A nice outer whorl of large rounded dark-pink petals with subsequent whorl after whorl of smaller white petals rimmed in dark-magenta pink as you proceed toward the center of the flower.
Bojyou ....................................................... .NA
A nice outer whorl of large rounded soft-pink petals with subsequent whorl of shorter petals that are almost held at right angles to the first whorl., Prominent green center at mid bloom
Fukai...................................................... NA
A lovely double with a lilac-pink outer ring of broad rounded petals and stacks and stack of progressively smaller petals getting progessively lighter in color.
Hakurin................................................ NA
An outer ring of large rounded white petals. Inner rings of smaller flat white petals. Innner ring become fuller as plants ages. Anemone style flower
Hijiri............................................................ NA
When first open this double has outer whorls of near white petals and the inner whorls are creamy green. As it opens the whorls of petals get progessively whiter and the creamy-green is restricted to the petal bases.
Kimon.................................................................. NA
Large full double with each petal is soft mauve-blue on the outside rim and fades to white in the center.
Kougyoku................................................... .NA An outer whorl of large rounded dark pink petals and then whorl upon whorl of smaller lighter pink petals edged in the same darker pink as the outers.
Miyako Odori............................................... NA
Large outer two whorls of petals are a nice soft pink with darker pink reverses. The final five or six inner whorls of petals are white with a touch of cream.
Miyuki............................................... NA
A large rounded ring of magenta-purple petals with tightly packed inner ring of smaller pointed white petals with a sharply defined trim of magenta-purple. The middle inner ring can tinge green as the flower ages.
Muramasa................................................... NA
Large outer two whorls of petals are white infused with a touch of pink the next four or five are white streaked with chartreuse green and the innermost four or five whorls are white.
Murasaki-shikibu ......................................... NA
Stunning. The outer whorl of large rounded petals are a rich blue-purple. The Next Inside whorl is violet-purple , then two or three whorls of white edged with violet, then two or three whorls of a soft green with a violet trim another white infused violet trimmed whorl then final central cluster of darker rich violet.
Okesa Bayashi............................................. NA
Large violet blue petals that fully open to expose a dense ring of shorter rose violet stamens.
Orihime.................................................... NA
An incredible rose pink double with an outer ring of broad petals surrounding a perfectly arranged fully double centre. When fully open, the centre fades to white. .
Ran Shiro................................................... NA
Large outer whorl of purple-mauve petals followed by a few whorls that are white infused with purple-mauve then three or four more that are white. In the very center are a few short yellow segments.
Red seedlings.................................... NA
We are extremly pleased to offer seedlings of these wonderfull japanese red hepaticas. |
Ryo Fu....................................................... NA
Large double pink flowers. The centers of the petals in the inner whorls fade to white giving the flower a lighter colored center.
Sado Red ..................... NA
Ht 15cm. Z4. This gorgeous Japanese hepatica is a great new colour strain and produces flowers ranging from deep pink to maroon red. This colour strain originally came from Sado Island in Japan.
Saiun..................................................small. $75.00
A lovely perfect full double flower. Outer whorl of larger rounded rich pink flowers and inner whorls getting progressively whiter as you approach the center giving a white center often with a kiss a pink at the tips of the inner most petals. small plant
Sakura Nishiki..................................... NA
The just open double flower is awesome. The outer petals are near white and a few layers inward they are edged pink with chartreuse green centers and the center most rings are green. When open the outer most petals are near white with a tinge of pink and the middle petals are pink, some with white centers, some with cream centers and finally the innermost rings are white with a tinge of pink.Small plant
Sasa Bune................................................ NA
The outer ring has broad round lilac-purple petals while the next layer is slightly smaller. The middle layers are edged lilac-purple with a dab of creamy-green at the tips that fades to creamy-white at the base. The petals in the central layer are curled forward a bit and are lilac-purple in color.
Sato no Yuki................................................. NA
This wonderful fully filled double white hepatica has first a layer of larger rounded petals followed by layer upon layer of progessively smaller petals.
Shi Cho................................................. NA
A profuse flowering double with blue-violet petals that are darker at their tips and lighter towards the center.
Shigyoku................................................... $49.00
Broad rounded outer petals form a perfect back drop for the inner rows of shorter rounded petals. The outer and middle petals are violet purple and the central most petals fade to white at the base.
Shikouden................................................... NA
Outer rings are a deep dark purple the next several rings are a lighter in color with the center of each petal infused with a lighter purple-violet. The central petals are violet tipped and fade to white as you approach the base of the petals. As with most double hepatica the flower looks different earlier as the bud opens and different again as the flower ages.
Shirayuki..................................................... NA
Fat, buds open with a touch of pink and then go to a pure white, fully double, entirely filled blooms.
One of the best Double Whites.
Sai Haku...................................................... $75.00
This is a stunning double white. On the partially open flowers the center petals are a sumptuous creamy-green that turns white on the fully opened flower.
Sui En.................................................. NA
A crazy beautiful double with broad rings of larger rounded white petals that progressively become smaller and greener. As the flower ages the green petals on the innner six or seven layers get a rose colored trim at the edges.small plant
Subaru......................................................... NA
This wonderful fully filled double blue Hepatica has most of the petals aligned in rows giving it a lovely stacked appearance. Towards the center the petals become white.
Sen Nin...................................................... NA
The partially opened flowers are stunning. An outer whorl of large rounded whitish petals are held within a series of tighter, short , waxy, dark rose colored petals. These petals surround rings of slightly larger greenish white petals with rose markings on the reverse which in turn surround the center of the creamy-green flower. The open flower lies flatter and the inner petals fade to white with a touch of creamy green.
Taeka..................................................... NA
A great rich pink, fully filled double. The petals are a rich dark pink fading towards the center of each petal giving a nice patterned appearance. Each whorl of petals is slightly smaller than the last giving a nice stacked effect.
Tamamushi............................................................... $99.00
A fantastic pink double. The outer ring of petals (7,8) are larger and more rounded. Piled on top are layer upon layer of slightly smaller petals. When fully open the innermost 3 to 4 rings of petals are tipped green, the very center fading to white.
Touhou.................................................. NA
Outer ring of rounded larger blue petals and many rings of smaller inner petals. Nice medium dark blue, darker than this image
To Gen Sui......................... NA
An outer ring of rounded larger bright pink petals which become progressively smaller. The centers of inner rings of bright pink petals fade initially to a creamy-green that later ages to near white.
Touryoku.................................................. NA
A lovely double pink whose petals slowly fade to white as you head towards the center of the flower. The very center is creamy at mid point of flowering..
Wakakusa................................................... NA
An outer ring of large rounded rose pink petals is followed by three to four inner rings of narrower rose pink petals followed by three to four rings of rose pink petals tinged with the perfect amount of green then finally the central most rings are rose pink.
Yuzuru.................................................. NA
An awesome double with the outermost whorl of pink. The next 4-5 whorls are a chartreuse green and the center is a a darker reddish pink