Deciduous Trees |
We have a much larger selection available at the Nursery. |
Acer barbinerve................. 7gal $149.00ea
Ht. Shrub or small tree. Z4. A rarely offered small maple from Korea and Manchuria. Smallish five-lobed coarsely toothed leaves emerge a coppery brown color fading to green and turning a bright yellow come fall. Young twigs reddish. Yellow flowers held in clusters of 4-6 on 6cm long racemes.
Acer caudatum ssp. ukurunduense................. 7gal $149.00ea
Z6. A beautiful small tree or shrub with small 5-7 lobed leaves, lightly grey tomentose beneath. Very showy upright flower clusters. Lovely peeling bark.
Abies concolor White Fir ............... Ready in May 1gal $12.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 10-20m. Z4. Evergreen. Glaucus blue green foliage makes this tree standout in any landscape. Full pyramidal growth habit.
Abies fraseri Fraser Fir ................ Ready in May 1gal $12.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 15-25m. Z4. Evergreen. restricted to the southeastern Appalachian Mountains in southwestern Virginia, western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. Beautiful, full fir with glossy bright green foliage, Makes a lovely specimen or Christmas tree.
Abies grandisGrand Fir ................ Ready in May 1gal $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 50-80m. Z4. Evergreen. Beautiful full fir with glossy deep green, long needles in two rows along branches and white lines on undersides. Sun to shade. Will reach 15-20m in thirty years. Larger sizes available at the nursery.
Abies procera Noble Fir ................ Ready in May 1gal $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 50-70m. Z4. Evergreen. Beautiful full fir with glossy deep dark green foliage. Makes a lovely specimen or Christmas tree.
strong>Abies lasiocarpa SubAlpine Fir ........ Ready in May 1gal$12.00ea
Native. Ht. 20-50m. Z2. Evergreen. Slow growing Fir that makes the perfect specimen or Christmas tree with branches held in distinct whorls.
Abies nordmannianaNorman Fir Ready in May 11cm deep $12.00ea
Ht. 50-60m. Z4. Evergreen. Slow growing Fir from the Black Sea area with wonderful dark green foliage, that makes the perfect specimen or Christmas tree.
Acer barbinerve............................................... 7gal $149.00ea
Ht. Shrub or small tree. Z4. A rarely offered small maple from Korea and Manchuria. Smallish five-lobed coarsely toothed leaves emerge a coppery brown color fading to green and turning a bright yellow come fall. Young twigs reddish. Yellow flowers held in clusters of 4-6 on 6cm long racemes.
Acer caudatum ssp. ukurunduense................ 7gal $149.00.00ea
Z6. A beautiful small tree or shrub with small 5-7 lobed leaves, lightly grey tomentose beneath. Very showy upright flower clusters. Lovely peeling bark.
Acer circinatum Vine Maple................................ 2gal $35.00ea
......... Lots of larger sizes available at the Nursery
Ht. 3-7m. Z6. Small tree or shrub, frequently multi-stemmed with medium sized 7-9 lobed leaves. Excellent fall colour of splendid red. Reddish flowers hang in clusters in early spring. This plant has a stiff, erect habit when grown in full sun and a loose almost vine-like habit when grown in shade, making it a very versatile and useful tree. Larger sizes at the Nursery.
Acer circinatum `Pacfic Fire ' ....................... $119.00ea and up
Native. Ht. 3-7. Z5 A great new variety that has bright red bark on the new growth. New growth emerges chartreuse and ages to green. An absolute knock out in the winter especially in the snow.. Sun to part shade.
Acer circinatum `Sunglow' ...................................... $119.00ea
Native. Ht. 1-4M. Z5 Leaves emerge an apricot and peach color in the spring, fading to a lime chartruese yellow for the rest of the season. Shade to part sun. What a cool vine maple.
Acer griseum Paper bark Maple........................... 2gal $39.00ea
Ht.10m. Z5. Paperbark Maple is renowned for its' mature exfoliating bark which exposes cinnamon orange wood.
Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf Maple .................... 1gal $15.00ea
Larger sizes available at the Nursery
Native. Ht. 15-25m. Z6. Large, glossy, dark green leaves turn shades of yellow and orange in fall. In spring; yellow, fragrant flowers hang in 20-30cm long panicles that appear with the first leaves in spring. An outstanding shade tree and one of the most beautiful of all large maples. Larger sizes available at the nursery.
Acer monspessulanum Montpellier Maple ............ 5gal $89.00ea
Ht. 6-10m. Z5. A small densely rounded crowned tree with small attractive three lobed leaves. There is something about this tree that every time I walk by and look at the charming little leaves I am forced to stop and smile. Found from South Eastern Europe to Western Asia. Can tolerate dry gravel and alkaline soil but performs well in wetter acidic conditions. Slow growing.
Acer palmatum The Japanese Maples
There is a tremendous variation in appearance between the different varieties we grow. All have small to medium sized, more or less dissected, 5-7 lobed leaves. They prefer to grow in sun to semi-shade in well drained soil. If the red leaf cultivars are planted in too much shade the leaf colour will turn to green. This year all the plants are too large to ship. So if you come to the nursery we willl have a good selection of 5gal and 7gal plants. This year we will have a huge slection off Hapanes maples. This year we will have almost 100 varities at the Nursery. From 2gal to very large specimens. Come wander and see what we have.
Alnus rubra Red Alder... Available April onwards 1gal $12.00ea
Larger specimens available at the nursery
Native. Ht.10-25m. Z6. This fast growing, broadly pyramidal tree is common throughout the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest. Prefers sun to semi-shade in moist to damp soil.
Araucaria araucana Monkey Puzzle Tree.............. 3gal $59.00ea
Ht.20-30m. Z7. An interesting tree from Chile with dark green, shiny, hard pointed scale-like leaves. The stiff branches are held horizontally in distinct whorls. Plant in humus rich soil in sun to part shade. Reportedly monkeys sit beneath this tree, whiling away the days, puzzling how to ascend this intriguing tree with its spiny scale like leaves. An attractive tree to plant for its lovely silhouette or to see how many monkeys reside in you neighbourhood. This has been upgraded to an endangered species so we can no longer ship to the U.S.A.
Aralia elata Japanese Angelica Tree.................. 7 gal $89.95ea
Ht.14m. Z4. This is a fast growing deciduous tree with spiny stems, white flowers in August followed by purple fruit and striking reddish purple fall colour.
Betula alleghaniensis Yellow Birch..................... 2gal $35.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.18-30m. Z3. A deciduous tree with yellowish bark, smooth on young trees, peeling as the tree ages. Dull green leaves turn yellow in fall. Male catkins are 8-12 cm long.
Cornus controversa Giant Dogwood..................... 2gal $39.00ea
Ht10-15m. Z5. An interesting tree with a horizontal spreading habit giving the tree a multi-tiered effect. White flowers are carried in flat clusters on the tiered branches. Foliage turns red early in fall and persists for a long time.
Chamaecyparis nootkatensisinus Alska Cypress ( Yellow Cedar) Ready in May 1gal$12.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.10-20m. Z2. An attractive cypress that is slow to moderate in growth, making it a perfect, low maintenance, screening tree. Bluish-green foliage makes it also a valuable specimen.
Cornus nuttallii Pacific Dogwood......................... 2gal $35.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-20m. Z5. This is our native dogwood tree with large snowy white bracts in spring. Best planted in less than full sun.
Cornus mas Cornelian Cherry............................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 5m. Z5. This winter blooming shrub or small tree has wiry golden-yellow flowers before leaf out followed by brilliant small cherry-like, red edible fruit. A valuable winter bloomer.
Cornus mas ‘ Macrocarpa’ ....................................... $15.00ea
Ht. 5m. Z5. A rarely offered form of this winter blooming shrub with the same wiry golden-yellow flowers but with larger brilliant cherry-like red edible fruit. A valuable winter bloomer.
Cornus officinalis Japanese Cornel Dogwood......... 2gal $39.00ea
Ht.2-6m. Z6. Similar to Cornus mas but considered superior in all respects. Bright yellow flowers in March to April followed by showy red fruits. The foliage turns a nice rich red color in autumn.
Crataegus douglasii Black Hawthorn ................... 1gal $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 3-10m. Z5. Small tree or large multistemmed shrub. Dark green, oval shaped leaves with saw toothed margins turn pinkish red in fall. Small white flowers in terminal clusters of 10-20 blossoms, bloom in May. Small, edible berries, deep wine red at first, mature to a deep glossy black. Sun to semi-shade in humus-rich soil.
Davidia involucrata Dove Tree......................... 2 gal $35.00ea
LIts of larger treesat the Nursery start at $99.00ea
Ht.9-15m.Z5. Dove or Handkerchief tree is a showy shade tree bearing large white flowers with bracts up to 7" long.
Fraxinus americana White Ash........................... 5gal $79.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.40m. Z3. A deciduous tree with a spreading crown and grey bark. Pinnately compound leaves with 5-9, long stalked leaflets turn a rich burgundy red with purple highlights in fall.
Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky Coffee tree........... 2gal $29.00ea
Ht.12m. An interesting tree with huge 1meter long pinnately compound leaves. White flowers in terminal clusters. Fruits can be used to make a coffee like beverage.
Koelreuteria paniculata....................................... 2gal $29.00ea
Ht. 15-25m. Z7. Long yellow flower trusses in summer are followed by fruit. Drought tolerant tree with wonderful fall colour.
Malus fusca = Pyrus fusca Western Crabapple..... 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 5-7m. Z6. Our Native crab-apple is a small tree or large, multistemmed shrub with numerous long spurs on the branches. Diversely shaped leaves turn a brilliant yellow and red in fall. Small, edible, yellow, red- cheeked fruit also appear in fall in large showy clusters. Fragrant white, apple blossom like flowers in clusters bloom in April to July. Sun to semi-shade in moist to dryish soil. Larger sizes available at the nursery.
Magnolia acuminata Cucumber tree....................... 2gal 45.00ea
............................................................................ 5gal $79.00
N.A. Native. Ht. 15-20m. Z3. A wonderful tree with small
fragrant greenish-yellow tulip shaped flowers. The true beauty of this tree emerges in late summer when the green cucumber shaped fruit turn a velvety brilliant red which then split to reveal bright orange-red seeds that come popping out.
Magnolia officinalis.......................................... 7gal $149.00ea
Ht.20m. Z7. White flowers with numerous red stamens. Cone-like fruits turn red when ripe.
Picea sitchensis Sitka Spruce Ready in May 11cm deep $12.00ea
Ht. 50-100m. Z4. Evergreen. Fast Growing Spruce with blue-green foliage.
Pinus contorta contorta Shore Pine.. Ready in May 1gal$12.00ea
Native. Ht.1-20. Z2. A twisted gnarled Pine that must be grown in acid soil to maintain its contorted shape. If grown in regular soil they will grow and look like a lodgepole Pine.
Pinus contorta latifolia Lodgepole Pine Ready in May 1gal$12.00ea
Native. Ht.40-50m. Z2. A tall narrow Pine that can tolerate harsh conditions once established.
Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine ... Ready in May 1gal$12.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.40-50m. Z2. A nice Pine with fine light green foliage.
Populus tremuloides Trembling Aspen................. 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-30m. Z1. Rarely taller than 15m in cultivation. Slender tree with light grey-green bark. Rounded, blue-green leaves have flat leaf stalks which allow the leaves to "tremble" in the slightest breeze. Pale yellow fall color.
Quercus garryana Garry Oak............................. 1gal $19.00ea
........................................................................ 2gal $35.00ea
...................................... On site sales only 5gal$59.95ea and up
.................................... On site sales only 7gal $95.00ea and up
Native. Ht. 5-30m. Z7. This can be a large tree or a relatively small shrubby bush. Leathery, dark green, glossy leaves with deeply rounded lobes and a whitish underneath. Sun to semi-shade in well drained soil. This always makes an attractive plant.
Rhamnus pershiana Cascara ............................. 1gal $25.00ea
Native. Ht. 3-15m. Z7. Dark green, glossy, prominently veined, egg-shaped leaves turn yellow in fall. Small greenish-yellow flowers in terminal clusters followed by clusters of conspicuous, shiny black, edible berries. The bark has long been used as a laxative.
Salix hookeriana Hookers Willow...................... 1gal $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 4.5-6m. Z2. Shrub or small tree the young leaves and twigs are covered in a thick soft white hair. The catkins are larger on this species than most. Also used in basketry.
Salix purpurea nana Dwarf Arctic Willow........... 1gal $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 1-2.5m. Z2. Small shrub with bluish green leaves and reddish-purple- maroon stems. Good for a border or as a low hedge or a specimen. Also used in basketry.
Salix scouleriana Scoulers Willow...................... 1gal $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 4-10M. Z2. Small tree or shrub with a wide tolerance for soil types and moisture. Also used in basketry.
Salix sitchensis Sitka Willow............................ 1gal $12.00ea
Native. Ht. 1-8m. Z5. Small tree or large shrub with smooth, brownish red bark turning gray and slightly furrowed with age. Leaves are bright green oval shaped being wider near the tip and densely hairy on undersides. Also used in basketry.
Sorbus sitchensis Sitka Mountain Ash.................. 5gal $59.95ea
Native. Ht. 1-4m. Z5. Small tree or shrub with bluish green leaves divided into 7-11 leaflets. Small white flowers in round topped terminal clusters. Scarlet red berry-like fruit.
Sorbus sitchensis Sitka Mountain Ash.................. 5gal $59.95ea
Native. Ht. 1-4m. Z5. Small tree or shrub with bluish green leaves divided into 7-11 leaflets. Small white flowers in round topped terminal clusters. Scarlet red berry-like fruit.
Styrax hemsleyanum Chinese Snowbell Tree....... 7gal $149.00ea
Ht 10m. Z7. White fragrant flowers in hanging clusters in summer.
Styrax japonica Snowbell Tree................................... $20.00ea
Ht. 8-10m. Z5. A wonderful small tree with fragrant white, bell-shaped pendulous flowers in clusters of three to six. Blooms in June to July followed by greenish white fruits in the fall.
Styrax japonica Benibana Pink Snowbell Tree............. $20.00ea
Ht. 8-10m. Z5. A wonderful small tree with fragrant soft pink, bell-shaped pendulous flowers in clusters of three to six. Blooms in June to July followed by greenish white fruits in the fall.
Styrax japonica Pendula Weeping Snowbell Tree......... $20.00ea
Ht. 8-10m. Z5. A wonderful small tree with fragrant white, bell-shaped pendulous flowers in clusters of three to six. Blooms in June to July followed by greenish white fruits in the fall.
Tetracentron sinense......................................... 7gal $149.00ea
Ht.10-20m. Z6. Heart shaped leaves turn an incredible deep red in fall. Yellow flowers in a narrow terminal pendulous spike in June. From China.
Trachycarpus fortunei Fan Palm........................... 2gal $35.00ea
Large sizes at the nursery
Ht. 20m. Z7-8. The palm tree of choice on Salt Spring Island. Slow growing to 20m. We offer small 1 gallon plants grown from seed collected on Salt Spring Island from Banana Joe's trees.
Thuja plicataWestern Red Cedar....................... 1gal $12.00ea
Larger sizes available at the Nursery From $39.00-$199.00ea
Native. Ht. 20-60m. Z4. Evergreen. Large, fast growing broadly pyramidal tree with large, drooping and spreading branches. Makes a good specimen or can be sheared into an excellent formal or informal hedge. Sun to shade in humus-rich soil.
Tsuga mertensiana Mountain Hemlock 5gal $59.00ea
Native. Ht.10-40m. Z2. Evergreen. Blue-green foliage with a silvery cast. Needles grow all around stems to give a soft, tufty appearance. Slow growing in the garden reaching 2-3m in twenty years. Good in sun to shade in humus-rich soil.
Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock ................ 2gal $25.00ea
Native. Ht.20-60M Z5. A great specimen or screening tree for shade to part shade
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175 Arbutus Rd., Salt Spring Island. V8K 1A3 B.C. Canada
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