long pendulous racemes.  Sun to semi-shade in well drained soil.

Rosa acicularis Prickly Rose............................... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-1.5m.  Z2.  Stems densely covered with small straight prickles.  Leaves dull green with whitish pubescence underneath.  Flowers are dark pink, 5cm across, fragrant and bloom in May to June.  Scarlet hips are pear shaped.  Sun to semi-shade in well drained soil. .

Rosa gymnocarpa Dwarf Woodland Rose............. 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 0.5-1.5m.  Z6.  This tough, yet delicate looking rose has dainty, dark pink flowers with prominent golden stamens.  Blooms in June and July.  Like R .acicularis, this species is well armed with numerous small prickles.  One of the few truly shade tolerant Roses. 

Rosa pisocarpa Clustered Wild Rose.................... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-2.5m.  Z6.  Lilac-pink flowers, 3-4cm across, usually in cluster of 3-6; otherwise similar to R.nutkana, but bushes fuller.  It is also found in sun to semi-shade in moist sites.  Large scarlet red hips are pear shaped.

Rosa nutkanaNootka Rose ................................. 2gal $29.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1.5-3m.  Z6.  Large, fragrant, lilac-pink, up to 8cm across, flowers are usually solitary.  Bloom in June and July.  Hips are reddish-orange and relatively large.  This is the most common and well recognized rose in coastal B.C.  It is found in full sun to semi-shade in mostly moist sites.  Plant with Snowberries for an attractive red & white winter show.

Rosa rubrifolia   Red Leaf Rose.......................... 2gal $29.00ea
Ht.1-2m.  Z3  .  A lovely shrub species rose with purplish red foliage and single reddish pink flowers.  Particularly hardy and disease resistant.

Rosa woodsii Wood's Rose, Alberta Wild Rose...... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht.1.5-2m.  Z4.  Bluish-green leaves.  Young stems reddish while older ones are greyish; both have numerous slender prickles.  Fragrant, pink flowers are usually clustered in groups of 1-3.  Blooms in June to July.  Bright red hips in clusters.

David Austin Roses
We will have a good selection of David Austin Roses at the Nursery from MidMarch onward as well as many other hybrids climbers and old roses



Rubus ideaus ssp strigosus Wild Red Raspberry ..... 1gal $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-2m.  Z3. This wonderful wild raspberry with it juicy red fruits and brillant red fall color is a great addtion to the garden.  Plant in shade to sun. 

Rubus parviflorus Thimbleberry .........................  1gal $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-2m.  Z6.  Large, 25cm across, maple leaf-like leaves. Single white flowers in clusters of 3-5 are followed by bright red cap-shaped sweet edible berries which make an excellent jam.

Rubus spectabilisSalmonberry ........................... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht.1-2.5m. Z5.  Fragrant, single, reddish-pink, 5cm across, nodding flowers bloom February to March.  Berries are bright orange to purple-red when ripe.  These sweet, edible berries make good jam.  An excellent shrub for the garden in shade to semi-shade in a moist to wet site.

Rubus spectabilis  `Double flowered form’............ 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-2m.  Z5.  A very striking, dark, pink double flowered form of the species. 

Rubus tricolor .................................................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.15cm. Z.   Large dark green very waxy glossy leaves on trailing procumbent fuzzy stems.  Leaves turn brilliant red in the fall.  This plant would be suitable to use as a large scale ground cover or as foliage spilling over a rock wall.  We cannot ship any Rubus species into the U.S.A.

Salix yezoalpina................................................ 3gal NA
Ht. 10-15cm. Z3. A wonderful little willow with silvery hairy leaves and a creeping habit.


Sambucus racemosa Red Elderberry.................... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 2-4m.  Z5.  Creamy-white flowers in pyramidal clusters bloom in April or May.  Bright red, shiny berries.  Large, deep green leaves are divided into 5-7 leaflets. Late Spring.


Spiraea betulifolia Birch leaved Spiraea.............. 2gal NA
Native.  Ht. 30-60cm. Z4. White flowers(occasionally tinted rose) in large dense rounded clusters top this small rounded shrub in July and August.  Plant in full sun to part shade.


Stephanandra incisa `Crispa'........... . 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.5m. Z5.   A rarely offered Japanese shrub with a mounding habit and arching branches.  White flowers in loose terminal racemes appear in late spring and summer. The arching branches are clothed in triangular, incised, serrated green leaves that are highlighted in fall with yellow, orange and often ruddy red. 

Symphoricarpos albus Western Snowberry........... 1gal  $15.00ea
                ................................................................... 2gal $20.00ea
Native.  Ht. 0.5-1.5m.  Z3  Erect, branching shrub spreads by rhizomatous shoots.  Pinkish white bell-shaped flowers in short clusters bloom June to September.  Round, snow white fruits in dense clusters persist well into winter.

Vaccinium alaskenses Alaska Blueberry.......... 1gal   NA
Native. Ht.80-125cm. Z3.   An attractive shrub in leaf, flower and fruit.    Flowers are a bronzy pinkish color in early spring and develop into the tastiest blueberries come summer.  Foliage turns a wondrous mix of reds and purples in fall.   Plant in humus rich soil in sun to part shade. Get those delicious berries that you pick when hiking. All vacciniums are prohibited entry into the U.S.A.
Vaccinium membranaceumBlack Huckleberry..   1gal  $18.00ea
Native.  Ht. 0.5-1m.  Z6.  Upright, spreading shrub with small light green leaves.  Solitary pinkish-white flowers in June-July are soon replaced by deep purplish black, edible berries.  Sun to semi-shade in humus-rich soil. All vacciniums are prohibited entry into the U.S.A.

Vaccinium ovalifolium   Oval leaved Blueberry            $18.00ea
Native. Ht.1-2m. Z2. This deciduous native blueberry produces showy small pink flowers followed by yummy blueberries. All vacciniums are prohibited entry into the U.S.A.

Vaccinium ovatum  Evergreen Huckleberry........... 1gal  $18.00ea
.................................................................................. 2gal $29.95ea Native.  Ht. 1-4m.  Z7.  Evergreen.  Erect, bushy shrub with small leathery, shiny, dark green, egg shaped leaves.  New growth is a beautiful bronzy pink.  Clusters of soft pink, bell-shaped flowers bloom in April to May.  Shiny, sweet, edible purplish-black berries. Shade to semi-shade in humus-rich soil. All vacciniums are prohibited entry into the U.S.A.

Vaccinium parvifoliumRed Huckleberry............... 1gal $18.00ea
Native.  Ht. 1-2.5m.  Z6.  Upright shrub with bright green angular stems and small rounded bright green leaves.  Small pinkish-white bell shaped flowers bloom in April to May.  Clear red edible berries are good in jam, jellies and pies.  Shade to semi-shade in humus-rich soil. All vacciniums are prohibited entry into the U.S.A.

Vaccinium vitis‑idaea Lingonberry, Cowberry .. 1gal pot $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 10-30cm.  Z5.   Evergreen.  Creeping shrub which spreads by underground runners.  Glossy, dark green, 2.5cm long leaves with bright red-orange tinges on new growth.  Clusters of small urn-shaped, pinkish-white flowers in May.  Pea-sized, bright red, sour berries make excellent jellies and preserves. All vacciniums are prohibited entry into the U.S.A.


Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus Dwarf Lingonberry 10cmpot $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 5cm. Z4.  Evergreen.   Smaller leaves, shorter and slower than species.  Flowers and berries are much more visible as well. All vacciniums are prohibited entry into the U.S.A.


Viburnum betulifolium............................................... $15.00ea
Ht. 3-3.5m. Z5.  New growth emerges in the spring a wonderful bronzy red color.   A large upright deciduous shrub with an open habit. White flowers in fall are followed by a magnificent profusion of red currant-like fruits.  Awesome  hot pink and red fall coloration.


Viburnum trilobum Highbush Cranberry............... 1gal  $15.00ea
Native.  Ht. 2-4m.  Z2.  A magnificent large shrub.  It has a nice full, erect habit and bluish-green leaves with three deep lobes that turn carmine red early in fall and persist for a long time.  Numerous small white flowers in large flat topped clusters bloom in May to June, followed by transparent, scarlet red fruit that persist well into winter.  Fruit edible but tart.  Sun to semi-shade in humus-rich soil.



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Thimble Farms
175 Arbutus Rd., Salt Spring Island. V8K 1A3 B.C. Canada
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