For complete listing of perennials of A-G scroll down. This page is very long. For select groups click on the link directly above or for plants other than perennials select links to the left. |
Acanthus mollis Bear's Breeches.......................... 1gal NA
Ht. 50-200cm. Z7-8. Large, dark green, glossy, lobed leaves radiate out from a central crown. Flowers are white with purple venation on tall spikes.
Aceriphyllum rossii (Mukdenia rossii)........................... $15.00ea
Ht.40-60cm Z5. Maple-like leaves emerge a bronze-green then age to a mid-green and are finally splashed with bright red in fall. Numerous white, bell-shaped flowers held in a branched panicle in mid spring. From North China and Korea. Forms a wonderful ground cover.
Achillea millefolium Yarrow.. 10cm pot $6.00ea, or 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 30-50cm. Z3. Large, white, flat flower heads with a pink tinge, appear from June till August. Low, feathery, highly dissected foliage.
Achlys triphyllaVanilla‑leaf................................ 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 25-45cm. Z7. Large light green trifoliate leaf on a slender stalk. Good groundcover spread by underground rhizome. Dried leaves have a vanilla scent. Semi-shade.
Aconitum x cammarum `Bicolor' Monkshood.... 1gal NA
Ht.90cm. Z2. Deeply lobed dark green leaves and large showy white flowers rimmed in blue. Full sun to part shade. All parts of this plant are extremely poisonous.
Aconitum x cammarum `Pink Sensation'............. 1gal NA
Ht.100cm. Z5.This variety has extremely glossy green dissected leaves and showy pale pink flowers from late June to early August. All parts of this plant are extremely poisonous.
Aconitum x cammarum `Stainless Steel'.............. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.100cm. Z2. This variety has dark grey-green foliage and metallic blue flowers. Prefers a peaty soil in sun to part-shade. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Aconitum carmichaelii fischeri........................... 1gal NA
Ht.70cm. Z2. This species has dark royal blue flowers and glossy leaves. Prefers a peaty soil in sun to part-shade. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Aconitum ‘Cloudy’ Monkshood.......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 100cm. Z4. Soft blue blooms. Full sun to part shade. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Aconitum japonicum.......................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.50-100cm. Z6. This is a showy fall blooming species with hooded flowers of rich velvety blue with a hint of purple. A very valuable late bloomer which makes an impressive clump with handsome foliage. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Aconitum henryi `Spark's Variety' Monkshood..... 1gal NA
Ht.100-150cm. Z4. Highly cut dark green foliage. Helmet shaped flowers of deep violet blue bloom in July-Aug. Prefers part-shade in humus-rich soil. All parts of this plant are extremely poisonous.
Aconitum lamarckii Yellow Monkshood.............. 1gal NA
Ht.100-130. Z5. Deeply lobed dark green leaves grow in a stiff habit. Vibrant yellow flowers in large, many flowered inflorescences, bloom in July to August. Prefers a peaty soil in sun to part-shade. All parts of this plant are extremely poisonous.
Aconitum napellus............................................. $15.00ea
Ht.100-130cm. Z2. This species has beautiful violet blue hooded flowers. Prefers a peaty soil in sun to part-shade. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Aconitum napellus `Alba'..............................$15.00ea
Ht.100cm. Z5. .Large spikes of azure blue flowers. Prefers a peaty soil in sun to part-shade. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Aconitum napellus `Blue Valley'......................... NA
Ht 90cm. Z3. This variety has large spikes of dark blue-violet flowers. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Aconitum napellus rubellum............................... NA
Ht.100-130cm. Z2. A wonderful pink hooded form. Prefers a peaty soil in sun to part-shade. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Actaea asiatica Black Berry............................... 1gal $25.00ea
Ht.70cm. Z5. A woodland perennial from China with white flower racemes and glossy dissected foliage. Flowers are followed by jet black fruit.
Actaea pachypoda Misty Blue Doll’s Eyes,............... $18.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.40-80cm. Z3. A selection has taller stems with white flower racemes followed by white berries with a central dot (which makes them look like a doll’s eye). Foliage is a lovely blue-green color.
Actaea rubra Red Baneberry............................ 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.40-80cm. Z3. A woodland perennial with white flower racemes (sometimes tinged purple) followed by red berries.
Fantastic woodland plant!
Adonis amurensis...................................... 10cm pot 49.95
Ht.5-15cm. Z3. This rarely offered perennial is a Japanese favorite as it symbolizes the start of a new year with its butter yellow flowers. Fern like foliage disappears in late spring. In the West it often starts blooming in early January, in the east it pushes blooms up through the melting snow. Plant in humus rich soil in deciduous shade. Goes dormant very early.
Adonis amurensis ‘ Chichibu Beni’......... NA
Ht.5-15cm. Z3. It has been a while since we offered this rare cultivar with rich orange flowers. It has fern like foliage that disappears in late spring. Plant in humus rich soil in deciduous shade. Goes dormant very early. Available After March 1.
Adonis amurensis ‘ Sandan Zaki’............. NA
Ht.5-15cm. Z3. Sandan Zaki means triple bloomer and refers to the three zones in the amazing flower. The base of the flower is rings of golden yellow followed by rings of feathery green petals and finally a golden yellow cluster in the center. What a stunning flower! It has fern like foliage that disappears in late spring. Plant in humus rich soil in deciduous shade. Goes dormant very early.
Aegopodium podagraria `Variegatum'............ NA
Ht. 15cm. Z4. Bishop's Weed is a rapid spreading groundcover for shade to part sun with green and white variegated leaves.
Agapanthus `Blue Globe' Lily-Of-The-Nile........... NA
Ht.100cm. Z5. Large light blue flowers.
Agapanthus x `Blue Triumphator' Lily-Of-The-Nile 1gal NA
Ht. 75-90cm. Z7. Rich blue flower color in large ball shaped clusters. Thick strap shaped foliage in clumps. Best in sun.
Agapanthus `Polar Ice' Lily-Of-The-Nile............. NA
Ht.70-90cm. Z5. A white flowered variety with sturdy stems.
Agapanthus `Twister' Lily-Of-The-Nile......... 11cm NA
Ht.60cm. Z6-7. A lovely variety with white flowers with dark blue bases.
Agapanthus `White Superior' Lily-Of-The-Nile..... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.70cm. Z5. A lovely white flowered variety with sturdy stems.
Alchemilla erythropoda....................................... NA
Ht.15-20cm. Z5. Bluish green palmately lobed leaves in a basal cluster. Yellow flowers on much branched infloresence in summer.
Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle .......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 50-80cm. Z3. Similar to the above species but larger in all respects. Excellent ground cover for sun to light shade.15
Alectorurrus yedoensis var. platypetalus....................... NA
Ht.15-20cm. Z6. From the cliffs of Shikoku and Kyushu islands in Japan come this rare member of the lily family. Flat, Iris like leaves and panicles of small white flowers in late summer.
Allium acuminatum Hookers Onion................ 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 10-20cm. Z6. Deep rose pink flowers in early summer. Prefers a hot spot with excellent drainage. Naturally tiny bulbs.
Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum................................ NA
Ht. 45-55cm. Z5. Graceful reddish-pink flowers heads in the summer.
Allium cernuum Nodding Onion .................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht.20-30cm. Z4. Nodding pale to bright pink flowers bloom in June to August. Bulbs multiply quickly and were eaten by native people.
Allium crenulatum Olympic Onion............................... $7.50ea
Native. Z.5. Ht.4” A fantastic dwarf onion with brilliant rose-purple flowers. Rarely offered.
Allium dichlamydeum ............................................ $6.00ea
Native. Dark rose purple flowers in June- July.
Allium douglasii ........................................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht.30cm. Z4. A very showy native with bright pink clusters of flowers. We believe this is the var. columbianum.
Allium obtusum var. conspicuum ................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht.10-20cm. Z4. Tepals light pink to dark pink with dark purple or greenish purple midveins. A rarely offered species.
Allium senescens........................................................ $6.00ea
Ht.15-20cm. Z5. A lovely little allium with fragrant dark lilac flowers in late June to early July.
Allium triquetrum......................................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Ht.25cm. Z8. Long lasting, hanging white flowers with a green midrib in late spring to early summer.
Alstroemeria hybrids .................................................. $15.00ea
Ht. Z7. This is a mixed bag. Plants may be yellow, orange, pink, rose or red.
Alstroemeria pulchella 'Mona Lisa' ............................ $15.00ea
Ht. Z7. Flowers are a merry blend of red with green bands inside and chocolate brown outer feathering. This amazing perennial is quick to form a sizeable patch.
Amianthium muscaetoxicum Fly Poison........ 11cm pot $18.00ea
N.A.Native. Flower Ht.15-30cm. Z3. A rarely offered native with showy dense racemes of white flowers that age to green. Very long bloom period makes this a valuable garden plant. Strap shaped daylily like foliage. Historically the bulbs of this poisonous plant were ground and mixed with honey for a fly poison.
Amorphophallus dunnii...........................................NA
Ht.75cm. Z6. Glossy, deep green leaflets held aloft by an ornamental stem marked with white and green patterns. Creamy spathe with white spots and a purple center, creamy white spadix.
Amorphophallus konjac............................................NA
Ht.1-1.75cm. Z6. A massive divided leaf (up to 1.25m across) atop a green stem is heavily mottled with dark purplish blotches. When the tuber is large enough it produces a massive 1-1.5m tall flower. The spathe is the color of a dark purplish red cabbage and sits atop a 60cm mottled stem. The spadix is slightly lighter purple in color and measures up to 90cm long. We sell small tubers around the size of a quarter that will bloom in about 2 years. Amorphophallus corms may at any time delay sprouting for a season, particularly after blooming, so mark where you plant them. Shade to part sun. Eventually the corms can weigh up to 8 kilos. This species is extensively used as a food source in Indonesia and Japan.
Amorphophallus yunannensis................................... $20.00ea
Ht.1-1.75cm. Z6.The single leaf is held atop a 2-3' tall, smooth, dark green stalk, exquisitely mottled with lighter green to creamy coloured blotches. The 3-6" tall spadix is white with a pink head partially hidden in a green speckled spathe atop a mottled stem.
Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting ...... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 20-90cm. Z3. Dark green, narrow, pubescent leaves with dense white wooly undersides. Pearly white flowers in dense clusters are produced in August. Excellent dried flower. Sun to part shade.
Anemonella thalictroides................................ 10cm pot NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 10-20cm. Z4. A dwarf anemone relative withfinely divided feathery foliage appearing in spring from tiny, dahlia-like tubers. Pure white single anemone-like flowers. Makes a very nice groundcover in light shade. From naturally small tubers.
Anemonella thalictroides `Cameo' .................. 8cm pot NA
N.A.Native. Ht.10-20cm. Z4. This is one of those hard to get forms with double rose flowers. From naturally small tubers.
Anemonella thalictroides ‘Betty Blake’ ........8cm potNA
A uniquely fabulous double pompom green with highlights of lighter green. Also known as A. Double Green. From naturally small tubers.
Anemonella thalictroides `Kikuzaki Pink' ........ 8cm pot NA
Ht.10-20cm. Z4. A new semi-double pink f lowered form from Japan.
Anemonella thalictroides Kikuzaki `White ' ..... 8cm pot $25.00ea
Ht.10-20cm. Z4. A new semi-double white flowered form from Japan.
Anemonella thalictroides ‘Just Precious’ (Green Hurricane)NA
This uniquely bizarre double green flowered Rue has oddly twisted light green petals laid on top of a perfect ring of vibrant green bracts. It has also been sold under many names including Anemonella thal. Jade Feather, Just Precious, Green hurricane and Green Dragon. In the end the name Just Precious should hold as it appears to be the first published. From naturally small tubers.
Anemonella thalictroides `Rosea' .....................8cm pot NA
N.A.Native. Ht.10-20cm. Z4. This form has single rose pink flowers that self seed true. From naturally small tubers.
Anemonella thalictroides `Schoaff's Double' 8cm pot NA
N.A.Native. Ht.10-20cm. Z4. This is probably the best known double flowered form with long lasting pink flowers. From naturally small tubers.
Anemonella thalictroides `White Double' .......Fall only. 8cm pot $25.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.10-20cm. Z4. Pure white double flowers. From naturally small tubers.
Anemone appennina `alba'.......................... 10cm pot $9.50ea
Ht.10-20cm. Z4. Foliage is deep purple when emerging then ages to dark green. Flowers are snow white on the interior, shaded pale blue or pale pink on the exterior. From a small tuber.
Anemone blanda Radar................................ 10cm potNA
Ht.8-10cm Z.3-4. One of the most sought after anemone blanda types with large reddish-purple flowers with a white center. Plants arise from small tubers.
Anemone canadensis Canada Anemone ..................... $6.00ea
Native.Ht.30-50cm. Z3. A spreading woodland groundcover with beautiful veined cut foliage and white flowers in late spring and summer. A great ground cover.
Anemone hupehensis `Crispa'.............................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.80cm. Z4. This is a unique fall blooming anemone with crisped ruffled foliage with red markings along edges and pretty pink flowers.
Anemone hupehensis `Prinz Heinrich'................. 1gal NA
Ht.50-90cm. Z4. Pink semi-double flowers in loose cymes bloom in late summer to fall. Plant in part sun in well drained humus-rich soil.
Anemone x hybrida `Queen Charlotte'................. 1gal NA
Ht.100cm. Z4. Large, semi double silvery pink flowers atop dark green foliage bloom in September to October.
Anemone x hybrida `Honorine Jobert'................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.100-120cm. Z4. Large, 6-7cm in diameter white flowers atop dark green foliage. Blooms in September to October. Prefers semi-shade in humus-rich soil.
Anemone x hybrida `Whirlwind'.......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.95cm. Z4. Semi double white flowers with a yellow center in early fall.
Anemone nemorosa Wood Anemone............... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Ht.15-20cm. Z5. A delightful woodland groundcover that
spreads by slender rhizome. Leaves deeply cut and very attractive. Single Anemone type flowers are white, light pink, or bluish in color. Flowers close up on cloudy days and at night.
Anemone nemorosa ‘Allenii’ ......................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Ht.10-15cm. Z4. Large flowers that are rich lavender blue on the inside and paler on the reverse. Similar to A. nemorosa Robinsoniana.
Anemone nemorosa `Blue Eyes' ........ 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.10cm. Z4. Double to single white flowers develop a distinct blue eye just prior to petal drop.
Anemone nemorosa ‘Blue form’................... 10cm pot $10.00ea
Ht 10-15cm Z4 We have selected out some of the bluish single flowered form. This makes a great herbaceous ground cover.
Anemone nemorosa `Bowles Mauve' .............. 10cm pot $10.00ea
Ht.10cm. Z4. Nice mauve blue flowers. We think this is the same as Anemone nemorosa Bowles Purple.
Anemone nemorosa `caerulea’.................................... $10.00ea
Ht.10-15cm. Z5. A nice smaller variety of woodland anemone with large dark purplish blue flowers with lighter blue edges.
Anemone nemorosa `Green Fingers'........... 10cm pot $15.00ea
Ht.10-15cm. Z4. This odd selection has green flowers tinged with white set atop green sepals.
Anemone nemorosa `Lychett Variety'............ 10cm pot $9.50ea
Ht. 10-15cm Z4. A handsome variety with large white flowers.
Anemone nemorosa `Mart's Blue'............... 10cm pot $15.00ea
Ht.10-15cm. Z4. This selection from Estonia blooms later than most and has dark blue flowers.
Anemone nemorosa ‘Monstrosa’.................... 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht 20cm. Z5. A large double flowered form of wood Anemone with a unique mix of green and white petals.
Anemone nemorosa `Phyllodic Form'........... 10cm pot $7.50ea
Ht.10-15cm Z4. Another bizzare selection which typically has white outer petals and inner petals replaced by numerous very finely dissected leaves.
Anemone nemorosa `Robinsoniana'................ 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.10-15cm. Z4. A nice selection with large pale wisteria blue flowers and deep green foliage tinged purple.
Anemone nemorosa `Rosea' .......................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Ht.10cm. Z4. Flowers emerge from a pink bud and fade to white then age to a strong dusky pink on the exterior.
Anemone nemorosa var. Vestal....................... 10cm pot $10.00ea
Ht.10-15. Z4. Double white flowered form.
Anemone nemorosa vindobonensis ............. 10cm pot $15.00ea
Ht.10-15cm. Z4. This form has cream colored flowers. Blooms earlier than the hybrid Anemone x lipsiensis.
Anemone nemorosa white form..................... 10cm pot $10.00ea
Ht.10-15cm. Z4. We have separated out a pure white single flowered form of this wonderful species.
Anemone raddeana F. roseum................................. $NA
Ht.10-15cm. Z4 Similar to the species but this form from Japan is pink on the reverse of the petals and the flowers have a pink blush overall. Rarely offered. Plant in well drained rich soil in part shade.
Anemone ranunculoides................................ 10cm pot $6.00ea
Ht.10cm. Z4. This spreading woodland beauty has deep golden yellow flowers set above dark green (tinted purple) leaves in early spring.
Anemone stolonifera Double Flower............... 10cm pot $ NA
Ht. 30cm. Z6. A rarely offered semi double white flowered form of this Japanese Native. This easy to grow species makes small mats of deeply cut dark green foliage.
Anemone sp?............................................................ $15.00ea
Ht.15-20cm. Z? We have no idea what this really is. It looks like a larger, more robust form of Anemone nemorosa Robinsoniana with larger flowers that have some darker streaking on the reverse. It has been suggested that it might be a form of Anemone oregonum. This form is very slow to multiply. We have been growing it for more than 30 years in our garden.
Anemone sylvestris `Macrantha'.......................... 1gal NA
Ht.15-30cm. Z4. Very vigorous form with large white, yellow centered flowers. Leaves basal and shaggy pubescent.
Anemone tomentosa `Robustissima'..................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 100-120cm. Z3. Light pink flowers in open cymes bloom in August toSeptember. This is the hardiest and most vigorous of the autumn anemones. Prefers semi-shade in humusy soil.
Anemone trifolia......................................... 15cm pot $15.00ea
Ht.15-20cm. Z6. A small spreading Anemone from Yugoslavia with trifoliate leaves and crisp white flowers. From a slender rhizome. Plant in shade to part sun.
Anemone x lipsiensis (A. x seemannii)........... 10cm pot $8.00ea and 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. Z4. A natural hybrid of A.ranunculoides and A. nemorosa that has pale yellow flowers.
Anemone Wild Swan................................. 15cm pot $NA
Ht.30-45cm. Z5. An amazing new Japanese hybrid Anemone with large white flowers and blue backsides. Blooms from Mid June until the first hard frost.
Anemonopsis macrophylla....................................... $49.00ea
Ht.50-80cm. Z4. Waxy nodding flowers held above dark glossy green feathery foliage on black wiry stems. Flowers made up of an outer ring of 7-10 sepals that are a light lavender purple and an inner ring of 10 petals that are light lavender-purple with darker purple tips. A summer bloomer for the woodland garden.
Antennaria microphylla .... Rosy Pussy Toes...............NA
Native. Ht. 10cm. Z2. Low mats of fine silvery foliage and soft reddish fuzzy flowers.
Antennaria umbrinella Wooly pussytoes.......... NA
Native. Ht. 1-3cm. Fl. Ht.15-20cm. Z1. Beautiful grey wooly leaves are mat forming; a most attractive ground cover in sun. Our form has slightly pink flowers.
Apios americana Ground Nut...................................... $15.00ea
N.A. Native. Ht. 1-4M. Z3. Called Indian potato or Ground nut, Apios is a neat native vine that produces edible tubers. It has a showy dusky pink pea like flowers. Tubers are edible and high in protein and used in soups and stews. This one might spread so plant it were you want it.
Aquilegia formosa Red Columbine ................. ....................................................................1gal $15.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 40-60cm. Z5. Nodding red and yellow flowers with
reddish spurs. Shade to semi-shade.
Arisaema candidissimum........................................... NA
Ht. 40cm. Z3. Probably the most sought after Arisaema. Lower spathe green striped white, upper portion pink striped white rarely all white Sprouts very late in the season and is quite fragrant to men but rarely to women.
Arisaema griffithii Griffith's Cobra Lily....................... $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z6-7. A wide but twisted deep violet-purple spathe with white and green stripes produced just above ground level. The leaflets are ornamented with yellow, red or purple margins which become more accentuated by fall. This one is incredible and definitely one of the most unusual Arisaema. Blooms April-May.
Arisaema kiushianum Japanese Cobra Lily..................NA
Ht. 45cm. Z5. One of my favourite Arisaema from Japan with a dark purple spathe with white markings and a dark tail like spadix. The single leaf is divided into 7-13 leaflets. Plant in well drained soil in shade to part shade. Does well on the wet coast
Arisaema ringens...................................................... NA
Ht.60cm. Z4. Long lasting, deep brownish-black hooded spathe that is vividly striped in white makes this a cool addition to the woodland garden. The flowers last for a long time in the cool spring weather and produce bright red showy seed heads that will persist into fall. The leaves are huge and almost trillium-like in their appearance but they have wavy edges and a glossy, waxy texture that is very eye catching
Arisaema sikokianum...................................... $29.00ea
Ht. 15-40cm. Z5. Spathe deep purple-brown with white club shaped spadix. Spadix is completely exposed, making this a unique and showy Arisaema. As they mature most will develop silver white markings on the leaves. This is one of the showiest species. This is the real thing from Japan, not the imposter from China. For spring we offer large tubers.
Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-Pulpit........................ $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.40-60cm. Z4. Two large, three parted leaves. Spathe, purple or bronze with greenish white stripes, followed by red berries in clusters.
Arisaema urishima.................................................... NA
Ht.30-45cm. Z5. An elegant Japanese species which makes a good-sized clump in the garden over time. The spathe is white speckled with purple-brown at the base, darkening to purple-black at the very flared mouth. The long whip like chocolate-purple spadix winds up out of the spathe first heading upward then arching toward the ground. The leaf is split into up to 15 leaflets.
Arisarum proboscideum Mouse Plant.............. 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.5-8cm. Z7. Spathe erect, gray white beneath and dark brown above, drawn out to a long, ascending tail-like apex. From naturally small tubers.
Armeria maritima `Sea Thrift’.................................... $6.00ea
Native. Ht.20cm. Z3. Pink pom pom flowers atop grass like foliage. Very showy.
Arnica camissonis Silver Arnica................... 10cm pot $7.50ea.
Native. Ht.30-45cm. Z.A great perennial with bright yellow daisy like flowersand silvery foliage.
Arum italicum `Pictum'................................. 11cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z.4-5. A dwarf form with white mottled leaves and orange-red fruits.
Aruncus aethusifolius Goatsbeard........................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 20-30cm. Z3. Forms a compact mound of foliage above which are held clusters of white flowers in summer. Full sun to part shade.
Aruncus dioicus ‘Kneiffii’ Goatsbeard.................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.60cm. Z2. Very deeply cut glossy green foliage topped with airy plumes of creamy white flowers.
Aruncus `Horatio’ Horatio Goatsbeard................ 1gal NA
Ht.60-90cm. Z4. A small shrub like Goat’s Beard with finely cut foliage and masses of airy creamy white flowers on bronze tinged stems.
Aruncus Misty Lace Misty LaceGoatsbeard........ 1gal NA
Ht.75cm. Z2. A compact new hybrid that has pure white blooms and a compact habit. Very tolerant of heat and humidity.
Aruncus sylvester Goatsbeard.............................. 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 1.5-2m. Z4. Long, feathery, creamy white blooms (Astilbe-like) with attractive divided foliage. Blooms June to July.
Asarum arifolium Evergreen Wild Ginger...... 10cm pot $10.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 5-10cm. Z4-5. Evergreen. Triangular dark blue-green leaves splashed in variable patterns of grey and silver. Flowers red-brown and about 3cm long. This is one of the easiest and toughest of the gingers. Makes a great groundcover.
Asarum canadense Wild Ginger.................... 10cm pot $10.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 5-10cm. Z3-4. Deciduous. Light green, hairy, heart shaped leaves make this a particularly attractive ground cover for shade to part sun. Flowers are tubular and brown red.
Asarum caudatum............................................ 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 10-20cm. Z4. Deciduous . Large, light green heart shaped leaves make this a great ground cover for shade for those with patience as it is slow.
Asarum europaeum .......................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.10cm Z4-5. A fantastic slow spreading evergreen groundcover with rounded dark green glossy leaves. Plant in shade to part sun. Always a favorite.
Asarum maximum Panda faced Ginger..................... $15.00ea
Ht. 15-25cm. Z5. Large heart-shaped leaves, dark green with silvery markings or marbling.Large flowers are white trumpets, rimmed with black peaking out among the leaves.
Asarum Splendens Select..................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.10-16cm. Z5. Evergreen. This surprisingly hardy plant has large heart shaped leaves splashed with vivid silver markings. Flowers large and dark purple.
Asclepias incarnata............................................. 2gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 80-120cm. Z3. Stems branched. Darker pink buds open to lighter pink flowers with vanilla scent. Plant in open sunny area with lots of water. Great around ponds etc. Important butterfly plants.
Asclepias incarnata `Cinderella'.......................... 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 80-120cm. Z3. Stems branched. Dense clusters of pale pink flowers open from dark pink buds. Vanilla scented flowers.
Asclepias incarnata `Ice Ballet'........................... 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 80-120cm. Z3. Stems branched. Flowers white, scented vanilla. Plant in open sunny area with lots of water. Great around ponds etc.
Asclepias incarnata `Soul Mate'.......................... 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 80-120cm. Z3. Stems branched. Flowers off white to light pink set off by deeply red colored bract, scented vanilla. Plant in open sunny area with lots of water. Great around ponds etc.
Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed...................... 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 80-120cm. Z3. Flowers a bright orange. Great food source for the monarch butterfly caterpillars.
Asclepias tuberosa Hello Yellow'......................... 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 80-120cm. Z3. Flowers a bright cheery yellow. Great food source for the monarch butterfly caterpillars. This tends to be a longer lived perennial than the orange flowered species.
Aster subspicatus Douglas Aster......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht.50-90cm. Z2. A relatively large aster with large flowers from bluish purple through to rosy purple. This species ranges from Alaska to Northern California. Blooms in summer.
Aster chilensis.................................................... 1gal NA
Native. Ht.2.5-7.5cm. Z. Low carpet-like spreading aster has violet flowers with yellow centers in spring. Can tolerate drought and prefers full to part sun.
Astilbes are herbaceous perennials with feathery, plume-like flowers set above mounds of fern-like foliage. Foliage is half to two-thirds the height of the flowers. All are very easy to grow in shade to part sun in humus-rich soil. Bloom time: Early (early June), Mid (late June to early July), Late (July to early August).
Astilbe x arendsii `Bridal Veil'............................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 70cm. Z3. Blooms with crisp white loose plumes, mid season.
Astilbe x arendsii `Cattleya'.................................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 100cm. Z3. Blooms deep rose, late season.
Astilbe x arendsii `Color Flash'............................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 60cm. Z3. Ferny leaves that begin chartreuse in spring develop burgundy and purple tones as they mature. Feathery blush-pink plumes appear in midsummer.
Astilbe x arendsii `Color flash Lime'...................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 60cm. Z3. Ferny leaves that begin bright yellow in spring later fade to chartreuse as they mature. Feathery blush-pink plumes appear in midsummer.
Astilbe x arendsii `Jump &Jive'............................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 60cm. Z4. Nice compact dark green foliage with floriferous deep pink red blooms. Great for growing in a pot.
Astilbe x chinensis `Pumila'.................................. 1gal $15.00ea
Flower Ht. 30cm. Z5. Blooms lilac blue, late season.
Astilbe x chinensis var. taquetii `Superba' .............. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 120cm. Z5. Blooms lavender purple, late season.
Astilbe x chinensis `Vision in White....................... 1gal $15.00ea
Flower Ht. 45cm. Z3. Sweetly fragrant white flowered new introduction.
Astilbe x Chocolate Shogun................................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 45-60cm. Z5. A unique japanese native with glossy rich chocolate maroon foliage and blush pink - white blooms. Awesome.
Astilbe x crispa..................................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Flower Ht. 25cm. Z5. Blooms lilac blue, very late season. Very similar to `Pumila' but blooms a little later and is a touch darker.
Astilbe x crispa ‘Perkeo’....................................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 20cm. Z3. A tiny dwarf astilbe with hot pink flower plumes above crinkly dark green foliage with a hint of bronze.
Astilbe glaberrina............................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 6-8cm. Fl.Ht. 10-15cm. Z6. This exceptional dwarf species has deep green leaves tinted red beneath and recurved edges. Flowers mauve, tipped white. Great for the rock garden.
Astilbe x japonica `Radius'................................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 50-60cm. Z4. This outstanding new hybrid produces red buds which open to lovely fragrant rose red flowers. Foliage emerges from dormancy deep red and ages to dark green. Blooms mid season.
Astilbe rivularis myrantha................................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 50-150cm. Z6. Blooms are pink and have larger and broader panicles than other astilbes. Flowers in late August. .
Astilbe simplicifolia `Hennie Graafland'.................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 30cm. Z6. Blooms pale shell pink, late season. Can tolerate more sun than other astilbes.
Astilbe simplicifolia `Key West’............................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 15cm. Z3. Very prolific blooms of pink-red above gorgeous dwarf dark burgundy/green foliage.
Astilbe simplicifolia `Sprite'.................................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 30cm. Z6. Blooms soft pink, late season. Can tolerate more sun than other astilbes.
Astilbe simplicifolia `White Sensation’.................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 45cm. Z3. Bright white blooms,bronze/green foliage.
Astilbe Short N' Sweet Fireberry........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Dwarf selection with raspberry pink plumes.
Astilbe Short N' Sweet Sugarberry......................... 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Dwarf Selection with soft pink plumes.
Astilbe thunbergii `Ostrich Plume'......................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 75-85cm. Z6. Blooms soft salmon pink, mid season.
Astilbe ‘Younique Carmine’.................................. 1gal $ NA
Flower Ht. 40cm. Excellent dwarf variety with an abundance of fragrant carmine-fuchsia flowers atop compact foliage. The ‘Younique’ series blooms heavily and usually a few weeks earlier than other early varieties.
Astilbe ‘Younique Lilac’........................................ 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 40cm. Excellent dwarf variety with an abundance of fragrant lilac pink flowers atop compact foliage. The ‘Younique’ series blooms heavily and usually a few weeks earlier than other early varieties.
Astilbe ‘Younique Silvery Pink’............................. 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 40cm. Excellent dwarf variety with an abundance of fragrant Silvery pink plumes atop compact foliage. The ‘Younique’ series blooms heavily and usually a few weeks earlier than other early varieties.
Astilbe ‘Younique White’...................................... 1gal NA
Flower Ht. 40cm. Excellent dwarf variety with an abundance of fragrant white flowers atop compact foliage. The ‘Younique’ series blooms heavily and usually a few weeks earlier than other early varieties.
Astilboides tabularis............................................ 1gal 20.00ea
Ht.90cm. Z3. This is a great large, bold perennial to plant pondside or in a cool, shady part of the garden. Huge, rounded, tropical looking leaves are accented with tall spikes of astilbe-like creamy white flower plumes in late spring to early summer.
Astrantia carniolica `Rubra' Masterwort................ 1gal NA
Ht. 20-30cm. Z5. Simply an old fashioned perennial that never goes out of fashion. The deep pink buds first appear in June, and as they open, the bracts remain a deep reddish pink both inside and out, with attractive veining.
Astrantia maxima Masterwort................................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 50-60cm. Z5. A good summer blooming perennial with greenish pink flowers in clusters that are surrounded by pinkish green bracts, giving a star-like effect. Sun to semi-shade.
Astrantia major `Buckland'................................. 1gal NA
Ht.60cm Z.3. This selection has very large creamy flowers.
Astrantia major `Hadspen Blood'......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.75cm Z.3. Very vigorous form with nice mounding habit and blood red flowers. Blooms freely all summer.
Astrantia major `Lola'......................................... 1gal NA
Ht.60cm Z.3. Nice mounding habit and large dark pink buds which open to pink flowers. Blooms freely all summer.
Astrantia major `Pink Pride'................................ 1gal NA
Ht.60cm Z.3. A new variety with pink flowers set in silvery bracts.
Astrantia major `Roma'....................................... 1gal NA
Ht.60cm Z.3. This continuous bloomer has light red flowers with silvery pink bracts.
Astrantia major `Ruby Wedding'.......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.60cm Z.3. Lovely clusters of ruby red flowers bloom freely all summer and again in fall..
Astrantia major `Star of Heaven’.......................... 1gal NA
Ht.60cm Z3. Lovely white flower bracts with green tips and an unusual red accent in the center. Blooms freely all summer.
Astrantia major `Star of Summer’........................ 1gal NA
Ht.40cm Z3. Purple red flowers with a white interior. Blooms freely all summer.
Astrantia major `Sunningdale Variegata'.............. 1gal NA
Ht.70cm Z.3. Distinctive silver to soft pink blooms rise above large pointed leaves marked with cream and yellow. Blooms freely all summer.
Astrantia `Temptation Star’ Masterwort................ 1gal NA
Ht. 50cm. Z3. Lovely lavender pink flowers with pale centers.
Astrantia major `Vanilla Gorilla'.......................... 1gal $ NA
Ht.70cm Z.3. Wonderful variegated foliage. Creamy markings on the leaf edges and random blue gray markings make this plant unique. Add in silvery pink flowers in summer and pink highlights on the foliage in colder weather and you get this great new introduction.
Balsamorhiza sagittata............................................spring only at the nursery .. NA
Native. Ht.20-60cm. z3-4. Large arrow shaped leaves and large yellow sunflower-like flowers. This plant prefers an open woodland setting.
Baptisia australis False Indigo.......................... 2gal $22.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.95cm. Z3. Large perennial with clear violet-blue flowers. Plant in well drained soil in full sun to part shade.
Beesia calthifolia................................................... $20.00ea
Ht.15-30cm. Z6. A rarely offered evergreen perennial from China with gorgeous glossy heart shaped leaves intriquitely covered with a network of lighter green veination. Leaves turn a purple-red in winter. Small white flowers in short racemes on purple stems displayed above the foliage. Shade to part sun in well drained soil. Showy year round.
Begonia grandis........................................... 10cm pot$15.00ea
Ht.60-80cm. Z6. A hardy begonia with fragrant pink flowers and olive green leaves with red veins and red beneath. Plant in shade to part sun, mulch in Zone 5 for winter protection.
Begonia grandis alba................................................... $15.00ea
Ht.60-80cm Z6. A white flowered form of this hardy begonia.
Begonia grandis. Silver splash........................................ 10cm pot$15.00ea
Ht.60-80cm. Z6. A hardy begonia with fragrant pink flowers and olive green leaves with silver splashes and red veins and red beneath. Plant in shade to part sun, mulch in Zone 5 for winter protection.
Begonia sinensis Hardy Begonia.................................. $10.00ea
Ht.40cm. Z7. Creamy pink flowers over vibrant foliage. Prefers part sun in rich, well drained soil.
Bergenia `Baby Doll'.......................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z2. Evergreen. Large rounded, fleshy, somewhat serrated green leaves. Good soft pink flower which darkens so that each plant has flowers with several shades of pink. Blooms in April to May.
Bergenia `Bressingham White'............................ 1gal NA
Ht.40cm. Z2. Evergreen. White bell shaped flowers mature to soft pink. Large deep green leaves with copper-red highlights.
Bergenia `Eden’s Dark Margin'.......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z2. Evergreen. Purplish-red flowers with leathery maroon-green foliage with a fine pencil line of red on the edges.
Bergenia `Eroica'.............................................. 1gal NA
Ht.40cm. Z2. Evergreen. Deep pink-red blooms with large deep green leaves with copper-red highlights.
Bergenia Silberlicht............................................ 1gal NA
Ht.40. Z2. A nice form with silvery white flowers.
Boykinia elata ................................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 30cm. Z 7. A mounding perennial with attractive maple like leaves and clusters of white flowers.
Brodiaea coronaria Harvest Brodiaea............... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 20-30 cm. Z8. Starlike bluish-violet to lilac flowers with light colored throat. Blooms June-July. Very narrow grass-like leaves. Mature bulbs are small, pea-sized.
Brunnera macrophylla....................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z4. Blue, forget-me-not-like flowers appear in May til June. Leaves bright green and heart-shaped. Prefers shade to semi-shade but will thrive in sun if soil is moist.
Brunnera macrophylla `Emerald Mist'................. 1gal NA
Ht.35cm. Z2. A great new selection with more silvery barring on the leaf and a dusting of silver over the entire leaf.
Brunnera macrophylla `Jack Frost'...................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.35cm. Z2. This early spring bloomer produces stunning mounds of silver foiled foliage topped with sprays of blue.
Brunnera macrophylla `Langtrees'....................... 1gal NA
Ht.35cm. Z2. This selection has green leaves with silvery spots and the typical blue flowers. Plant in shade to semi sun.
Brunnera macrophylla ` Looking Glass’ ................... NA
Ht. 45cm.Z2. The foliage of this sport of B. Jack Frost emerges apple-green with silvery foiling and ages to stunning completely silver. Blue forget-me-not-like flowers in spring.
Brunnera macrophylla `Silver Wings'................... 1gal NA
Ht.35cm. Z2. A very vigorous form with clear and regular silver markings on nice green foliage. Blue flowers. Plant in shade to semi sun in humus rich garden soil.
Brunnera macrophylla `Variegata'....................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.35cm. Z2. This selection has green leaves with large clear white edges and purple blue flowers. Plant in shade to semi sun.
Cacalia delphinifolia............................................. NA
Ht.30-90cm. Z5. A shade plant from Japan with mounds of showy, shiny maple-like leaves. Tubular white flowers are held on racemes above the foliage
Calceolaria sp............................................................. $6.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z6. An easy to grow white flowered calceolaria that spreads to make a nice small scale groundcover.
Caltha palustris alba....White marsh Marigold.........15cm pot $15.00ea
Lovely white flowers very early in the year. Grows in normal garden soil or in damp moist areas. Great beside a pond.
Camas was an essential part of the diet of many groups of Native peoples throughout the plants range, but do not dig them in the wild to eat as an associated bulb `Death Camas', is very posionous. These onion-like bulbs multiply quickly, naturalizing well, and are best grown in sun to light shade. All species have star shaped flowers borne on a terminal flower spike.
Camassia cusickii Cusick's Camas....................... 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 80-120cm. Z5. Large bulbs up to 250 grams each! Multiplies freely. The tall stem carries sky blue flowers.
Camassia leichtlinii Great Camas......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 80-120cm. Z5. Bulb is usually a little bigger than a golf ball. Flower is a deep, dark purple. Very showy.
Camassia leichtlinii alba White Great Camas........ 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 80-120cm. Z5. Clear, clean white flowers make this a very striking plant. This is not white death camas, that is a different species.
Camassia leichtlinii `San Juan'........................... 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 80-120cm. Z5. This form is a darker blue than the species and is found native throughout the San Juan and Gulf Islands.
Camassia leichtlinii `Semi-plena'............................ 1gal $12.50
Native. Fl.Ht. 80-120cm. Z3. This is a rare semi-double flowered form with creamy white to yellow flowers.
Camassia quamash Common Camas............... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 30-70cm. Z5. Small bulbs, multiply very quickly. Flower color medium blue. Great for naturalising.
Camassia quamash `Blue Melody'.................. 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht.20-30cm. Z5. A very striking garden selection with variegated foliage and blue flowers.Special 10 for $35.00.
Camassia quamash `Orion'............................ 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 20-35cm. Z5. This selection has deep violet blue flowers. Smaller near bloom sized bulbs.
Camassia quamash `San Juan'....................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Fl.Ht. 30-70cm. Z5. Darker blue than typical.
Campanula sarastro ................................................. $ NA
Ht.45cm. Z4. Strong, upright stems bear large bell shaped, hanging, icy deep purple blooms in summer. Deadheading will ensure multitudes of blooms. Prefers full sun to light shade.
Cardiocrinum giganteum ........... $39.99ea
Ht.200-300cm. Z5. From large bulbs. White trumpet shaped flowers, 15-20cm long with red throat are held in clusters of 10-20 atop giant leafy stems. Leaves are large, to 40cm long. The bulbs are monocarpic, they die after blooming but leave behind numerous bulblets which will bloom in 3-4 years. This spectacular flowering bulb is best in shade to part sun.
Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue Cohosh............. 1gal $20.00ea
N.A. Native. Ht. 30-75cm. Z 4-5. Bronzy divided foliage and bright blue fruits.
Cautleya gracilis (C.lutea)........................................ $15.00ea
Ht. 40-60cm. Z7. This Ginger relative from the Himalayan foothills of Kashmir has slender leaves and bright yellow flowers in terminal spikes followed by black fruit. .
Cerastium arvense Field Chickweed.............. 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 10-40cm. Z3. This native Snow-in-the-summer forms a small trailing mat with showy white flowers in the summer. Each petal is notched.
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides....................... 10cm pot NA
Ht. 20-30cm. Z5. Brilliant blue star shaped flowers in late summer. Green foliage turns bright scarlet in Fall.
Chaerophyllum hirsutum 'Roseum'...................... 1gal NA
Ht.100-120cm. Z6. Showy pink umbels float above feathery finely cut foliage in the spring. Use as an bold accent plant in the woodland garden.
Chamaelirium luteum Fairy Wand................ 11cm pot NA
N.A.Native. Flower Ht.15-30cm. Z3. A rarely offered native with a basal rosette of leaves and 10-30cm tall flower stems that are topped with masses of small, tightly packed white flowers. Plant in partial shade.
Chelone lyonii................................................... 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 60cm. Z4. This species of turtlehead has deep pink flowers in late summer to early fall. In spring the new emerging growth has a bronzy appearance fading to a luscious green. Full sun to full shade.
Chelone obliqua Turtlehead................................ 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 40-60 cm. Z5. Deep rose flower spikes bloom August to October. Individual flowers resemble a turtles head with its mouth open. Lance shaped dark green glossy leaves. Excellent fall blooming perennial.
Chelone obliqua `Alba' White Turtlehead............. 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 40-60cm. Z5. This selection has pure white flowers. Another great late season bloomer.
Chelidonium hylomeconoides...................................... 15.00ea
Ht. Z6. This woodland poppy from Japan produces loads of yellow flowers and is lovely for a shady spot. Each flower stalk has 2-4 yellow round flowers and comse up from spring to autumn. It is less weedy than other chelidoniums
Chionographis japonica.............................. 10cm pot NA
A rarely offered member of the lily family from Japan with a flat rosette of near evergreen leaves and spikes of white lightly scented flowers. Cool.
Chrysoplenium sp. Golden Saxifrage.............................. $7.50ea
Ht.20cm. Z3. A great groundcover for shade with masses of yellow flowers in early spring.
Chloranthus japonicus.............................................. NA
Ht.20-35cm. Z4. Choice, rarely seen shade perennial with a showy spike of white bottlebrush flowers in spring atop a whorl of four leaves.
Chloranthus serratus................................................. NA
Ht.20-35cm. Z4. A shade woodlander from Japan. Each stem typically has four leaves with twin spikes of small white flowers held above.
Cimicifuga acerina................................................... $19.95ea
Ht.60-80cm. Z5. Leaves all basal with long pointed lobes. White fragrant flower racemes to 35cm in length. Another great fall bloomer.
Cimicifuga racemosa `Atropurpurea'.................... 1gal $19.95ea
Ht. 125cm. Z4. This form has dark purplish leaves.
Cimicifuga racemosa var. cordifolia Black Snakeroot
........................................................................ 1gal $19.95ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 1.2-2m. Z4. Yellowish white to pale amber branched flower spikes on stiff, black, wiry stems bloom August to October. Exceptional fall bloomer. Fragrant. Prefers moist soil and full sun to semi-shade.
Cimicifuga ramosa `Brunette'.............................. 1gal $22.00ea
Ht. 1-1.4m. Z4. An incredibly dark foliaged form with a rich purplish black color. Very fragrant white flowers in summer.
Cimicifuga ramosa 'Pink Spike'............................... $22.00ea
Ht.125cm. Z3. Spires of pinkish-white blooms atop deep purple foliage.
Cimicifuga simplex White Pearl Bugbane............... 1gal $19.95ea
Ht. 1-1.4m. Z4. Feathery fragrant white flower spikes bloom in August to October. Very effective when massed in a moist shady to semi-shade site.
Cimicifuga simplex ‘Black Negligee’......................... $25.00ea
Ht.150cm. Z3. Spires of pinkish-white blooms rise above dark purple foliage.
Cimicifuga simplex ‘Hillside Black Beauty’........... 1gal $30.00ea
Ht. 1-1.4m. Z4. Creamy white flower plumes and contrasting near black foliage. Very effective when massed in a moist shady to semi-shade site.
Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley............................ $6.00ea
Ht.40cm. Z2. White fragrant flowers make this a popular ground cover.
Convallaria majalis Dorien ......................................... $6.00ea
Ht.40cm. Z2. The best variety of Lily of the Valley for cutting with scented white flowers.
Convallaria majalis Flore pleno.................................. $15.00ea
Ht.40cm. Z2. Double white fragrant flowers.
Convallaria majalis Hardwick Hall ............................ $15.00ea
Ht.158-20cm. Z2. This rarely encountered selection of the Lily of the Valley has been grown for generations in the noted English garden at Hardwick Hall. An outstanding selection distinguished both by extra broad leathery leaves each very narrowly margined with pale yellow green and extra large, sweetly fragrant pendulous flowers. This is the best performing and most stable variegated lily of the valley.
Convallaria majalis Rosea Pink flowered Lily of the valley
............... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.158-20cm. Z2. This form of lily of the valley has scented clear pink flowers.
Convallaria majalis Variegata ................................... $15.00ea
Ht.158-20cm. Z2. This form of lily of the valley has dark green leaves with numerous narrow bright yellow lines running the length of the leaf blade.
Convallaria majuscula American Lily of the Valley......... $6.00ea
Ht.25-35cm. Z4. A lovely woodland plant similar to the familiar lily of the valley.
Cornus canadensisBunchberry ...................... 10cm pot $7.00ea
Native. Ht. 19-20 cm. Z2. Small white (typical dogwood like) flowers with greenish purple centres bloom atop clusters of ovate mid-green leaves and are followed by red berries. An excellent groundcover for peaty, woodland soils. Shade to semi-shade.
Attractive clumps of dainty divided leaves are similar to those of the closely related Bleeding Hearts. Clusters of spurred flowers are held slightly above the foliage. Effective in rock crevices and woodland gardens in shade to semi-shade.
Corydalis elata ............................................... 11cm $15.00ea
Ht. 40cm. Z5.. This is similar to C. flexuosa better better in everyway. Fragrant Cobalt blue flowers. Can take more heat than the other blues.. Blooms all summer long in humus-rich soil in shade to semi-shade. Can go summer dormant.
Corydalis flexuosa `China Blue'.......................... 11cm $6.50ea
Ht. 40cm. Z5.. This form of C. flexuosa is slightly taller than `Blue Panda' and the flowers are darker. Fragrant. Blooms all summer long in humus-rich soil in shade to semi-shade. Often summer dormant.
Corydalis flexuosa Award of Merit Form 11cm $6.50ea
Ht. 30cm. Z4. A form that has been awarded The award of merit by the RHS. in England. Clear blue flowers. Often summer dormant.
Corydalis flexuosa ‘Pere David’......................... 11cm $6.50ea
Ht. 30cm. Z4. Another English selection with rich blue flowers. A real spreader with reddish purple leaf markings. For us this has been the best performing C. flexuosa as well as the one least likely to go dormant in the summer.
Corydalis flexuosa Purple leaved Form............... 11cm $6.50ea
Ht. 30cm. Z4. Another English selection with rich blue flowers and reddish purple leaf markings. One of the best forms. Often summer dormant.
Corydalis scouleri......................................................NA
Native. Z6 Ht.to 1M. Lovely native perennial with grey green foliage and racemes of pink to white blooms in early summer.
Corydalis solida `Beth Evans’........................ 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z6. A form with abundant soft pink flowers with a white throat. From bulb.
Corydalis solida `George Baker’..................... 10cm pot $9.50ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z6. Striking red flowers. From bulb.
Corydalis solida incisa................................... 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z6. A mix of the colours from the C. solida series. From bulb.
Corydalis solida `Penza Strain’....................... 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.15cm. Z4. A strain from Russia with an amazing array of colours from white, pink blue, purple to red. Forms nice colonies over time. From bulb.
Corydalis quantmeyerana `Chocolate Star’.................2gal. $20.00ea
Ht. 25-40cm. Z5. A very interesting new plant with chocolatey colored foliage and white flowers.
Cosmos atrosanguineus Chocolate Cosmos...... 11cm pot $7.50ea
Ht.60-90cm. Z6. An unusual tuberous perennial with dark maroon flowers with a strong chocolate aroma. These emerge late in the spring or early summer. The tubers can be lifted in cooler areas.
Crocosmia`Babylon'........................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.75cm. Z5. Large flowers of clear orange-red. The paler center is ringed by a series of brown marks.
Crocosmia 'Columbus' .....................................................1gal 15.00
Ht. 60cm. Z7. Sword-shaped foliage. Sprays of orange-yellow flowers with tink mahogany spots.
Crocosmia`Ember Glow'..................................... 1gal NA
Ht.75cm. Z5. Vibrant burnt scarlet red blooms above gladiolus-like foliage.
Crocosmia`Emily Mackenzie'............................... 1gal NA
Ht.40cm. Z7. Sword-shaped foliage and spikes of orange flowers with red accents.
Crocosmia`Fire Jumper'..................................... 1gal $NA
Ht.40cm. Z7. Sword-shaped foliage and clear orange flower buds open into yellow-orange flowers with lovely darker orange veins.
Crocosmia `George Davidson'.............................. 1galNA
Ht. 60-120cm. Z7. Sword-shaped foliage and spikes of canary yellow flowers. Forms large clumps in time..
Crocosmia `Lucifer'............................................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 60-120cm. Z7. Sword-shaped foliage and spikes of brilliant red flowers. Forms large clumps in time.
Crocosmia masoniorum..................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 150cm. Z6. Sword-shaped foliage and spikes of brilliant orange red flowers. Forms large clumps in time.
Crocosmia ‘Severn Sunrise’.......................................NA
Ht.90cm. Z6. A superb variety which has branched stems packed with cantaloupe orange flowers which fade to pink to give a stunning show.
Crocosmia ‘ Twilight Fairy Crimson’.................................. $15.00ea
Ht.45cm. Z6. Bronzy foliage and spikes of red flowers.
Cyclamen coum............................................ 11cm pot $8.00ea
Ht. 10-15cm. Z6. Deep, crimson rose to pale pink flowers with a white eye at the base with a darker spot above it. Rounded, deep green leaves with dark green or silver markings; undersides red. Blooms January to April.
Cyclamen coum album.................................. 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.10-15cm. Z6. These are seedlings grown from forms that have white flowers and a deep violet nose. Leaves plain green or lightly mottled. Blooms in late winter to early spring.
Cyclamen coum dark rose flowered form ........ 10cm pot$ NA
Ht.10-15cm. Z6. A uniform deep crimson rose color.
Cyclamen coum Patterned Leaved Form.......... 11cm pot NA
Ht.10-15cm. Z6. Deep, crimson rose to pale pink flowers with a white eye at the base with a darker spot above it. All have some silver or grayish marking on the leaves.
Cyclamen hederifolium = C.neapolitanum....... 11cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.10cm. Z6. Large, green, ivy shaped leaves marbled silver and white. Rose to dark pink flowers with a dark spot at the base. Blooms August to October. After a few years these tend to naturalize (self sowing) making a beautiful groundcover for the winter and a great floral display in early fall.
Cyclamen hederifoliun album......................... 11cm pot NA
Ht.10-15cm. Z6. A white flowered form of the species.
Cyclamen hederifolium long leaved form....... 11cm pot $15.00ea
Ht.10cm. Z6. Elongated leaves with silver markings. Fantastic.
Cynanchum ascyrifolium......................................... $18.00ea
Ht.50cm. Z5. An attractive medium to large perennial from Japan that produces a well behaved clump. Waxy white flowers are produced in large loose racemes. Also known as the mosquito Trap as the flowers entrap mosquitoes and other small insects.
Darmera peltata Indian Rhubarb ........................ 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht 60-70cm. Z5. Large, dark green, deeply lobed leaves, 30cm in diameter, occasionally to 60cm. Pink flowers appear before the leaves in clusters on a stout stem in April.
Darmera peltata Dwarf Form .................................... NA
N.A. Native. Ht. 20-55cm. Z6. A dwarf form of this wonderful foliage plant with lovely deep lobed leaves and pink flowers in early spring. Grow it in lean soil.
Deinanthe caerulea................................................. $24.00ea
Ht.50cm. Z4. This is a beautiful Chinese Hydrangea relative that grows to become a lovely, bushy shrub-like plant with each leaf divided in 2 at the tip. Lovely nodding violet blue flowers are produced in the summer. Prefers moist, well drained loamy soil in shade to part sun.
Delphinium menziesii Menzies’ Larkspur...................... $7.50ea
Native. Ht.20-75cm. Z3. From a small tuber arises this lovely larkspur with blue to purple flowers (occasionally yellow). It is usually associated with the grassy bluffs of Garry Oak meadows.
Delphinium tricorne Dwarf Larkspur............................ NA
N.A.Native. Ht.45cm. Z4. Lovely small early blooming woodland perennial with finely cut foliage and clusters of dark blue to violet flowers. Grows from a very small tuber.
Dentaria diphylla Toothwort......................................... $6.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z6. Two leaves each divided into three lobes with white flowers held on slender stems above. Blooms in early spring then goes dormant. Small fleshy tubers.
Dentaria laciniata....................................................... $6.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z6. Clusters of pinkish white flowers rise above lacy dark green foliage in early spring. Arises from a small tuber. Plant in shade to sun in rich, well drained soil.
Dicentra ‘Burning Hearts’......................................... NA
Ht.25cm. Z3. A new hybrid with heart shaped, deep red flowers outlined with creamy white on arching stems above delicate, mounding blue-green ferny foliage.
Dicentra ‘King of Hearts’........................................... $15.00ea
Ht.25cm. Z3. A new hybrid with heart shaped, rich carmine rose flowers on arching stems above delicate mounding blue-green ferny foliage.
Dicentra canadensis Squirrel Corn.................. 10cm pot $6.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 20-30cm. Z3. Fragrant flowers are white tinged mauve with yellow tips. Finely cut bluish basal leaves arise from small yellow tubers. Shade to part sun.
Dicentra cucullaria Dutchmans Breeches......... 10cm pot $6.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 20-40cm. Z3. Glaucous, triangular leaves arise from small tubers. Pendulous flowers are white to pink with yellow tips and two inflated appendages. Flowers in April to May and goes into dormancy in early summer.
Dicentra eximia `Luxuriant' Fringed Bleeding Heart 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 25-40cm. Z3. Dark blue-green ferny foliage. Flowers dark cherry red. Blooms April to August. Semi-shade to full sun in humus-rich soil.
Dicentra formosa Western Bleeding-heart............. 1gal $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 25-45cm. Z3. Rose pink, slightly reflexed heart shaped flowers extend above mounds of grey-green fern-like foliage. Thrives in shade to semi-shade in humus-rich soil.
Dicentra formosa `King of Hearts'........................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 25cm. Z3. Deep pink flowers with greyish blue foliage.
Dicentra spectablis Common Bleeding Heart......... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 60-80cm. Z3. Rose red heart-shaped flowers with glistening white protruding inner petals. Grey-green leaves. Blooms May and June. Humus-rich soil in shade to semi-shade.
Dicentra spectabilis alba White Bleeding Heart ..... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 60-80cm. Z3. A lovely pure white flowered form of D. spectabilis.
Dicentra spectablis ‘Gold Heart’......................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 60-80cm. Z3. This selection has lovely golden yellow foliage and the same showy flowers. Foliage color is best in strong light.
Dichelostemma congestum 10cm pot NA
Native. Ht.30-90cm. Z7-8. A nice native bulb with heliotrope blue flowers in early summer and grass-like leaves.
Dichelostemma x venusta Pink Diamond....... 10cm pot NA
Native. Ht.30-90cm. Z7-8. A nice native bulb with rosy magenta flowers with inner white segments.
Dichocarpum nipponicum (Isopyrum nipponicum) ........ $12.99ea
Ht.15-25cm Z6. This charming woodland species from Japan with divided leaves forms dense mounds, bearing pendant funnel-shaped creamy flowers often tinted purple-red at the base of the petals. Best in a leafy soil in full to part shade.
Dictamnus albus albiflorus......................................... NA
Ht. 60cm. Z2. Spikes of white lemon scented blooms. Samll plants.
Dictamnus albus rosea............................................... NA
Ht. 60cm. Z2. Spikes of purple-pink lemon scented blooms. Samll plants.
Dierama dracomontanum.............................. 10cm pot $7.50ea
Ht. 30-100. Z8. Flowers pale to deep rose pink, purple , pink, deep coral on arching stems.
Dierama igneum.......................................... 10cm pot NA
Ht. 45-90cm. Z8-9. Similar to D. pulcherrimum. These are seedlings grown from a form with tomato red bell shaped flowers.
Dierama parviflorum..................................... 10cm pot $7.50ea
Ht.40-85cm. Z8. A nice Dierama with light to dark pinkish-mauve bell shaped flowers. Foliage is often absent at the time of flowering.
Dierama pulcherrimum Angel’s Fishing rod...... 10cmpot $7.50ea
Ht.90cm Z8. From a corm come grass-like leaves with arching flower stems bearing deep magenta bell shaped flowers. Multiplies into large showy clumps.
Digitalis lutea Yellow Foxglove....................... 10cmpot $6.00ea
Ht.60cm Z5. An unusual foxglove with smooth glossy rich green leaves and stout stems bearing soft yellow trumpet shaped flowers in Summer.
Diphylleia cymosa Umbrella leaf................................. 2gal $25.00ea
N.A.Native.Ht.30-75cm. Z5 A bold perennial with very large glossy green umbrella like leaves up to 50cm wide. Clusters of white flowers are followed by blue fruits held above the foliage on red stems. An awesome bold perennial.
Diphylleia grayi Japanese Umbrella Leaf............... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.30-60cm Z5. Clusters of white flowers held above very large twin leaves followed by blue fruits. Great bold addition to the woodland.
Disporopsis perneyi....................................... 11cm pot $10.00ea
Ht. Z5-6. This is an evergreen relative of Disporum with white bell shaped flowers and bluish black fruit. Part shade to shade in humus-rich soil.
Disporum cantoniense ................................... 15cm pot$20.99ea
Ht. Z6. This is a wonderful Disporum with white elongated bell shaped flowers in clusters along branching stems. These are followed by blue fruit. We finally have some to sell.
Disporum flavens..................................................... $16.00ea
Ht.30-60cm. A wonderful woodland fairy bells from China with large showy yellow hanging bells in mid spring.
Disporum hookerii Hooker's Fairy Bells...................... $20.00ea
Native. Ht.100cm. Z7. A lovely woodland perennial with creamy white hanging bell shaped flowers in umbels. Followed by striking yellow to orange berries.
Disporum lanuginosum................................. $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.50-90cm. Z5. Yellowish bells interspersed along branched stems followed by reddish orange fruits.
Disporum maculatum Spotted Fairy Bells..................... $15.00ea
Ht.30-60cm. Creamy white flowers covered in small purple spots. We were delighted to see these bloom this year.
Disporum sessile ‘Aso’............................................... NA
Ht.30-40cm. Z4. This selection from Japan emerges with golden foliage that slowly fades to light green as the season progresses. Creamy white , bell shaped flowers.
Disporum sessile ‘Awa no Tsuki’................................ NA
Ht.30-40cm. Z4. This absolutely beautiful, ‘must have’ Disporum cultivar comes to us from Shikoku Island, Japan. Rounded dark green leaves have a large golden yellow central variegation and are stunning in a shaded woodland garden where it will spread to make a lovely carpet. Pendant white flowers adorn this beauty in spring.
Disporum sessile ‘Kinga’............................................ $20.00ea
Ht.15cm. Z4. Wide green leaves are heavily streaked with creamy yellow that fades to white as the season progresses, often merging to form a solid white center.
Disporum sessile Yellow Margin Tweetie ........10cm pot $16.00ea
This is a Japanese variegated cultivar of D. sessile with broad oval leaves striped and frosted with white lines and streaking. Some leaves have clearly defined lines of color and others have indistinct frosted lines.
Disporum sessile Variegatum........................... 10cmpot $10.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.40-60cm. Z7. Flowers white, tips tinged green, solitary or clusters. Leaves broadly striped cream. An excellent variegated plant for the woodland garden.
Disporum smilacinum flore plena................. 10cm pot $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 50cm. Z5. We are proud to offer this very rare plant with double creamy white flowers. Makes a slow spreading clump in shade to part sun in humus rich soil.
Diaspanathus unifolus........................ $25.00ea
Ht. 25cm. Z6. This is a woodland species from Shikoku Island in Japan , Nice looking cut foliage ( maple leaved like) with tall slender inflorescences topped by pendant purple recuved flowers ( diearama like)
Disporum smithii Large flowered FairyBell...... 1gal pot $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 50-90cm. Z7. Large, 3cm, creamy bell-shaped flowers hang from the tips of branched stems and bloom in late spring; followed by brilliant orange, football-shaped berries. Plant in shade to semi-shade.
Dioscorea japonica Japanese Yam. ........... 12cm deep pot $15.00ea
Ht. 1-3M. Z4. From the woodlands of Japan comes this interesting and hardy yam. It is a vigorous climber with beautiful foliage and clusters of small white flowers. The shiny arrow shaped leaves alone are reason enough to grow this one. It's the roots that are particularly interesting: up to four feet long and two inches thick, they are eaten boiled or baked and are said to have a very pleasant taste. We have a small supply of tubers and more growing for next year. I would plant it where you want it as it might be a spreader.
Shooting stars are herbaceous perennials with green leaves held in rosettes that dry up and disappear in early summer. The nodding cyclamen-like flowers resemble a shooting star streaking across the sky. All do best in half sun, half shade.
Dodecatheon alpinum Alpine Shooting Star...... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 20cm. Z4. An alpine species with pale lavender to deep magenta flowers.
Dodecatheon cusickii Cusick's Shooting Star..... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Flower Ht. 20-30cm. Z5. Leaves are pubescent giving them a grey green appearance. Flowers similar to D.pulchellum with a shorter heavier flower stalk.
Dodecatheon dentatum White Shooting Star..... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Flower Ht.15-40cm. Z5. This Dodecatheon is unique in that it has toothed leaves and showy white flowers. Easy.
Dodecatheon hendersonii Broad‑leaved Shooting Star.....
........................................................... 10cm pot $7.00ea
Native. Flower Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. Flowers deep purple to pale-pink with a ring of clear yellow at the base of each lobe. Leaves are unmistakable, being thick, shiny, smooth, broadly oval and pressed firmly to the ground. Exceptional.
Dodecatheon macrocarpum............................ 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht.20-50cm. Z4. A species most often considered to be a variety of D.pulchellum. A nice selection with fleshier leaves and predominantly dark magenta purple flowers.
Dodecatheon pulchellum ............................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Flower Ht. 20-50cm. Z4. Flowers bright rose-purple with a ring of deep-yellow at the base which is overlaid with a zig-zag trim of rose purple. Delightful.
Dodecatheon pulchellum `Sooke' Sooke Shooting Star
................................................................... 10cm pot NA
Native. Flower Ht. 20-35cm. Z5. This naturally occuring form found on Southern Vancouver Island has deep rose pink flowers on a stiffer more compact stem. Leaves thicker and more rounded than the species.
Doronicum orientale `Little Leo’....................... NA
Ht.40cm. Z2. Cheerful semidouble yellow daisies in abundance .
Drosera rotundifolia Round leaved Sundew....................May or later$7.50ea
Native. Ht. 3cm. Z6. Open cluster of long thin leaves tipped in a round end (spoon-shaped leaves) covered in bug and dew catching gland tipped hairs. Flowers white to pink. Insectivorous. Plant in peaty soil, keep slightly moist and do not fertilize.
Dysosma versipelle (Podophyllum versipelle).............. $49.00ea
Ht. Z. This Podophyllum relative is a wonderful new perennial introduction from China. We were amazed when we saw the plants that bloomed. The plant emerges and at 3-5cm branches into two or three stems with each stem carrying a single large, finely dentate, usually eight-sided leaf. The drooping flowers are carried on short stocks that emerge from where the leaves branch.
Echinacea purpurea magnus............................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.90cm. Z3. Non-drooping petals of deep rose with a red center. Prefers full sun in well drained soil.
Echinacea.... Lots more at the Nursery
Ellisiophyllum pinnatum................................ 10cm pot $8.00ea
Ht.10cm. Z5. This is a rare creeping perennial with pinnate foliage and starry white flowers throughout summer and fall. Great woodland groundcover.
Eomecon chionantha Snow Poppy....................... NA
Ht.45cm. Z6. A rather interesting spreading woodland plant with scalloped heart shaped leaves and attractive clusters of single white flowers with a central boss of yellow anthers
Epimedium acuminatum............................... 2gal NA
Ht.25-40cm. Z5. Long narrow leathery leaves emerge pink, tinted maroon. A rarely offered species from China with large inflorescence of dark lavender maroon petals and lighter white or pale yellowish tinted lilac sepals.
Epimedium`Amber Queen’........................................2gal NA
Ht.25-40cm. Z4. A new hybrid (E.flavum x E.wushanense). Deep yellow flowers, the back face of the sepals is red tinted, and the petals are speckled with red. As a result, the freely produced flowers appear pale orange - amber is an excellent description.
Epimedium`Atlas’.....................................................2gal NA
Ht.25-40cm. Z5. A new introduction by Free Spirit Nursery. A floriferous hybrid that forms a nice mounding clump with flowers held above the foliage.
Epimedium `Benichidori'............................. 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 15-40cm. Z5 Large gorgeous incredibly dark pink-red flowers with long petal spurs that are white tipped.
Epimedium cantabrigiense.................................. 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 20-30cm. Z5. Semievergreen. Olive to brownish leaves. Flowers light yellow with reddish margins. Makes a good ground cover in light shade.
\Epimedium diphyllum 'Roseum'................................ 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z5. Rosy pink flowers without spurs often rebloom.
Epimedium diphyllum 'Variegatum'.......................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.20cm. Z5. White flowers are held above leaves variously mottled with flecks of white.
Epimedium epsteinii................................................. 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.15-20cm. Z5. A new species with wide, pure white, sepals and striking reddish purple spurs and cup. Forms a nice low dense groundcover. We offer a few small divisions.
Epimedium franchetti............................................... NA
Ht. 40-50cm. Z5. This evergreen species from China has incredibly showy mottled new growth and arching stems with spidery lemony yellow flowers.
Epimedium `Fujinami'........................................ 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 20-40cm. Z5. This new Japanese variety has soft lavender flowers with wonderfully long spurs having the slightest hint of white at their tips.
Epimedium grandiflorum Longspur Barrenwort.... 2gal NA
Ht. 40cm. Z5. Large, soft, purplish-pink flowers with long, white, downward curving spurs. Very showy. New growth bronzy red. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium grandiflorum var. higoense..................... 2gal NA
Ht.20cm. Z5. This small early blooming Epimedium is adorned with creamy white flowers. Blooms appear when the foliage is only 12cm high.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee'..................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.15-25cm. Z4. A dwarfer selection with lavender violet flowers and a clump forming habit.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Mars'............................... 2gal NA
Ht.30cm. Z4. Purple -red flowers.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Nanum'...........................2gal $29.95ea
Ht.10-30cm. Z4. White flowers above dwarf foliage in spring. Foliage is often rimmed with a purple band. When in bloom this plant is much shorter and grows to its maximum height after blooming.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Red Queen'...................... 2gal NA
Ht.35cm. Z4. Large vivid rosy red flowers peak out from enormous leaves when mature.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Rose Queen'............... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 40cm. Z5. Large, showy deep pink flowers with long, white, downward curving spurs. New growth bronzy red. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Saxton’s Purple'............... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.20-35cm. Z4. New foliage has a coppery overlay. Large lavender flowers are held well above the leaves.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Sirius'.............................. 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.15-40cm. Z4. Only 15cm tall when in bloom with large elegant pink flowers above soft green foliage. Later grows to about 40cm.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Tama No Genpei'............. 2gal NA
Ht.20-40cm. Z4. Large bicoloured flowers of lavender and white often rebloom. Lovely new foliage is tinted with purple.
Epimedium `Hagoromo-no-mai'................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 25-40cm. Z5 This variety has dark pinkish red flowers with long petal spurs that are barely white tipped and overlapping sepals that are almost as long.
Epimedium `Jujisei'..................................................2gal NA
Ht. 25-40cm. Z5 At long last it’s back. A rarely offered selection from Japan with reddish pink. The open flowers lack the typical lamina blade which in most species and hybrids hide the stamens. The large open faced dark pinkish red flowers lie flat with prominant yellow stamens showing. Petal spurs are white and protrude like a little horn from the upper surface of each petal. Jujiseii means star cross in Japanese.
Epimedium x kaguyahimei....................................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.35cm. Z5?. This near evergreen Barrenwort has lovely arrow-shaped foliage beautifully mottled with purplish red in early spring. Tall panicles carry multitudes of striking flowers with dark reddish purple spurs and rose pink inner sepals. We are offering only a few small divisions.
Epimedium `Koharu'.......................................... 2gal NA
Ht. 25-40cm. Z5. This variety has large petals with broad pink petal lamina and long narrower spurs suffused with white. Overlapping pink sepals, fading to white in the center.
Epimedium koreanum `Harold Epstein’....................2gal NA
Ht.30cm. Z5. A clone that has huge butter yellow flowers and huge leaflets. Used to be considered Epimediumgrandiflorum ssp. Koreanum. We offer only a few small divisions.
Epimedium leptorhizum ............................................ 2gal NA
Ht.15-20cm. Z5. A wonderful spreader with large rose pink flowers. Great as a groundcover in dry shade.
Epimedium Mizuho-maru’........................................ 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 20-75. Z5. Broad white sepals with dark rosy pink outer edges and inward curving spurs make this Japanese selection unique.
Epimedium myrianthum........................................... 2gal NA
Ht.30cm. Z4. Glossy evergreen foliage with long narrow leaflets is often lightly marked with reddish patches in spring. This broad clumper has taller flower stems with myriad very small white flowers with short spurred yellowish inner petals (sometimes over 100 flowers per stem) which creates a very airy effect.
Epimedium pallidum......................................... 2gal NA
Ht.30cm. Z4. A newly offered species with yellow flowers held above nicely contrasting green foliage.
Epimedium pauciflorum............................................2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z5. Evergreen species from China with thick, dark green leaves with spines along the margins. Soft pink to white flowers.
Epimedium x perralchicum............................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.30cm. Z6. A hybrid with bright yellow flowers with brown centres. Heart shaped glossy green leaves with bronze colored new growth.
Epimedium x perralchicum `Frohnleiten'............. 2gal $ NA
Ht.30cm. Z7. Evergreen. A hybrid with bright yellow flowers with brown centres. Heart shaped glossy green leaves with bronze colored new growth.
Epimedium`Pink Elf’................................................ 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.25-40cm. Z4. A new hybrid. Long lasting white flowers are marked with pink, especially on the petals. Late flowering. Small Divisions
Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum .........................2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm Z6. Native to Georgia near the Black Sea. This drougth tolerant variety has bright yellow sepals held open to show off the short reddish spurs.
Epimedium pubigerum ‘Orangekonigin’............... 2gal NA
Ht. 20-75. Z5. This selection has large heart shaped leaves and true orange flowers.
Epimedium sempervirens `White Purity' ..................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 20cm. Z7. A large leaved form of the species with white flowers.
Epimedium stellulatum `Long Leaved Form' ............... $25.00ea
Ht .30-45cm. Z5. Nice foliage with long narrow leaves. Numerous tall sprays of starry-white flowers with minute yellow spurs held above the foliage. The plant grows to its mature height after blooming.
Epimedium x Red Beauty............................. 2gal NA
Ht. 30-40cm. Z4. Strong pinky-purple flowers.
Epimedium x `Rubrum' Red Barrenwort.............. 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 30-40cm. Z5. Blooms April to May with bright red flowers in loose 20-30 blossom panicles. Compact, strong growth habit. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium x Rubrum `Sweetheart’.......................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 30-40cm. Z5. Blooms April to May with dark rose-red flowers. Leaflets larger and darker green with a fine red tracing around the edge. We offer only a few small divisions.
Epimedium x `Sasaki’ ...................................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht.3 0-40cm. Z4. Blooms April to May with pure pink flowers. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium x versicolor `Sulphereum' ................2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. Evergreen. Blooms April to May with 8-20 yellow flowered inflorescences. Very vigorous habit. Leaves green, new growth reddish-bronze. Shade to semi-shade.
Epimedium x warleyense.................................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 25-50cm. Z5. This form has incredible coppery orange flowers. A stand out in the shade garden.
Epimedium wushanense `Caramel Bloom’............Tiny plants 1gal$25.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z5. Red mottling over the long jagged newly emerged leaves and the caramel-amber colored flowers make this a must for the woodland garden.
Epimedium youngianum `Baby Doll Pink' ................ 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 10-25cm. Z5. Spurless flowers emerge from dark pink buds and open to a lovely soft pink edged with darker pink.
Epimedium youngianum `Capella' ........................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 10-25cm. Z5. Dark rose flowers held above small foliage for a long period. The plant grows to its mature height after blooming.
Epimedium youngianum `Kozakura' ........................ 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 25cm. Z5. Large white flowers strongly flushed with rose.
Epimedium youngianum
' 2gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z4. The large dusky violet flowers of this cultivar fade to white in the center producing a two toned effect.
Epimedium youngianum `Niveum'...................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht .25cm. Z5. This form has pure white flowers. A stand out in the shade garden.
Epimedium youngianum `Roseum' ........................... 2gal $25.00ea
Ht. 30cm. Z5. Flowers pale violet to purple. A good small scale cover for a shade garden.
Epimedium youngianum `Shein' ................................ 2gal NA
Ht. 25cm. Z5. This odd variety has flowers which consist of only four purple petals.
Epimedium youngianum 'Tamabotan’......................2gal NA
Ht. 30-40cm. Z5.Large lavender flowers atop lovely dark purple foliage that ages to deep green. AKA E.Pink Ruffles.
Epimedium youngianum `White Star' .........................2gal NA
Ht. 12-20cm. Z5. Very floriferous white flowers above the foliage. The plant grows to its mature height after blooming.
Epimedium youngianum `Yenomoto’ ......................... 2gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z5. White flowers with long spurs. A very floriferous clone.
Eremerus himalaicus Foxtail Lily........................ 2gal $19.00ea
Ht. 80-120cm. Z5. This species has starry white flowers in dense racemes. These come from massive roots. Fall only
Eremerus robustus Foxtail Lily........................... 2gal $19.00ea
Ht. 200-250cm. Z5. This species has pink flowers in a gigantic raceme. Fall only.
Eremerus stenophyllus var. bungei Foxtail Lily...... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 100-120cm. Z5. This form has canary yellow flowers with orange stamens in a dense flower spike. Fall only
Eremerus x isabellinus `Cleopatra’............................ $15.00ea
Ht. 150-175cm. Z5. This selection has spikes of orange flowers with darker ribs, borne on a narrow elongated raceme. Fall only
Eremerus x isabellinus` Shelford Hybrids' ........... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.80-125cm. Z5. Narrow green leaves. Flower shaft up to 40cm on 100cm flower stalk, blooms July to August. Mixed colors, pink, peach, yellow, orange. Fall only
Erigeron peregrinus Sub alpine Fleabane......... 10cm pot NA
Native. Ht.10-60cm Zone 2. Lavender-pink aster like flowers.
Eriophyllum lanatum Wooly Sunflower, Oregon Sunshine.........
.................................................................. 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht20-30cm. Z4-5. Forms mounding mats of grayish green wooly foliage with bright yellow 5cm sunflower type flowers. Very drought tolerant once established. Plant in full sun to part shade in poor soil to keep tight compact shape.
Early spring flowering, lily-like plants are produced from fleshy corms. Species described have narrow to broad, lance shaped green leaves often mottled. Nodding flowers have six pointed petals and all are more or less reflexed. All thrive in well drained humus-rich soil in shade to semi-shade.
Erythronium albidum .................................. 10cm pot $10.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. Leaves mottled. Flowers white inside with yellow centers and a blue or pink tinted exterior. Easy to grow in humus rich soil in shade to part sun.
Erythronium americanum Trout lily................ 10cm pot $7.50ea
N.A.Native. Ht.10-15cm. Z2. Glossy narrow leaves with heavy brownish purple mottling. Bright yellow solitary flowers bloom April to May. Naturally small corms..
Erythronium dens-canis `Frans Hals'............ 10cm pot NA
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. A large rich deep violet purple flower with a brown throat surrounded by a yellow ring.
Erythronium dens-canis `Niveum'................... 10cm pot $10.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. A Bulgarian form which has white flowers tinted with a light touch of lavender.
Erythronium dens-canis `Pink Perfection'....... 10cm pot $10.00ea
Ht. 5-10cm. Z3. Flowers clear bright pink in colour.
Erythronium denis-canis `Rose Queen'........... 10cm pot $10.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. This selection has mottled leaves and rose pink flowers.
Erythronium denis-canis `Snowflake'............... 11cm pot $10.00a
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. White flowers, olive at base, chartreuse with a faint ring of red specks inside base.
Erythronium denis-canis `White Splendor'...... 10cm pot $10.00ea
Ht. 10-20cm. Z3. White flowers with dark brown basal blotch.
Erythronium grandiflorumYellow Glacier Lily Dwarf . $15.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-50cm. Z4. Large unmarked bright green leaves. Golden yellow flowers in groups of 1-3. Blooms April to May. Needs well drained soil in semi-shade. This is easy to grow.
Erythronium grandiflorumYellow Glacier Lily large Form NA
Native. Ht. 15-50cm. Z4. Large unmarked bright green leaves. Golden yellow flowers in groups of 1-3. Blooms April to May. Needs well drained soil in semi-shade. This large form is new for us and more typical of the species.
Erythronium japonicum Pink Japanese Lily....... 10cmpot $10.00ea
Ht. 12-18cm. Z5. We finally have a good supply of this Japanese beauty. Narrow deep green unmottled or lightly mottled leaves. Dainty, highly reflexed lilac pink to grape purple flowers with dark stamens.
Erythronium oregonum White Fawn Lily. ........... 10cm $10.00ea
Native. Ht. 25-30cm. Z5. White nodding flowers with inner orange-yellow markings in groups of 1-6. Mottled leaves.
Erythronium revolutumPink Fawn Lily....................... $10.00ea
Native. Ht. 15-20cm. Z5. Leaves mottled with light brown markings. Pink flowers (rarely white) are usually solitary but occasionally clustered up to five per stalk.
Erythronium tuolumnense Yellow Fawn Lily............... $10.00ea
Native. Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. Light green unmottled leaves. Up to five bright yellow flowers per stalk. Blooms April to May.
Erythronium tuolumnense `Citronella'........................ $10.00ea
Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. An E.tuolumnense hybrid. Large, lemon yellow flowers have a light brown clover leaf shaped basal band in the throat.
Erythronium tuolumnense `Kondo'............................. $10.00ea
Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. An E.tuolumnese hybrid. Large yellow flowers (slightly darker than `Pagoda') with a dark, bronze basal ring. Leaves lightly mottled.
Erythronium tuolumnense `Pagoda'............................ $10.00ea
Ht. 30-50cm. Z5. An E.tuolumnese hybrid. Large, sulfer yellow flowers. Large, green lightly mottled leaves.
Eupatorium cannabinum Plenum ....................... 2gal $ NA
Ht. 200cm. Z4. Upright stems with terminal clusters of double purple-pink flowers in July to Sept. Best in sun and moist soil.
Eupatorium fortunei f. variegata................................... NA
Ht. 130cm. Z4. A stately architectural border plant from Japan with green leaves with creamy edges that turm maroon in Fall. Fragrant clusters of fuzzy pink flowers in Fall.
Eupatorium maculatum atropurpureum........................ NA
Ht. 120-200cm. Z3. Excellent architectural border plant for late summer to autumn with deep red stems crowned with panicles of wine red flowers.
Eupatorium rugosum `Chocolate'........................ 1gal $15.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht. 150-200cm. Z3. A new selection with chocolate-purple foliage. White flowers in terminal clusters appear in late summer. Sun to partial shade in average soil.
Fauria crista-galli Deer Cabbage................... $10.00ea
Native. Ht.20-30cm Z.3. A lush plant with glossy green rounded heart shaped leaves and white flowers clustered on erect stalks. Plant in a moist site from sun to part shade. Makes a nice cover around the edge of a pond.
Filipendula palmata 'variegata' Tall variegata Meadow Sweet 2gal $39.99ea
Ht. 50-100cm. Z3. After years of hoarding we are offering this beauty. Lovely variegation and panicles of white flowers.
Filipendula purpurea 'Elegans'............................ 1gal NA
Ht. 60-70cm. Z3. Airy plumes of delicate pink flowers are a wonderful source of fresh color in late summer just when most other mid-border perennials are dying back. Will tolerate dry conditions.
Filipendula ulmaria `Aurea'................................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 90cm Z3. This great naturalizing or pondside perennial has nice white flower plumes atop bright yellow- green foliage.
Filipendula ulmaria `Variegata'........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 1.50m. Z4. White flowers and green leaves with a central golden-yellow stripe. Blooms late spring to early summer, a great one to naturalize along stream and pools.
Filipendula vulgaris `flore pleno'......................... 1gal NA
Ht.30-60cm. Z3. Drooping panicles of double creamy white flowers in mid summer.
Filipendula vulgaris 'Kahome'............................. 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.30-50cm. Z3. Very long lasting pink flowers atop dark green ferny foliage.
Filipendula vulgaris `Rubra' Red Meadowsweet... 1gal NA
Fl. Ht. 30-75cm. Z4. Red flowers appear on loose, flattened panicles in June and July. Mid-green, ferny leaves are deeply cut. Prefers a sunny to semi-shade site, with well drained soil.
Fragaria chiloensis Coastal Strawberry............ 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 5-15cm. Z4. Evergreen. Dark green glossy leaves have silky white undersides. White flowers appear in spring. Edible, small strawberries appear in mid-summer. Excellent evergreen, mat forming ground cover for full sun to semi-shade.
Fragaria vescaWood Strawberry.................... 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 8-15cm. Z5. Thin, light green leaves. White flowers appear in May to June and again in fall. Small edible fruit. Prefers a woodland site in shade to semi-shade.
Fragaria virginiana Scarlet Strawberry............ 10cm pot $7.00ea
Native. Ht. 8-15cm. Z3. Blue green foliage is topped with white flowers and followed by delicious small strawberries.
Francoa sonchifolia..................................... 1gal $15.00 es of softly hairy leaves from a slowly creeping rhizome. Showy spikes in summer of rich pink flowers with a darker pink center stripe or blotch on each petal. A good looking perennial year round. Drought tolerant. Bumble Bees love this plant
Fritillaria camschatcensis Northern Rice root , Chocolate Lily
............... $12.99ea
Native. Ht. 35-60cm. Z5. Edible 2.5cm bulbs resemble clusters of rice grains. Bell shaped bronze-purple -black lightly mottled flowers appear in May to June. Whorled, lance-shaped leaves. Prefers shade to semi-shade in humus-rich soil.
Fritillaria camschatcensis flavescens ............ 11cm pot $18.99ea
Native. Ht. 35-60cm. Z5. A rare yellow form of the species.
Fritillaria lanceolata Chocolate Lily ............. 11cm pot $12.99ea
Native. Ht. 60-75cm. Z5. Bulb similar to F.camschatcensis. Bowl-shaped, brownish-purple flowers are mottled with greenish yellow.Whorled lance-shaped leaves. Shade to semi-shade
Fritillaria pudica Yellow Frittillary ............. 10cm pot $12.99ea
Native. Ht. 10-20. Z2. One lovely little yellow bell is produced on a 10-20cm stalk
Gentiana acaulis................................................ $15.00ea
Ht.4-6cm. Z3. A wonderful late spring blooming Gentian with intense blue flowers. Great for the rock garden forming mats over time.
The Crane's-bill Geraniums listed here are hardy, free flowering, easy to grow herbaceous perennials. Many do as well in shade or semishaded sites as sunny sites in a perennial border, as a specimen, a groundcover or in a rockery.
Geranium `Brookside'......................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 80cm. Flowers a rich blue atop rich medium green foliage.
Geranium x cantabrigiense`Biokova'................... 1gal NA
Ht.10-15cm. Z5. This is a hybrid of G.dalmaticum and G.macrorrhizum. Flowers are light pink and are carried above the foliage. Leaves turn a brilliant red in fall.
Geranium x cantabrigiense `Cambridge'.............. 1gal NA
Ht. 20cm. Z5. Similar to G. Biokova except this excellent groundcover has dark rose colored flowers.
Geranium cinereum `Ballerina'.......................... 1gal NA
Ht. 10-15 cm. Z6. Flowers are silvery lilac-pink with distinctly darker purple venation and bloom throughout summer. This is a great little geranium for the rockery.
Geranium cinereum `Purple Pillows'......................... NA
Ht. 15cm. Z4. Unusual burgundy purplish red flowers with darker veins.
Geranium dalmaticum....................................... NA
Ht. 10-15cm. Z5. Flowers June to August with clusters of 3cm soft pink flowers. Forms neat dense mound of glossy green leaves that are often tinted red in fall. Sun to semi-shade.
Geranium `Dilys’................................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z4. Blooms in summer with magenta pink flowers. Often reblooms in fall.
Geranium `Dragon Heart’................................... NA
Ht. 60cm. Z5. A hybrid with magenta flowers and black center and veination. Blooms almost all summer long.
Geranium endressi `Wargrave Pink'.................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 40-50cm. Z5. This selection of G.endressi is vigorous and is covered with numerous salmon pink flowers.
Geranium himalayense...................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 25-45 cm. Z4. Blooms in June and July with 5cm blue- violet flowers. Sun to semi-shade.
Geranium himalayense `Birch's Double (Plenum)'........................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 25-30 cm. Z4. Blooms June and July with very pretty double lavender-blue flowers. Sun to semi-shade.
Geranium `Johnson's Blue'................................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 35-45 cm. Z4. Blooms June to August with 5cm cup shaped sky blue flowers with red venation. Sun to semi-shade.
Geranium maculatum........................................ 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 30-60cm. Z4. Leaves deeply 3-5 lobed, somewhat hairy on top. Flowers are held erect in terminal clusters and range from rose purple to pink. Good for woodland naturalizing or for the back of the perennial border.
Geranium maculatum Chatto............................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z4. This selection has pale lilac pink flowers and deeply divided green foliage. Great for the edge of a woodland.
Geranium maculatum Espresso........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z4. Superbly contrasting dark bronze foliage and lavender pink flowers that mature to white. Foliage emerges in spring a wonderous burgundy-black and slowly fades to bronzy green after a few weeks.
Geranium macrorhizum album......................... 1 gal NA
Ht.25-30cm. Z4. This lovely white flowered form of the species has pink stamens on the flowers which give them a blush pink effect.
Geranium macrorhizum ‘Bevans Variety’.......... 1 gal $15.00ea
Ht.25-30cm. Z4. Rosy magenta flowers with pink stamens.
Geranium macrorrhizum `Ingwersen's Variety'..... 1gal NA
Ht. 25-30 cm. Z4. Blooms May to July with clusters of clear pink, 3cm flowers. Great as a dense ground cover.
Geranium orientalitibeticum .......................... 11cm pot $6.00ea
Ht. 20-35cm. Z8. Tuberous. Dwarf alpine perennial with dark pink purple flowers with white centers.
Geranium x oxonianum `Claridge Druce'............. 1gal NA
Ht. 35-45 cm. Z4. A hybrid of G.endressii and G.versicolor. Lilac-pink flowers with purple venation. Sun to shade.
Geranium x oxonianum `Katherine Adele'............ 1gal NA
Ht.40cm. Z6. Pretty pink flowers have darker veins. Dark green foliage has maroon markings which are stronger in more heat.
Geranium x oxonianum `Phoebe Noble'............... 1gal NA
Ht. 40-50cm. Z5. This is a vigorous plant covered all summer in dark lipstick pink flowers. When untidy, trim it back and in a couple of weeks it's in bloom again.
Geranium x oxonianum `Southcombe Double'...... 1gal NA
Ht. 35cm. Z5. Flowers mostly double salmon pink. A compact selection ideal for the front of a border.
Geranium `Patricia'............................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 50-75cm. Z3. This hybrid between G.endressi and G.psilostemon has vivid cyclamen red blooms with dark centers.
Geranium psilostemon....................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 75-80 cm. Z5. Blooms June and July with 4cm black centered magenta flowers. Sun to semi-shade. A great larger geranium for the perennial border.
Geranium phaeum album................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60-80cm. Z5. A pure white flowered selection.
Geranium phaeum Mourning Widow.................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 60-80cm. Z5. This tall plant has lobed leaves, often marked le at their base with dark bluish-red reflexed nodding flowers.
Geranium phaeum Lavender Pinwheel................. 1gal NA
Ht. 60-80cm. Z5. This selection has special flowers. Each flower is pale lavender, with violet veins radiating from a green eye, then the edge of each petal features a dark, picotee rim. The result is a delicate patterning of colour, with misty shadows where the petals overlap.
Geranium phaeum Sambor.................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 40-50cm. Z5. This selection has large dark markings on the leaves as well as the typical maroon flower.
Geranium phaeum `Springtime’........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 40-50cm. Z4. A unique geranium with silvery mottled green foliage and deep maroon blooms.
Geranium pratense `albiflorum' Meadow Cranesbill 1gal NA
Ht. 60-75cm. Z5. Deeply cut dark green leaves. Pure white flowers with transluscent white veins. Prefers sun to light shade.
Geranium pratense `Dark Reiter'.............................. NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Mounds of dark, deeply cut foliage with lavender blue flowers.
Geranium pratense `Hocus Pocus'............................ NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Mounds of dark, deeply cut foliage with lavender purple flowers.
Geranium pratense `Purple Ghost'............................ NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Soft lavender flowers with darker veins.
Geranium pratense 'Splish Splash'....................... 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z4. A striking geranium with mauve blue splashes and flecks on pure white flowers.
Geranium `Rozanne’ .......................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.50cm. Z4. A long bloomer with striking marbled foliage and very large violet blue flowers with white centers.
Geranium sanguineum Bloody Cranesbill............ 1gal NA
Ht. 25-30 cm. Z4. Blooms May to September with 4cm crimson flowers. Excellent groundcover in sun to semi-shade. Leaves turn red in fall.
Geranium sanguineum `Album'.......................... 1gal NA
Ht. 25-30 cm. Z4. Blooms May to September with 4cm pure white flowers. Somewhat looser habit than species. Excellent plant for sun to shade. Foliage greyish in color.
Geranium sanguineum `Max Frei'....................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 20cm. Z4. Large deep magenta flowers on compact plant. Excellent for the rock garden.
Geranium sanguineum var. striatum (`Lancastrense)... NA
Ht. 20cm. Z4. Large flesh pink flowers with prominant venation. Grows very low to the ground.
Geranium sylvaticum `Silva'................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z4. Flowers upright, purple in color in early to mid-summer. A good naturalizer in open, not too dry site or under trees.
Geranium `Tiny Monster’ ................................... 1gal NA
Ht.10-25cm .Z4. Large lavender purple flowers on this dwarf cross between G. sanguineum and G. psilostemon.
Geranium tuberosum..................................... 11cm pot NA
Ht. 30-40cm. Z4-5. Tuberous. This is a wonderful hardy spreading geranium that arises from small tubers. Deeply cut leaves and purple-violet flowers with darker veins, deep blue anther and crimson stigma
Geranium versicolor........................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z4. A striking geranium with mauve flowers heavily veined with dark purple pencilling.
Geranium wlassovianum..................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3 . A wonderful compact plant with deep purplish magenta flowers veined with deep violet. From Northen China.
Gillenia trifoliata Bowmans Root...............................2gal . $25.00ea
N.A.Native. Ht.60-100cm. Z3 A fantastic perennial with arching stems and trifoliate leaves divided into three narrow toothed lobes. Showy white flowers with narrow petals in loose terminal panicles. Plant on the woodland edge where it will bloom from April till June. Excellent reddish fall coloration.
Glaucidium palmatum................................ 11cm pot $ NA
Ht.30-45cm. Z5. Truly a Japanese gem with large maple-like leaves and large satiny pink flowers in spring.
Glaucidium palmatum leucanthemum......... 11cm pot NA
Ht.30-45cm. Z5. Truly a Japanese gem with large maple-like leaves and large satiny white flowers in spring.
Grindelia integrifolia Entireleaved Gumweed. 10cm pot $6.00ea
Native. Ht. 30-75cm. Z3. This native perennial with bright yellow daisy like flowers often grows along cracks in rocky areas along or close to the sea shore.
Gunnera magellanica................................... 11cm pot NA
Ht. 5-12cm. Z7. A wonderful groundcover from the Falkland Islands. Small rounded dark green shiny leaves with crinkled edges. Fruits bright reddish.
Perennial Catalog Listing
A-G | H-Z
Popular Perennial Listing
Asarum | Astilbe | Calochortus | Camassia | Corydalis | Cyclamen | Dicentra | Dierama | Dodecatheons | Erythroniums |Epimediums | Fritillaria | Geraniums | Helleborus | Hostas | Iris | Lycoris | Meconopsis | Paeonia | Paris | Roscoea | Sisyrinchium | Tricyrtis | Trilliums
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