A group of rhizomatus species closely related to Trilliums,
often included in the genus Daiswa. Totally bizzare. Atop
a trillium like stem sits a whorl of 4-12 narrow leaves,
at the apex are 4-6 green sepals and 4-6 narrow green to
golden petals. Fruit capsules scarlet red to purple black.
These are easily grown plants yet they resent being moved
and often take 2-3 years to attain their full beauty.
We should have other paris offering on the collectors list by April.
Paris polyphylla............................. 11cm pot $20.00ea
Ht.40-95cm. Z6. Flowers with narrow green sepals and thread-like golden petals atop a whorl of narrow green leaves. Fruit capsule scarlet red.
Paris tetraphylla.. ...................................... 11cm pot $25.00ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z6. Slender rhizomes give rise to wiry stems topped with 4-7 leaves. Up facing flowers with green sepals and thread-like golden petals atop a whorl of narrow green leaves. Fruit capsule black-purple.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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