Hostas are herbaceous perennials with lily-like flowers and handsome decorative leaves. Plant in shade to part sun in humus-rich soil. All like some filtered light.
Sroll down for listings
Hosta `Abba Dabba Do'............................................. ..NA
Ht.60+cm. Z3. This is a sport of H. Sun Power with green leaves and a bright yellow edge. The foliage emerges all green and then the edges develop. An introduction by Tony Avent.
Hosta `Abiqua Recluse'.................................. $20.00ea
Ht.35cm. Z3. Deeply cupped and heavily corrugated bright-gold foliage .
Hosta `American Halo'.............................................. ..NA
Ht. 60cm. Z3. Slightly wavy leaves are intensely blue with a wide wavy creamy margin. White flowers.
Hosta `Antioch'........................................................ ..NA
Ht. 50cm. Z3. Pale green leaves with yellow margin that fades to creamy white. Lavender flowers.
Hosta Atlantis........................................................... ..NA
Ht.60cm. Z3. This Hosta forms a huge 5’ wide clump of slightly wavy, pointed, green leaves. Each leaf has a wide light yellow margin.
Hosta `August Moon'......................................... 1gal ..NA
Ht. 60cm. Z3. Large, rounded, puckered, golden leaves. Flowers white with a touch of pale lavender.
Hosta `Barbara Ann'.......................................... 1gal..NA
Ht.50cm. Z3. This sport of H..sieboldiana Elegans has thick corrugated blue-green leaves with a broad cream margin that slowly turns to white. Near white flowers.
Hosta `Big Daddy'..................................................... $15.00ea
Ht.70cm. Z3. Very thick, heavily corrugated blue-green leaves. Near white flowers.
Hosta `Birchwood Parky's Gold'.......................... 1gal ..NA
Ht.46cm. Z3. Large chartreuse leaves become medium golden by early summer. Lavender flowers.
Hosta `Blond Elf'.............................................. 2gal ..NA
Ht.20cm. Dwarf. Wavy yellow lance shaped leaves. Soft lavender flowers.
Hosta `Blue Mammoth'............................................ ..NA
Ht.85cm. Z2. A gorgeous big blue hosta with thickly corrugated leaves and light lavender flowers.
Hosta `Blue Mouse Ears'.......................................... ..NA
Ht.10-25cm. Z3. Dwarf. A very cute small hosta with small, rounded gray green foliage.
Hosta `Blue Umbrella'....................................... 1gal ..NA
Ht. 90cm. Z3. Large blue, textured leaves. Flowers white.
Hosta Captain’s Adventure...........................................NA
Ht.40-50. Z2. A sport of Captain Kirk with unique tricolored foliage. The lighter colored margins are separated from the darker yellowish green centers by darker green, giving it a leaf on leaf look.
Hosta Captain Kirk......................................................NA
Ht.50. Z2. This Hosta has a delicious wide golden center surrounded by a very broad dark green edge. As you can imagine, the contrast is truly stunning.
Hosta 'Cherry Berry'......................................... 1gal..NA
Ht.30-40cm. Z3. Dark green lance shaped leaves with irregular white centers. Leaf petioles and flower scapes are a clear reddish color( rare in hostas). Flowers purple.
Hosta 'Christmas Tree'...................................... 1gal ..NA
Ht.50cm. Z3. A medium sized hosta with a pyramidal habit. Large rugose blue green leaves with a distinct creamy white border. Flowers are light lavender in color.
Hosta Curly Fries...................................................... ..NA
Ht.15cm. Z3. This dwarf variety has very stiff, narrow, rippled leaves that develop good chartreuse color in morning sun.
Hosta `Dancing Queen'....................................... $15.00ea
Ht.45cm. Z3. Mounds of large, broadly ovate, satiny, brilliant golden yellow leaves.
Hosta `Diamond Tiara'...................................... 1gal ..NA
Ht. 50cm. Z3. Wavy green leaves with a yellow edge.
Hosta 'Dream Weaver'...............................................NA
Ht. 75cm Z3. A wonderful sport of H.'Great Expectation' with creamy yellow to white centers surrounded by a thick blue green margin.
Hosta 'Dream Queen'............................................... ..NA
Ht. 60cm Z3. Heart shaped bright blue green leaves with soft yellow centers.
Hosta `Empress Wu'........................................... 1gal ..NA
Ht.120cm. Z3. One of the largest hosta with huge leaves that can be 45cm long and across. Huge dark green leaves with good substance and heavy veining make this a focal point in any garden. Plants are larger this year.
Hosta `Emily Dickinson'.............................. 11cm pot..NA
Ht. 50cm. Z4. A relatively new hybrid with medium green leaves and yellow margins. Fragrant lavender flowers.
Hosta `Eternal Flame'........................................ 1gal ..NA
Ht.25cm. Z3. This sport of H.Whirlwind is stunning with its black-green leaves and brilliant white central pattern that holds thoughout the
Hosta `Fire and Ice'............................................. 1gal ..$15.00ea
Ht.20cm. Z3. Compact mound of widely Oval, lightly twisted, cremy-ivory to purwhite leaves with a irregular green Margin
Hosta fluctuans `Variegated' (Sagae).......................... ..NA
Ht. 50cm. Z4. This is one of the most cherished cultivars with frosty green leaves and bright creamy yellow margins. Heavy substance, good slug resistance and pale lavender flowers.
Hosta `Fragrant Bouquet'.................................. 1 gal $17.00ea
Ht.55cm. Z3. Creamy yellow margin brightens to white by summer with pale green center. Light lavender fragrant flowers.
Hosta `Frosted Mouse Ears'.. .......................... 1 gal..NA
Ht.15cm. Z3. An adorable miniature with blue-green leaves with a creamy margin that emerges yellow gold.
Hosta `Funny Mouse'...............................................NA
Ht.20cm. Dwarf. Another mouse with blue-green leaves with a white margin that turn to creamy white as the season progresses.
Hosta `Ginko Craig'........................................... 1gal ..NA
Ht. 15cm. Z3. Short lance shaped leaves with sharp white borders. Dark purple flowers.
Hosta `Great Expectations'................................. 1 gal..NA
Ht. 60cm. Z3. Blue green margins with golden center in spring brightening to white by summer. Flowers near white.
Hosta `Halcyon'..............................................NA
Ht.30-45cm. Z3. An old favourite that produce mounds of good blue foliage.
Hosta `Heat Wave'................................................... ..NA
Ht.15-30cm. Z3. Chartreuse leaves with a wide, blue margin in Spring age to bright gold with a bluegreen margin by Summer. White blooms.
Hosta `Holy Mouse Ears'......................................... ..NA
Ht.15cm. Z3. Another Blue Mouse sport with thick rounded blue-green leaves with a creamy white center.
Hosta `June'..................................................... 1 gal ..NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Gold centered with blue green margins. A sport of Halcyon. Flowers lavender.
Hosta `June Fever'............................................ 1 gal ..NA
Ht. 40cm. Z3. A new sport of Hosta June. Nearly all gold yellow leaves with narrow blue-green margin.
Hosta `Kabitan’.........................................................NA
Ht. 25cm Z3. This is kind of a neat hosta with very narrow yellow foliage with a clear green border on slightly ruffled edges.
Hosta `Kifukurin Ko Mame' ........................ 11cm pot ..NA
Ht. 4-10cm. Z3 This is a rare dwarf hosta whose name translates as `gold margined very small Hosta'.
Hosta `Kiwi Full Monty’.............................................NA
Ht. 55cm Z3. This sport of H.Striptease has rich blue-green margins and a leaf center that transitions from chartreuse to creamy yellow to ivory.
Hosta `Krosse Regal'.......................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60-76cm. Z3. Medium, blue-grey, wavy edged leaves and large funnel shaped lavender flowers. This is considered by many to be the best Hosta for specimen planting.
Hosta `Lakeside Paisley Print'...................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Heart shaped leaves with a very wide, wavy green edge and creamy, feathered central markings.
Hosta `Loyalist’.......................................................NA
Ht. 45cm Z3. This is a reverse variegated sport of H. Patriot. Creamy-white centers and dark green margins.
Hosta `Lucky Mouse'............................................... NA
Ht.20cm. Dwarf. thick blue-green leaves with a wavy yellow margin that slowly turns white as the season progresess.
Hosta minor 11cm pot................................................... $15.00eaHt. 10cm. Z3. Dwarf. Collected in Japan by Steve Doonan. Forms nice clumps of shiny green lanceolate leaves with clusters of purple flowers
Hosta `Night Before Christmas'........................ 1gal NA
Ht 45cm. Z3 Bold white center with a medium green edge.
Hosta `Paradigm'..................................................... NA
Ht. 55cm. Z3. 2007 Hosta of the Year! Nice shiny bright golden, slightly puckered leaves with a green margin
Hosta `Patriot'.................................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 50-60cm. Z5. A sport of H.`Francee': it has wider more striking white margins on the leaves.
Hosta `Pizzazz'................................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z5. Medium green with streaking of yellow and white and white margin, heart shaped wrinkled leaves. Bell shaped lavender f lowers
Hosta `Purple Dwarf'................................... 10cm potNA
Ht. 10cm. Z3. This is a nice dwarf dark green leaved hosta with purple flowers.
Hosta `Praying Hands'........................................ 1gal
Ht.60cm. Z3. Narrow upright heavily rippled leaves with thin gold edging. Tightly folded leaves resemble praying hands.
Hosta `Radiant Edger'....................................... 2gal NA
Ht. 20cm. Chartreuse margin on medium green leaf. Has a very neat appearance and sharply defined colors. Lavender flowers.
Hosta `Rainbows End'............................................. NA
Ht.25cm. Dwarf. Samll hosta with shiny yellow leaves with dark green margins and streaks.
Hosta `Rainforest Sunrise'................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 25cm. Golden leaf is encircled by a dramatic dark green border. Cupped and heavily puckered. Small plants 2013 Hosta of the Year
Hosta `Red October'................................................ $15.00ea
Ht.25cm. Dwarf. Lanceolate, dark green leaves have silvery undersides, leaf petioles are heavily speckled in red that bleeds into the leaf base.
Hosta `Rectifolia Fujibotan'.............................................. $20.00ea
Ht.60cm. Z2. The highlight of thel, 2' wide, green leaf clump is the dramatic, fully double lavender flowers atop 4' tall stalks.. Found on the slopes of Mt Fuji in Japan
Hosta `Rootin Tootin'..............................................NA
Ht.35cm. Dwarf. This gorgeous hosta has dark green leaf margins with lime green streaks and a bright yellow center that ages to creamy white.
Hosta `Royal Standard'...................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 50cm. Z3. Large, light green leaves. Fragrant white funnel shaped flowers.
Hosta sieboldiana `Elegans'................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 80cm. Z4. Heavily textured, large, blue-grey rounded leaves. White flow
Hosta sieboldiana `Frances Williams'.................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 60cm. Z3. Blue-green leaves with a yellow margin. White bell shaped flowe.
Hosta `Show Boat’. ............................................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht:35cm. Dark green leaves are surrounded by a wide creamy-white margin and topped with lavender flowers
Hosta `Sleeping Star'............................................... NA
Ht.35cm. Dwarf. Heart shape blue leaves with a wide yellow margin that ages to cream.
Hosta `Snake Eyes'.................................................NA
Ht.50cm. Unique, showy Hosta with white stripes that separate two shades of green; dark on the outer edge of the leaves, light in the center.
Hosta `Snowcap'...................................................... NA
Ht. 50cm. Z2. Round, corrugated frosty blue green leaves have thick creamy edges. White flowers.
Hosta `Spartacus'...................................................NA
Ht.70cm. A large Hosta with green leaves with a pie crusted and serrated yellow edge.
Hosta `St Elmos Fire’...............................................NA
Ht.40cm. Z3. Leaves emerge bright yellow and age to green with crisp white edges. The effect of having both new and old foliage with yellow and green centres at the same time is great
Hosta `Sugar and Cream'................................... 1 gal NA
Ht. 65cm. Z3. Creamy white margins and medium green centers. Fragrant lavender flowers.
Hosta 'Sugar Daddy'................................................ $16.00ea
Ht. 55cm Z3. A wonderful variegated sport of H.'Big Daddy' with the same corrugated blue green leaves but the edges are a variable creamy white
Hosta `Sum and Substance'................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 70-80cm. Z4. This is a large hosta with huge golden yellow leaves and white flowers. The degree of color increases with the amount of light, but not too much or it will burn.
Hosta `Sun Power'.............................................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.60cm. Z3. One of the best gold hostas, forming a beautiful clump rapidly. Leaves pointed and twisted..
Hosta `Striptease'.............................................. 1gal NA
Ht 45cm. Z3. Satiny heart shaped leaves have a white central line bordered by a light golden band which is surrounded by a dark green margin. The band is often not seen in young plants, develops with age. Lavender flowers.
Hosta T Rex...................................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 75cm. Z3. One of the largest hostas with huge dusky blue leaves.
Hosta `Wide Brim'............................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z4. Leaves have a green center with an irregular margin of creamy-yellow. Open faced light lavender flowers.
Hosta 'Whirlwind'............................................. 1gal NA
Ht.25cm.Z3. This unusual hosta has creamy white twisted foliage that is edged with dark green.
Hosta 'Yellow Polka dot Bikini'.......................... 1gal NA
Ht.15-30cm. Z3. A sport from Hosta ‘Striptease’ with bright yellow borders that eventually turn apple green...leaf center is darker and shows the typical ‘Striptease’ white line.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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