Epimediums are easy-to-grow, woodland perennials that provide the first welcome of spring with their spidery flowers, then a solid backdrop of attractive foliage for the remainder of the growing season. These drought tolerant perennials can either be used as a woodland specimen, or great groundcovers for small or large areas.
Epimedium acuminatum............................... $25.00ea
Ht.25-40cm. Z5. Long narrow leathery leaves emerge pink, tinted maroon. A rarely offered species from China with large inflorescence of dark lavender maroon petals and lighter white or pale yellowish tinted lilac sepals.
Epimedium`Amber Queen’........................................ $25.00ea
Ht.25-40cm. Z4. A new hybrid (E.flavum x E.wushanense). Deep yellow flowers, the back face of the sepals is red tinted, and the petals are speckled with red. As a result, the freely produced flowers appear pale orange - amber is an excellent description.
Epimedium`Atlas’..................................................... $25.00ea
Ht.25-40cm. Z5. A new introduction by Free Spirit Nursery. A floriferous hybrid that forms a nice mounding clump with flowers held above the foliage.
Epimedium `Benichidori'............................. $25.00ea
Ht. 15-40cm. Z5 Large gorgeous incredibly dark pink-red flowers with long petal spurs that are white tipped.
Epimedium cantabrigiense.................................. $25.00ea
Ht. 20-30cm. Z5. Semievergreen. Olive to brownish leaves. Flowers light yellow with reddish margins. Makes a good ground cover in light shade.
Epimedium chlorandrum............................. Fall only $25.00ea
Ht. 40-60cm. Z5. This evergreen Epimedium from China forms mounds of glossy green leaves. New growth in spring is often splashed with a wonderful red mottling. Large yellow flowers backed with white on long spikes of 30-60 flowers.
Epimedium diphyllum 'Roseum'................................ 25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z5. Rosy pink flowers without spurs often rebloom.
Epimedium diphyllum 'Variegatum'.......................... $25.00ea
Ht.20cm. Z5. White flowers are held above leaves variously mottled with flecks of white.
Epimedium epsteinii................................................. $25.00ea
Ht.15-20cm. Z5. A new species with wide, pure white, sepals and striking reddish purple spurs and cup. Forms a nice low dense groundcover. We offer a few small divisions.
Epimedium franchetti............................................... $25.00ea
Ht. 40-50cm. Z5. This evergreen species from China has incredibly showy mottled new growth and arching stems with spidery lemony yellow flowers.
Epimedium `Fujinami'........................................ $25.00ea
Ht. 20-40cm. Z5. This new Japanese variety has soft lavender flowers with wonderfully long spurs having the slightest hint of white at their tips.
Epimedium grandiflorum Longspur Barrenwort.... $25.00ea
Ht. 40cm. Z5. Large, soft, purplish-pink flowers with long, white, downward curving spurs. Very showy. New growth bronzy red. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium grandiflorum var. higoense..................... $25.00ea
Ht.20cm. Z5. This small early blooming Epimedium is adorned with creamy white flowers. Blooms appear when the foliage is only 12cm high.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee'..................... $25.00ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z4. A dwarfer selection with lavender violet flowers and a clump forming habit.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Mars'............................... $25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z4. Purple -red flowers.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Nanum'........................... $25.00ea
Ht.10-30cm. Z4. White flowers above dwarf foliage in spring. Foliage is often rimmed with a purple band. When in bloom this plant is much shorter and grows to its maximum height after blooming..
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Red Queen'...................... $25.00ea
Ht.35cm. Z4. Large vivid rosy red flowers peak out from enormous leaves when mature.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Rose Queen'............... $25.00ea
Ht. 40cm. Z5. Large, showy deep pink flowers with long, white, downward curving spurs. New growth bronzy red. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Saxton’s Purple'............... $25.00ea
Ht.20-35cm. Z4. New foliage has a coppery overlay. Large lavender flowers are held well above the leaves.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Sirius'.............................. $25.00ea
Ht.15-40cm. Z4. Only 15cm tall when in bloom with large elegant pink flowers above soft green foliage. Later grows to about 40cm.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Tama No Genpei'............. $25.00ea
Ht.20-40cm. Z4. Large bicoloured flowers of lavender and white often rebloom. Lovely new foliage is tinted with purple.
Epimedium `Hagoromo-no-mai'................... $25.00ea
Ht. 25-40cm. Z5 This variety has dark pinkish red flowers with long petal spurs that are barely white tipped and overlapping sepals that are almost as long.
Epimedium `Jujisei'.................................................. $25.00ea
Ht. 25-40cm. Z5 At long last it’s back. A rarely offered selection from Japan with reddish pink. The open flowers lack the typical lamina blade which in most species and hybrids hide the stamens. The large open faced dark pinkish red flowers lie flat with prominant yellow stamens showing. Petal spurs are white and protrude like a little horn from the upper surface of each petal. Jujiseii means star cross in Japanese.
Epimedium x kaguyahimei....................................... $25.00ea
Ht.35cm. Z5?. This near evergreen Barrenwort has lovely arrow-shaped foliage beautifully mottled with purplish red in early spring. Tall panicles carry multitudes of striking flowers with dark reddish purple spurs and rose pink inner sepals. We are offering only a few small divisions.
Epimedium `Koharu'.......................................... $25.00ea
Ht. 25-40cm. Z5. This variety has large petals with broad pink petal lamina and long narrower spurs suffused with white. Overlapping pink sepals, fading to white in the center.
Epimedium koreanum `Harold Epstein’.................... $25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z5. A clone that has huge butter yellow flowers and huge leaflets. Used to be considered Epimediumgrandiflorum ssp. Koreanum. We offer only a few small divisions.
Epimedium leptorhizum ............................................ $25.00ea
Ht.15-20cm. Z5. A wonderful spreader with large rose pink flowers. Great as a groundcover in dry shade.
Epimedium Mizuho-maru’........................................ $25.00ea
Ht. 20-75. Z5. Broad white sepals with dark rosy pink outer edges and inward curving spurs make this Japanese selection unique.
Epimedium myrianthum........................................... $25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z4. Glossy evergreen foliage with long narrow leaflets is often lightly marked with reddish patches in spring. This broad clumper has taller flower stems with myriad very small white flowers with short spurred yellowish inner petals (sometimes over 100 flowers per stem) which creates a very airy effect.
Epimedium pallidum......................................... $25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z4. A newly offered species with yellow flowers held above nicely contrasting green foliage.
Epimedium pauciflorum............................................ $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z5. Evergreen species from China with thick, dark green leaves with spines along the margins. Soft pink to white flowers.
Epimedium x perralchicum............................... $25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z6. A hybrid with bright yellow flowers with brown centres. Heart shaped glossy green leaves with bronze colored new growth.
Epimedium x perralchicum `Frohnleiten'............. $25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z7. Evergreen. A hybrid with bright yellow flowers with brown centres. Heart shaped glossy green leaves with bronze colored new growth.
Epimedium`Pink Elf’................................................ $25.00ea
Ht.25-40cm. Z4. A new hybrid. Long lasting white flowers are marked with pink, especially on the petals. Late flowering. Small Divisions
Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum ......................... $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm Z6. Native to Georgia near the Black Sea. This drougth tolerant variety has bright yellow sepals held open to show off the short reddish spurs.
Epimedium pubigerum ‘Orangekonigin’............... $25.00ea
Ht. 20-75. Z5. This selection has large heart shaped leaves and true orange flowers.
Epimedium sempervirens `White Purity' ..................... $25.00ea
Ht. 20cm. Z7. A large leaved form of the species with white flowers.
Epimedium stellulatum `Long Leaved Form' ............... $25.00ea
Ht .30-45cm. Z5. Nice foliage with long narrow leaves. Numerous tall sprays of starry-white flowers with minute yellow spurs held above the foliage. The plant grows to its mature height after blooming.
Epimedium x Red Beauty............................. $25.00ea
Ht. 30-40cm. Z4. Strong pinky-purple flowers.
Epimedium x `Rubrum' Red Barrenwort.............. $25.00ea
Ht. 30-40cm. Z5. Blooms April to May with bright red flowers in loose 20-30 blossom panicles. Compact, strong growth habit. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium x Rubrum `Sweetheart’.......................... $25.00ea
Ht. 30-40cm. Z5. Blooms April to May with dark rose-red flowers. Leaflets larger and darker green with a fine red tracing around the edge. We offer only a few small divisions.
Epimedium x `Sasaki’ ...................................... $25.00ea
Ht.3 0-40cm. Z4. Blooms April to May with pure pink flowers. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium x versicolor `Sulphereum' ................ $25.00ea
Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. Evergreen. Blooms April to May with 8-20 yellow flowered inflorescences. Very vigorous habit. Leaves green, new growth reddish-bronze. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium x warleyense.................................... $25.00ea
Ht. 25-50cm. Z5. This form has incredible coppery orange flowers. A stand out in the shade garden.
Epimedium wushanense `Caramel Bloom’.................. $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z5. Red mottling over the long jagged newly emerged leaves and the caramel-amber colored flowers make this a must for the woodland garden.
Epimedium youngianum `Baby Doll Pink' ................ $25.00ea
Ht. 10-25cm. Z5. Spurless flowers emerge from dark pink buds and open to a lovely soft pink edged with darker pink.
Epimedium youngianum `Capella' ........................... $25.00ea
Ht. 10-25cm. Z5. Dark rose flowers held above small foliage for a long period. The plant grows to its mature height after blooming.
Epimedium youngianum `Kozakura' ........................ $25.00ea
Ht. 25cm. Z5. Large white flowers strongly flushed with rose.
Epimedium youngianum `Niveum'...................... $25.00ea
Ht .25cm. Z5. This form has pure white flowers. A stand out in the shade garden.
Epimedium youngianum `Roseum' ........................... $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z5. Flowers pale violet to purple. A good small scale cover for a shade garden.
Epimedium youngianum `Shein' ................................ $25.00ea
Ht. 25cm. Z5. This odd variety has flowers which consist of only four purple petals.
Epimedium youngianum 'Tamabotan’....................... $25.00ea
Ht. 30-40cm. Z5.Large lavender flowers atop lovely dark purple foliage that ages to deep green. AKA E.Pink Ruffles.
Epimedium youngianum `White Star' ......................... $25.00ea
Ht. 12-20cm. Z5. Very floriferous white flowers above the foliage. The plant grows to its mature height after blooming.
Epimedium youngianum `Yenomoto’ ......................... $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z5. White flowers with long spurs. A very floriferous clone.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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Thimble Farms
175 Arbutus Rd., Salt Spring Island. V8K 1A3 B.C. Canada
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