Sisyrinchium - Blued eyed grass |
Perennial with grass or Iris-like leaves in basal tufts and saucer or bell shaped flowers on stalks slightly above foliage. Looks like a blooming grass. The so called blue eyed grasses come in white, blue, purple and golden-yellow.
Sisyrinchium angustifoliumBlue-eyed Grass
.... 10cm pot $5.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-20cm. Z3. Tufts of grass-like leaves with violet-blue yellow throated flowers. Blooms May to October. Sun to semi-shade.
Sisyrinchium angustifolium ‘Album’... 10cm pot $5.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-20cm. Z3. Tufts of grass-like leaves with white flowers. Blooms May to October. Sun to semi-shade.
Sisyrinchium californicum Golden-eyed Grass..................... 10cm pot $5.00ea
Native. Ht. 10-25cm. Z8. Tufts of grass-like leaves with golden-yellow flowers. Blooms June and July. Sun to semi-shade. Can be grown in a colder climate but will be a self seeding annual.
Sisyrinchium douglasii Satin‑flower.... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-20cm. Z6. Very narrow leaves in small tufts. Blooms in March or April with bell-shaped reddish-purple flowers. Sun to semi-shade. This is very slow to multiply, naturally small.
Sisyrinchium macounii album White-eyed grass....... Fall only10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 10-15cm. Z8. Evergreen. Narrow, iris-like leaves in tufts. Pure white flowers in late spring. Sun to semi-shade. Fall only
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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